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98 lines (57 loc) · 3.38 KB

Tech/Admin notes

Rebuilding CSS, HTML, text assets:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile && sudo systemctl restart mastodon-web

If you get errors about missing node_modules while rebuilding and compiling assets, from the project dir do:

yarn config set nodeLinker node-modules

If assets precomile hangs forever with 100% CPU usage:

  • Delete the yarn.lock file
  • run yarn install again
  • Re-run precompile

If CSS/resources are 404'ing / not loading after rebuilding:

  • Make sure all paths in the nginx config are correct.

If during bundle install or rbenv install (updating Ruby version) while ugrading to the lastest release or reinstalling, it fails with openssl errors like An error occurred while installing openssl (2.2.0), and Bundler cannot continue, or that Ruby must be recompiled with OpenSSL:

  • Run sudo apt install libssl1.0-dev. This will remove the packages: libcurl4-openssl-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev
  • Re-run bundle install or rbenv install, it should now complete successfully.
  • If bundle install complains about not being able to install pg, then reinstall libpq-dev and re-run.
  • Now re-install libcurl4-openssl-dev libpq-dev libssl-dev (required by everything else)
  • Proceed with the remainder of the update steps.

If during updates, yarn install complains about a failure to satisfy "emoji-mart": "npm:emoji-mart-lazyload"" then:

Replace that line in package.json with "emoji-mart": "^3.0.1".

To update our fork with upstream:

Make sure we have the upstream remote setup, like:

$ git remote -v
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Then, to merge in straight from main:

  • git fetch upstream
  • git merge upstream/main main
  • Fix any merge conflicts.

To merge from a specific release tag:

  • git fetch upstream
  • git merge <tag name>
  • Fix any merge conflicts.

For major or minor version releases (4.X.X) you probably want to checkout the full codebase so that merging doesn't miss anything. You can do a checkout that pulls in the desired tag into your current branch. Then make note of any customized files that are replaced and fix/restore those changes.

  • git fetch upstream
  • git checkout <tag> ./

Updating Ruby version

  • Pull the latest versions available with git -C "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build pull in the vael project directory.
  • Updated with RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=--with-jemalloc rbenv install or whatever command the release notes tells you to use.

Email Server

Setting up a new email account in mysql:

Adding a new domain name:

  • select * from virtual_domains;
  • If adding a new domain name, choose an unused ID
  • INSERT INTO mailserver.virtual_domains (id ,name) VALUES ('<id>', '<domain name>');

Adding a new user/mailbox:

  • Create a new encrypted password with sudo doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT
  • select * from virtual_users;
  • Choose an unused ID
  • INSERT INTO mailserver.virtual_users (id ,domain_id, password, email) VALUES ('<id>', '<domain_id>', '<encrypted password>', '<email/login>');

Adding an email alias:

  • select * from virtual_aliases;
  • Choose an unused ID
  • INSERT INTO mailserver.virtual_aliases (id, domain_id, source, destination) VALUES ('<id>', '<domain_id>', '<new alias email address>', '<existing mailbox email address>');