- Enable the Event cache by default. by @bmarty in #4373
- change(create room) : use history visibility "invited" by @ganfra in #4335
- change(room directory) : move the the room directory entry by @ganfra in #4348
- [Change] Invited state room preview by @ganfra in #4353
- change(left room snackbar) : manage cancel knock and decline invite by @ganfra in #4360
- Restore manual
cleanup on session logout by @jmartinesp in #4333
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4346
- Fix typo on job name. by @bmarty in #4352
- chore(deps): update plugin ktlint to v12.2.0 by @renovate in #4338
- fix(deps): update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.8.2 by @renovate in #4340
- fix(deps): update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.17 by @renovate in #4334
- fix(deps): update kotlin to v2.1.10-1.0.31 by @renovate in #4337
- fix(deps): update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.10.0 by @renovate in #4339
- Migrate to coil3 by @bmarty in #4347
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jsoup:jsoup to v1.19.1 by @renovate in #4351
- deps(rust sdk) : update to 25.03.05 by @ganfra in #4370
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v25.3.6 by @renovate in #4371
- Prevent PRs with the X-Blocked label from being merged by @robintown in #4350
- Fix some icon colors by @bmarty in #4365
- Remove PreferenceText, replace by ListItem. by @bmarty in #4369
- Show error screens in group calls by @robintown in #4297
- @robintown made their first contribution in #4350
Full Changelog: https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/compare/v25.03.0...v25.03.1
- Create
by @jmartinesp in #4176 - feature(crypto): verification violation handling and block sending by @BillCarsonFr in #4126
- Update Matrix Room API and allow media swipe on pinned event only. by @bmarty in #4274
- Feature : join room by address by @ganfra in #4302
- Change : Room Preview by @ganfra in #4250
- SyncOrchestrator: restore the initial sync step by @jmartinesp in #4242
- When an emoji is used as the 'initial' for an avatar, use the whole emoji by @jmartinesp in #4277
- Try avoiding trailing punctuation inside linkified URLs by @jmartinesp in #4214
- Preload account urls by @bmarty in #4301
- Fix issues due to multiple ntfy applications with the same name. by @bmarty in #4312
- Use
for ringing notifications by @jmartinesp in #4310
- Sync Strings - New translations to turkish by @ElementBot in #4253
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4298
- Fix nightly reports by @bmarty in #4235
- Fix nightly reports - next step by @bmarty in #4239
- Prepare application for being configurable by @bmarty in #4285
- runQualityChecks task shouldn't fail fast by @jmartinesp in #4309
- Get library ComposablePreviewScanner from maven and update to the latest version by @bmarty in #4327
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.11.2 by @renovate in #4230
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.78 by @renovate in #4234
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.8.1 by @renovate in #4245
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime to v0.6.2 by @renovate in #4258
- fix(deps): update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v8.2.0 by @renovate in #4262
- fix(deps): update telephoto to v0.15.1 by @renovate in #4270
- fix(deps): update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.9.0 by @renovate in #4249
- chore(deps): update danger/danger-js action to v12.3.4 by @renovate in #4259
- fix(deps): update android.gradle.plugin to v8.8.1 by @renovate in #4263
- chore(deps): update plugin dependencycheck to v12.1.0 by @renovate in #4272
- fix(deps): update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v25 by @renovate in #4273
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2025.02.00 by @renovate in #4261
- fix(deps): update kotlin to v2.1.10-1.0.30 by @renovate in #4265
- fix(deps): update dependency io.github.zxing-cpp:android to v2.3.0 by @renovate in #4282
- fix(deps): update firebaseappdistribution to v5.1.1 by @renovate in #4246
- fix(deps): update dependencyanalysis to v2.8.2 by @renovate in #4251
- fix(deps): update dependency com.google.accompanist:accompanist-permissions to v0.37.1 by @renovate in #4283
- fix(deps): update dependency com.google.accompanist:accompanist-permissions to v0.37.2 by @renovate in #4287
- fix(deps): update dependencyanalysis to v2.10.0 by @renovate in #4288
- fix(deps): update dependencyanalysis to v2.10.1 by @renovate in #4295
- Upgrade SDK version to 25.02.26 by @jmartinesp in #4305
- fix(deps): update kotlinpoet to v2.1.0 by @renovate in #4304
- Update compound by @bmarty in #4319
