diff --git a/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/generate_ast.md b/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/generate_ast.md
index 22f540bc..8539c529 100644
--- a/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/generate_ast.md
+++ b/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/generate_ast.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ weight: 500
 url: /docs/learn/workflow/generate_ast
-After defining the grammar, you can generate the abstract syntax tree (AST) of your language. The AST is a tree representation of the source code that can be used to analyze and transform the code. The AST definition is generated by the Langium CLI. Simply call the followin command on your terminal:
+After defining the grammar, you can generate the abstract syntax tree (AST) of your language. The AST is a tree representation of the source code that can be used to analyze and transform the code. The AST definition is generated by the Langium CLI. Simply call the following command on your terminal:
 npm run langium:generate
diff --git a/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/resolve_cross_references.md b/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/resolve_cross_references.md
index 593c8d02..72a84d4b 100644
--- a/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/resolve_cross_references.md
+++ b/hugo/content/docs/learn/workflow/resolve_cross_references.md
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ A _scope_ is a collection of AST nodes that are represented by the `AstNodeDescr
 The _description_ is like a (string) path through the AST of a document. It can be also seen as a tuple of document URI, JSON path, name and type of the AST node.
-A _reference info_ contains the concrete AST reference (which points to nothing yet). The info also has a the parent AST node (a so-called container) of the reference and the property name under which you can find the reference under its container. In the form of this tuple (`container`, `property`, `reference`) Langium visits all cross-references using the scope provider's `getScope` method.
+A _reference info_ contains the concrete AST reference (which points to nothing yet). The info also has the parent AST node (a so-called container) of the reference and the property name under which you can find the reference under its container. In the form of this tuple (`container`, `property`, `reference`) Langium visits all cross-references using the scope provider's `getScope` method.
 export interface ScopeProvider {
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ export interface Scope {
 So, what is the purpose of the scope provider? As mentioned above: it visits each cross-reference and tries to find the corresponding AST nodes over the entire workspace that can be a candidate for the cross-reference's place. It is important to understand that we do not decide here which of these nodes is the perfect match! That decision is part of the so-called linker of the Langium architecture.
-If your cross-reference's `$refText` contains the name `Jane` does not matter here. We need to provide all nodes that are possible at this position. So in the result, you would return `Jane` and `John` AST nodes - for both cross-references!
+Whether your cross-reference's `$refText` contains the name `Jane` does not matter here. We need to provide all nodes that are possible at this position. So in the result, you would return `Jane` and `John` AST nodes - for both cross-references!
 The background for this behavior is that this mechanism can be used for two things: the cross-reference resolution and the code completion. The code completion needs to know all possible candidates for a given cross-reference. The resolution of the cross-reference is done by the linker: Given a scope for a certain cross-reference, the linker decides which of the candidates is the right one - for example the first candidate with the same name.
diff --git a/hugo/content/docs/reference/grammar-language.md b/hugo/content/docs/reference/grammar-language.md
index 9bd6e7dd..03f2c3c3 100644
--- a/hugo/content/docs/reference/grammar-language.md
+++ b/hugo/content/docs/reference/grammar-language.md
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ For reference, this would correspond to the following regular expression:
 terminal NONO: /(?!no)[a-zA-Z]+/;
-Note, if you're coming from Xtext, negated tokens works differently here. In Xtext, negated tokens allow recognizing the *complement* of a set of characters (or anything 'but' what is listed in the negation), very much akin to a negated character class in regular expressions. This is *very* important to keep in mind if you're porting a grammar from Xtext, as Langium's interpretation of negated tokens deviates from that of Xtext.
+Note, if you're coming from Xtext, negated tokens work differently here. In Xtext, negated tokens allow recognizing the *complement* of a set of characters (or anything 'but' what is listed in the negation), very much akin to a negated character class in regular expressions. This is *very* important to keep in mind if you're porting a grammar from Xtext, as Langium's interpretation of negated tokens deviates from that of Xtext.
 #### Terminal Rule Calls
 A terminal rule can include other terminal rules in its definition.