Run the following script to send sufficient transactions to the models.
Now look at the Grafana {{GRAFANA_URL}}[dashboard^], and see that the Recall score, TP / (TP + FN), for XGBoost is better compared to Logistic Regression.
Let’s quickly change the SeldonDeployment
to use XGBoost, deploy to staging and promote it to Production.
cd /projects/{{USER_MODEL_REPO_NAME}}
git checkout master
GIT_REV=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
. src/seldon/
cd /projects/{{USER_DEPLOY_REPO_NAME}}
git checkout master
sed -e "s/_USER_/{{USER_ID}}/g" -e "s/_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_/$NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/g" -e "s/_IMAGE_NAME_/$IMAGE_NAME/g" -e "s/_GIT_REV_/$GIT_REV/g" seldon-model.yaml.tmpl > seldon.yaml
git commit -a -m "Update image tag to $IMAGE_NAME:$GIT_REV"
git checkout stage
git merge master
git checkout prod
git merge stage
git push -u -v origin
Observe that only a single classifier has been deployed.
After the final model has been deployed to OpenShift, you can run some basic tests.
Great! The new XGBoost model is working better and we now can tag it as v2.0
cd /projects/{{USER_MODEL_REPO_NAME}}
git checkout stage
git tag -a v2.0 -m "v2.0"
git push -v origin v2.0
The tag has now been pushed to {{GIT_URL}}/{{USER_ID}}/{{USER_MODEL_REPO_NAME}}/src/v2.0[your^] git repository.