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-compose to v1.1.1 by @renovate in #4324
- fix(deps): update activity to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #4321
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface to v1.4.0 - autoclosed by @renovate in #4325
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout to v2.2.1 by @renovate in #4322
- fix(deps): update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v8.3.0 by @renovate in #4316
- fix(deps): update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.11.3 by @renovate in #4313
- fix(deps): update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v2.1.5 by @renovate in #4299
- chore(deps): update plugin detekt to v1.23.8 by @renovate in #4292
- Update incoming call notification content to "📹 Incoming call" by @bmarty in #4231
- Display a bottom sheet to let user confirm the DM creation by @bmarty in #4233
- Open chat links in regular browser tabs by @cbs228 in #4198
- Theme override by @bmarty in #4226
- Allow user certificate in production builds. by @bmarty in #4275
- Replace Material icons with Compound icons wherever it's possible by @bmarty in #4323
- @cbs228 made their first contribution in #4198
Full Changelog: https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/compare/v25.02.0...v25.03.0
- Media navigation with swipe gesture by @bmarty in #4161
- Add ability to swipe between media when opened from the timeline. by @bmarty in #4205
- change(design) : use ElementTheme.typography.fontBodyLgMedium by @ganfra in #4145
- change(design) : New component Announcement by @ganfra in #4140
- update rust sdk 0.2.75 by @ganfra in #4158
- Fix dm avatar rtl by @bmarty in #4103
- Unified push gateway resolver improvement by @bmarty in #4101
- Close the media preview screen ASAP with sending queue enabled by @jmartinesp in #4089
- fix(coroutine) : make sure to switch coroutine context by @ganfra in #4146
- Fix snack bar not displayed in MediaViewer by @bmarty in #4195
- Let the SDK provide the "network is available information" by @bmarty in #4215
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4088
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4100
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4114
- Fix import of en-US translations. by @bmarty in #4135
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4139
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4172
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4199
- Sync Strings - new (partial) language: Norwegian by @ElementBot in #4227
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 8.11.1 to 8.12 by @ElementBot in #4085
- Test using Maestro CLI + emulator instead of Cloud by @jmartinesp in #4092
- Make Maestro run for each PR push by @jmartinesp in #4121
- Migrate to CalVer like versioning by @bmarty in #4187
- Kover: include back :libraries:matrix:impl module. by @bmarty in #4193
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 8.12 to 8.12.1 by @ElementBot in #4196
- Use secret Sentry DSN value by @jmartinesp in #4210
- Use Sentry breadcrumbs instead of logging new events by @jmartinesp in #4223
- Media Viewer: show snackbar when reaching end of timeline. by @bmarty in #4201
- Feature : room settings - security and privacy by @ganfra in #4212
- Update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.14 by @renovate in #4083
- Update dependency net.java.dev.jna:jna to v5.16.0 by @renovate in #4087
- Update kotlin to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #4073
- Update dagger to v2.54 by @renovate in #4084
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.19.1 by @renovate in #4090
- Update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v2.1.4 by @renovate in #4077
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.10.0 by @renovate in #4120
- Update appyx to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #4129
- Update dagger to v2.55 by @renovate in #4131
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.8.0 by @renovate in #4130
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.8.0 by @renovate in #4132
- Update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.16 by @renovate in #4134
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.7.0 by @renovate in #4136
- Update anvil to v0.4.1 by @renovate in #4144
- Update kotlin by @renovate in #4117
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v12 by @renovate in #4137
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.20.0 by @renovate in #4107
- Update wysiwyg to v2.38.0 by @renovate in #4104
- Update dependency androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview to v1.4.0 by @renovate in #4154
- Update activity to v1.10.0 by @renovate in #4152
