Run kstars
spin up container and enter bash:
docker run -v ~/Box/Astroinformatics2019/:/root/giss-2019 -it -p 7624:7624 ejoliet/pyindihub bash
- If not running yet:
indiserver -v indi_simulator_telescope indi_simulator_ccd
- Make sure you cloned the python scripts
git pull ~/indi-firely/
Connect kstar to remote server localhost:7624 as client to see telescope and exposure actions!
Run demo on another console
Get container id: dr container ls
OR see console bash: root@<container-id>:/#
docker exec -it <container-id> bash
Go to python folder
cd ~/indi-firefly
- Run python3 copy paste the line below
from firefly_client import FireflyClient
# == What is your localhost/IP/FQN? .. replace below, this is mine locally luke.ipac.caltech.edu
fc = FireflyClient(url)
import astropy.utils.data
image_url = ('http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/ibe/data/wise/allsky/4band_p1bm_frm/6a/02206a' +
filename = astropy.utils.data.download_file(image_url, cache=True, timeout=120)
table_url = ("http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/TAP/sync?FORMAT=IPAC_TABLE&" +
"QUERY=SELECT+*+FROM+fp_psc+WHERE+CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',ra,dec)," +
tablename = astropy.utils.data.download_file(table_url, timeout=120, cache=True)
localbrowser, browser_url = fc.launch_browser()
#imval = fc.upload_file(filename)
#status = fc.show_fits(file_on_server=imval, plot_id="wise-cutout", title='WISE Cutout')
file= fc.upload_file(tablename)
status = fc.show_table(file, tbl_id='tablemass', title='My 2MASS Catalog', page_size=50)
import fctgt.py
fc.add_extension(ext_type='POINT', plot_id=None, title='Take Exposure!', extension_id='pickit')
See fctgt.py:
import json, subprocess
def pointTelescope(ra,dec):
# write out json config - to take exposure with INDI client
configindi = {'star': {'ra':ra, 'dec':dec, 'name':'test'}}
with open('firefly-wpt-selected.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(configindi, outfile)
def print_coords(event):
if 'wpt' in event['data']:
wpt = event['data']['wpt']
wdata = wpt.split(';')
ra = float(wdata[0])
dec = float(wdata[1])
print('Selected ra={:.6f}, dec={:.6f}'.format(ra,dec))
# with open('event.json', 'w') as outfile:
# json.dump(event['data'], outfile)
the demo will produce a json config file and run the exposure CCD sequence and produce IMG-*.fits
in python console, upload the exposure observed! (script can make use astrometry.net, astropy and WCS to convert image pixel into wcs ;-) )
imval = fc.upload_file('IMG-*.fits')
status = fc.show_fits(file_on_server=imval, plot_id="exposure-test", title='Test Exposure')
See resulting demo in youtube.