- Updated tough-cookie, thank you lallenlowe for PR #107.
- Updated dependencies to latest versions #105.
- Remove adding headers from extra parameters. Using the CDP Fetch API manipulating responses, the extra response info holds the old un-manipulated headers, so when copying the ones that do not exist, this breaks. Fixed in #100.
- Add _isLinkPreload on the request object if it is isLinkPreload #94.
- Addend encoding field to type response, thank you Miroslav Balaz for the PR #79.
- Include chunk information in the response see #88.
- Add custom field _resourceType thank you Peng-Yu Chen for PR #83
- Use Page.frameRequestedNavigation see #90.
- Capture redirect before page for traces generated by Lighthouse, thank you Michael Dijkstra for PR #89.
- Removed test directory from the release, thank you Yury Michurin for the PR #75.
- Fix: Optional cookie object, see PR 73. Thank you Michael Dijkstra.
Parse extra info events (parse extra request data from the Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo event and parse extra response data from the Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo event), thank you Michael Dijkstra for the PR #71.
Update to day-js 1.8.31.
- Updated dependencies: dayjs - 1.8.27, debug: 4.1.1, tough-cookie - 4.0.0, uuid - 8.0.0
Include iframe request when frame is not attached #68 - thank you Michael Dijkstra for the PR!
Include response canceled by Chrome or user action #67 - thank you Michael Dijkstra for the PR!
- And excluded the shrinkwrap file again.
- Exclude the test folder from the release.
- Added a shrinkwrap file.
- Reverted the _initiator field fix since that was an old upstream issue in Chrome #44.
- Better parsing of the _initiator field fixing an error for some HARs, thank you Aleksandr Semyonov for the PR #44.
- Extra check that we really got a response in the trace #54
- Catch if a request misses the response/timings #53.
- Include Chrome request id as _requestId to make it simpler in Browsertime to add response bodies #50.
- Support for response bodies, thank you Michael Cypher for the PR #41.
- And also use the URL fragment so we can keep that #40.
- Keep hash (#) in URLs. We used to remove them to follow the same path as Chrome but Firefox do not and it breaks later in our tool chain to change the URL #39.
- Tech: Simplify logic for skipping pages.
- Skip support for multi page navigation by script (this makes things much easier in Browsertime) #38.
- Pickup requests/responses that happens before navigation and block some sctript navigations #36.
- Catch requestWillBeSent that happens before navigation #34. This fixes when you click on a link in Chrome that generates a new navigation.
- Use dayjs instead of moment #33.
- Support for having a HAR with multiple pages from Browsertime #30.
- Internal: Split the code to different files to make it easier to read the code #32.
- Catch Chrome navigating within page #28.
- Added extra guard for checking if a response is pushed to fix sitespeed.io #2068.
- Including cached entries in the HAR now generates a HAR that validates against the HAR schema.
- Include responses that were pushed with HTTP2. Thanks to Martino Trevisan! #21
- Fixes for situations that could result in incorrect HARs (missing startedDateTime or missing first entry).
- Format IPv6 addresses so HARs validate with har-validator
- Also act on Page.frameScheduledNavigation (needed for Chrome 66 and coming Browsertime 3.0)
- Add more information about request initiator to HAR. Thanks to David Dadon! #9
- Prevent creating HAR files with empty pages (i.e. pages with no entries).
- Be extra careful when parsing JSON see #4
- Remove unused files from npm distribution.
- Add "serverIPAddress" field to entries.
- Set bodySize for requests correctly.
- Set bodySize and compression for responses correctly.
- Add _transferSize field for responses, just like Chrome does.
- Initial release