- Update firebaseAppDistribution to v5.1.0 by @renovate in #4159
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.8.0 by @renovate in #4160
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2025 by @renovate in #4155
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.20.1 by @renovate in #4178
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v8 by @renovate in #4180
- Update wysiwyg to v2.38.1 by @renovate in #4177
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.76 by @renovate in #4183
- Update wysiwyg to v2.38.2 by @renovate in #4186
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.11.0 by @renovate in #4204
- Update kotlin by @renovate in #4200
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.77 by @renovate in #4228
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.11.1 by @renovate in #4222
- Update dependency io.element.android:emojibase-bindings to v1.3.4 by @renovate in #4213
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.8.0 by @renovate in #4218
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2025.01.01 by @renovate in #4217
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v8.1.0 by @renovate in #4221
- Update rnkdsh/action-upload-diawi action to v1.5.6 by @renovate in #4173
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v12.0.2 by @renovate in #4170
- Improve gallery loading state by @bmarty in #4080
- Show more detail about the error when pusher registration fails. by @bmarty in #4081
- Update pull request template and CI automation by @bmarty in #4037
- Add a log function for handling complex values to the WebView client. by @Half-Shot in #4098
- design : CounterAtom by @ganfra in #4108
- Change sticker mimetype fallback to image by @surakin in #4111
- Dual licensing: AGPL + Element Commercial by @bmarty in #4118
- Replace the InfoListOrganism default bg color by @jmartinesp in #4091
- Ignore dependency that are not third-party licenses to us. by @bmarty in #4122
- misc(send queue) : do not disable send queue when Network is Offline by @ganfra in #4105
- Remove or replace unnecessary
calls by @jmartinesp in #4148 - Replace our firstIfSingle extension with singleOrNull from the Kotlin library by @bmarty in #4184
- Remove log. by @bmarty in #4203
- Remove unused types / code. by @bmarty in #4185
- Consider that the topic of a room has been removed when it's blank. by @bmarty in #4209
- CalVer: use 2 digits for the year and 2 digits for the month. by @bmarty in #4192
- Always display encryption badge by @bmarty in #4219
- @Half-Shot made their first contribution in #4098
Full Changelog: https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/compare/v0.7.6...v25.02.0
- Media gallery UI by @bmarty in #4010
- Render audio file in the files list and improve media viewer for audio/voice files by @bmarty in #4031
- Media gallery UI update by @bmarty in #4071
- Support new properties in posthog UTD reports by @richvdh in #4020
- fix(dm) : remove duplicate LaunchedEffect when opening DM by @ganfra in #4012
- Always attempt to start the sync when starting the application. by @bmarty in #4069
- Fix rendering issue in the toolbar. by @bmarty in #4075
- fix(timeline) : dispatch timeline creations trying to avoid ANRs by @ganfra in #4076
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4007
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #4043
- Add Accept-Language to extra header when opening CustomChromeTab by @bmarty in #4051
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 8.10.2 to 8.11.1 by @ElementBot in #4019
- [Doc] Improve instructions for building Rust SDK locally by @richvdh in #4015
- Build SDK for the local hardware by @richvdh in #4021
- feat(knock_requests_list) : implement design by @ganfra in #3995
- feat(knock) : Knock Requests Banner UI by @ganfra in #4005
- Add a feature flag to be able to enable the event cache by @bmarty in #4029
- Improve title and subtitle for empty states in the gallery. by @bmarty in #4038
- Inline voice message player in the files gallery. by @bmarty in #4045
- Media gallery update by @bmarty in #4059
- feat(knock requests) : branch logic for handling knock requests by @ganfra in #4067
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.18.1 by @renovate in #3972
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.7.0 by @renovate in #4001
- Update nschloe/action-cached-lfs-checkout action to v1.2.3 by @renovate in #4017
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.9.3 by @renovate in #3960
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.70 by @renovate in #4018
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.71 by @renovate in #4024
- Update camera to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #4022
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.7.0 by @renovate in #4028
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.22 by @renovate in #4016
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.6.0 by @renovate in #3996
- Update kotlin by @renovate in #3955
- Update dependency org.jsoup:jsoup to v1.18.3 by @renovate in #3951
- Update dagger to v2.53.1 by @renovate in #4013
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.19.0 by @renovate in #4030
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kover-gradle-plugin to v0.9.0 by @renovate in #4032
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.6.1 by @renovate in #4041
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.12.01 by @renovate in #4023
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.7.3 by @renovate in #3982
- Update dependency com.lemonappdev:konsist to v0.17.3 by @renovate in #3997
- Update dependency com.google.accompanist:accompanist-permissions to v0.37.0 by @renovate in #4035
- depencies(sdk) : update rust sdk 0.2.72 by @ganfra in #4060
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.7.1 by @renovate in #4066
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.73 by @renovate in #4070
- Update media3 to v1.5.1 by @renovate in #4072
- Add destructive param to BigIcon.Style.Default to be able to render icons with red tint by @bmarty in #4004
- UI: knock avatars by @bmarty in #4014
- Implement month separator for the Gallery, and improve date rendering. by @bmarty in #4026
- Extract voice message player to its own module by @bmarty in #4036
- Add a quick filter on the open source licence screen. by @bmarty in #4052
- Make the room filter use normalized strings. by @bmarty in #4050
- Add test on DefaultMediaPlayer. by @bmarty in #4054
- Fix flaky test by using CompletableDeferred by @bmarty in #4057
- feat(crypto): Support for new UtdCause for historical messages by @BillCarsonFr in #4044
- Update message action list by @bmarty in #4056
- Update recovery key UI by @bmarty in #4065
- Fix gallery title by @bmarty in #4078
- Allow to set caption when uploading file and audio files, and allow adding / edit / remove caption on Event with attachment (also works on local echo) by @bmarty in #3902
- Enable all notification actions: quick reply, accept/decline invite, mark as read from notification. by @bmarty in #3916
- Video player controller by @bmarty in #3959
- change : confirm biometric before allowing biometric unlock. by @ganfra in #3930
- Hide media preprocessing by @bmarty in #3943
- changes: iterate on room create screen by @ganfra in #3966
- change : knock message supporting text display number of characters by @ganfra in #3970
- feat(design) : update send button background by @ganfra in #4000
- Min size for hidden media by @bmarty in #3906
- fix : use RoomMembershipObserver to close room screen when leaving by @ganfra in #3887
- fix : protect some usages of client to avoid crashes by @bmarty in #3886
- Fix long click not working on pinned events timeline by @jmartinesp in #3940
- Element Call: display error dialog only when loading the main URL by @jmartinesp in #3962
- Fix navigation issue when entering recovery key after navigating from the banner by @bmarty in #3961
- navigation : clear backstack when opening room from outer node by @ganfra in #3984
- fix : hide keyboard when TextComposer is removed from composition by @ganfra in #3985
- fix(room_preview) : catch all exception instead by @ganfra in #3989
- fix(room_detail) : hide room avatar preview by @ganfra in #3992
- fix(composer) : use HideKeyboardWhenDisposed only in MessagesView by @ganfra in #3993
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.18.0 by @renovate in #3891
- Update plugin sonarqube to v6 - autoclosed by @renovate in #3895
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.64 by @renovate in #3907
- Update dependency com.autonomousapps.dependency-analysis to v2.5.0 by @renovate in #3909
- Update dependency org.robolectric:robolectric to v4.14.1 by @renovate in #3924
- Update dependency io.element.android:compound-android to v0.2.0 by @renovate in #3915
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.65 by @renovate in #3932
- Update media3 to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #3942
- Update plugin ktlint to v12.1.2 by @renovate in #3944
- Update wysiwyg to v2.37.14 by @renovate in #3948
- Update mobile-dev-inc/action-maestro-cloud action to v1.9.7 by @renovate in #3914
- Update dependency com.lemonappdev:konsist to v0.17.0 by @renovate in #3947
- deps : update rust sdk to 0.2.67 and fix breaking changes by @ganfra in #3957
- Update dependency com.lemonappdev:konsist to v0.17.1 by @renovate in #3983
- Update plugin sonarqube to v6.0.1.5171 by @renovate in #3958
- Update dagger to v2.53 by @renovate in #3986
- Update dependency com.sigpwned:emoji4j-core to v16 by @renovate in #3899
- dependencies : update rust sdk to 0.2.68 by @ganfra in #3988
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v11.1.1 by @renovate in #3994
- chore(dependencies) : update rust sdk to 0.2.69 by @ganfra in #3999
- Send button iteration by @bmarty in #3901
- Fix photo / video name by @bmarty in #3903
- Render edited caption. by @bmarty in #3904
- Rely on the SDK to decide if a caption is editable or not by @bmarty in #3917
- Remove AttachmentsState and use the MessagesNavigator by @bmarty in #3918
- Fix element call crash when resuming from notification by @bmarty in #3926
- Ensure that the SDK is syncing during an incoming call so that the app can cancel the notification by @bmarty in #3931
- Add feature flag to temporary disable sending caption by default in production by @bmarty in #3953
- Add timeline action item to copy caption by @bmarty in #3963
- Fix wrong name of classes and method by @bmarty in #3971
- Rework on media module by @bmarty in #3967
- Add warning when adding a caption. by @bmarty in #3977
- Do not auto-play videos. by @bmarty in #3978
- MediaViewer: iterate on design by @bmarty in #3979
- feat(crypto): Support new expected UTD causes UX + Analytics by @BillCarsonFr in #3980
- increase ringing timeout from 15 seconds to 90 seconds by @fkwp in #3991
- MediaViewer: Align title to left and move action bottom to top bar. by @bmarty in #4003
- Update the strings for unsupported calls by @bmarty in #3857
- Stop incoming call ringing if answered on another device. by @bmarty in #3842
- Use formatted captions for images and video by @jmartinesp in #3864
- Fix unified push unregister by @bmarty in #3877
- Hide the keyboard when navigating from the chat room screen by @jmartinesp in #3878
- Fix long click not working for media timeline items by @jmartinesp in #3879
- Instantiate the verification controller ASAP by @jmartinesp in #3893
- fix : display security banner for room list empty state by @ganfra in #3892
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3852
- Sync Strings - add translations to Finnish by @ElementBot in #3883
- Create room : improve handling of room address by @ganfra in #3868
- Update anvil to v0.4.0 by @renovate in #3792
- Update kotlin to v2.0.21-1.0.27 by @renovate in #3836
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.6.1 by @renovate in #3793
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.7.2 by @renovate in #3785
- Update lifecycle to v2.8.7 by @renovate in #3763
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v11 by @renovate in #3723
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.61 by @renovate in #3841
- Update mobile-dev-inc/action-maestro-cloud action to v1.9.6 by @renovate in #3846
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.9.1 by @renovate in #3856
- Update core to v1.15.0 by @renovate in #3766
- Update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v2.1.3 by @renovate in #3825
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.18 by @renovate in #3860
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.9.2 by @renovate in #3861
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.17.0 by @renovate in #3862
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.11.00 by @renovate in #3869
- Update telephoto to v0.14.0 by @renovate in #3870
- Update SDK bindings version to
and fixSendHandle
usages by @jmartinesp in #3876 - Update codecov/codecov-action action to v5 by @renovate in #3874
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.6.0 by @renovate in #3880
- Update kotlin to v2.0.21-1.0.28 by @renovate in #3881
- Update dependency org.robolectric:robolectric to v4.14 by @renovate in #3882
- Update appyx to v1.5.1 by @renovate in #3889
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.19 by @renovate in #3900
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.63 by @renovate in #3898
- Design system : implement new TextField by @ganfra in #3834
- Remove :samples:minimal module by @bmarty in #3871
- Replace
color usages withtextSecondary
by @jmartinesp in #3873 - Room Preview API changes by @ganfra in #3875
- Incoming session verification by @bmarty in #3733
- Remove all GPS metadata from images uploaded as media by @jmartinesp in #3781
- Send caption with image and video by @bmarty in #3803
- UI iteration on the encryption settings by @bmarty in #3750
- Rotate firebase token in case of error by @bmarty in #3755
- Optimize media upload by @bmarty in #3779
- Iteration on caption by @bmarty in #3816
- Hide join call button when the user is already in the call by @bmarty in #3815
- Disable button during the "verifying" step. by @bmarty in #3832
- Fix oversize padding on captioned images/videos by @frebib in #3732
- Fix the onboarding flow getting stuck in some cases by @jmartinesp in #3778
- bugfix: do not remove logs after sending them by @ganfra in #3780
- Use in-memory thumbnail APIs when possible by @jmartinesp in #3817
- ElementCall: allow user to switch to another call. by @bmarty in #3833
- Do not delete the original file if it's not a temporary file when sending it to a room. by @bmarty in #3819
- Fix verification failed issue, simplify verification logic by @jmartinesp in #3830
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3798
- Target api 35 by @bmarty in #3776
- Knocking : update create room flow by @ganfra in #3804
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.17 by @renovate in #3746
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.8.3 - autoclosed by @renovate in #3742
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-plugin-annotation-v9 to v3.0.2 by @renovate in #3702
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.9.0 by @renovate in #3754
- Update kotlin by @renovate in #3283
- Update camera to v1.4.0 by @renovate in #3765
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.4.0 by @renovate in #3773
- Update kotlin to v2.0.21-1.0.26 by @renovate in #3774
- Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation-jvm to v1.9.1 - autoclosed by @renovate in #3762
- chore(deps): update dependencyanalysis to v2.4.2 by @renovate in #3791
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.10.01 by @renovate in #3782
- Update dependency androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-compose to v1.1.0 by @renovate in #3770
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout to v2.2.0 by @renovate in #3784
- fix(deps): update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.59 by @renovate in #3809
- Update mobile-dev-inc/action-maestro-cloud action to v1.9.4 by @renovate in #3820
- Update dependency com.otaliastudios:transcoder to v0.11.2 by @renovate in #3805
- Update plugin paparazzi to v1.3.5 by @renovate in #3826
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.60 by @renovate in #3827
- Change wording to "Verify identity" by @bmarty in #3751
- Improve FakeMatrixRoom to be able to check all the parameters. by @bmarty in #3761
- Editor state fixture and preview improvement by @bmarty in #3758
- Enable identity pinning violation notifications unconditionally by @andybalaam in #3745
- Enable predictive back gesture by @frebib in #3797
- Update project status by @mxandreas in #3806
- Remove code duplication - no behavior change. by @bmarty in #3823
- Verification UI / UX iteration by @bmarty in #3829
- @andybalaam made their first contribution in #3745
- @mxandreas made their first contribution in #3806
- Add setting to compress image and video by @bmarty in #3744
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3743
- Release script improvement by @bmarty in #3741
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.5.2 by @renovate in #3720
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.16.0 by @renovate in #3726
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.3.0 by @renovate in #3740
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.58 by @renovate in #3749
- Verified user badge by @bmarty in #3718
- Add userId in identity change warning banner by @bmarty in #3686
- OIDC prompt by @bmarty in #3694
- Bump rust-sdk version to rust-sdk 0.2.57 by @BillCarsonFr in #3735
- Refresh room summaries when date or time changes in the device by @jmartinesp in #3683
- Call: ensure that the microphone is working when the application is backgrounded. by @bmarty in #3685
- RTL: ensure sender information are correctly rendered in the timeline by @bmarty in #3681
- Improve composer paddings by @bmarty in #3695
- UI: fix list item colors by @bmarty in #3706
- Small UI iteration on pin feature. by @bmarty in #3714
- Use BigIcon and fix colors by @bmarty in #3719
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 8.10 to 8.10.2 by @ElementBot in #3663
- fix: import path broken in module template by @torrybr in #3710
- Update store description by @bmarty in #3680
- Feature: knock request to join by @ganfra in #3725
- Update anvil to v0.3.2 by @renovate in #3662
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.16 by @renovate in #3675
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.8.2 by @renovate in #3674
- Update dependency io.element.android:compound-android to v0.1.1 - Better support for RTL icons. by @renovate in #3676
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.7.1 by @renovate in #3677
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.15.0 by @renovate in #3640
- Update mobile-dev-inc/action-maestro-cloud action to v1.9.2 by @renovate in #3641
- Update plugin licensee to v1.12.0 by @renovate in #3687
- Update dependency app.cash.turbine:turbine to v1.2.0 by @renovate in #3696
- Update activity to v1.9.3 by @renovate in #3697
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.10.00 by @renovate in #3699
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.55 by @renovate in #3701
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.2.0 by @renovate in #3707
- Update anvil to v0.3.3 by @renovate in #3711
- Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation-jvm to v1.9.0 by @renovate in #3698
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.5.0 by @renovate in #3716
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.56 by @renovate in #3715
- Update dependency com.squareup:kotlinpoet-ksp to v2 by @renovate in #3722
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk-ktx-v7 to v3.0.2 by @renovate in #3703
- Dependencies : makes sure to use same version for all kotlinpoet dependencies by @ganfra in #3727
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.5.1 by @renovate in #3731
- No need to launch a coroutine here. by @bmarty in #3668
- Fix issue on canInvite refresh. by @bmarty in #3670
- AsyncAction confirming with param by @bmarty in #3667
- Cleanup tests by @bmarty in #3672
- Ensure selectedRoomMember is not null to reduce code indentation. by @bmarty in #3669
- Improve preview provider name consistency by @bmarty in #3673
- Clarify model for Event with attachment by @bmarty in #3574
- Improve room moderation by @bmarty in #3671
- Remove duplicated code regarding user (room member and user profile) screens by @bmarty in #3700
- Rename some function to avoid name clash by @bmarty in #3705
- Fix flaky tests. by @bmarty in #3717
- Update accent color for
components by @jmartinesp in #3728
- Enable Login with QR code in release builds. by @bmarty in #3646
- Remove unused
cache by @jmartinesp in #3647
- Add the
logs to our logging stack by @jmartinesp in #3637
- Update dependency io.element.android:emojibase-bindings to v1.3.3 by @renovate in #3620
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.03 by @renovate in #3583
- fix(deps): update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.13 by @renovate in #3634
- chore(deps): update dependencyanalysis to v2.1.4 by @renovate in #3610
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.webkit:webkit to v1.12.1 by @renovate in #3584
- fix(deps): update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.8.1 by @renovate in #3638
- Upgrade Kotlin to v2.0 by @jmartinesp in #3594
- Rework room summary by @ganfra in #3631
- QrCode intro screen: add subtitle and fix button wording #3632 by @bmarty in #3633
- Improve avatar rendering by @ganfra in #3642
- Add feature flag IdentityPinningViolationNotifications. by @bmarty in #3648
- Crypto copy adjustment by @bmarty in #3649
- Add developer setting to hide images in the timeline by @bmarty in #3592
- Warn the user when unverified user has changed their identity by @bmarty in #3621
- Handle no network error when starting Element Call. by @bmarty in #3527
- Fix room settings not treating unencrypted DMs as DMs by @jmartinesp in #3545
- Fix crash when aspectRatio is null. by @bmarty in #3561
- Don't delete uploaded logs by @jmartinesp in #3540
- Don't display security banner for unknown RecoveryState by @jmartinesp in #3579
- Fix the logic of the room list banner state by @jmartinesp in #3615
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3560
- Sync Strings - import translations to Persian by @ElementBot in #3612
- Introduce ModulesConfig by @bmarty in #3530
- Centralise the DI code generation logic by @jmartinesp in #3562
- Update Gradle impl module template with
call by @jmartinesp in #3563 - Use Anvil KSP instead of the Square KAPT one by @jmartinesp in #3564
- Upgrade the used JDK in the project to v21 by @jmartinesp in #3582
- Merge unit, screenshot tests and coverage in a single CI call by @jmartinesp in #3593
- Disable configuration cache in the CI by default by @jmartinesp in #3601
- Fix screenshot recording in CI by @jmartinesp in #3607
- Ensure the CI compile and execute all the unit tests. by @bmarty in #3617
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.00 by @renovate in #3399
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.09.02 by @renovate in #3544
- Update dependency io.element.android:compound-android to v0.1.0 by @renovate in #3524
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.3.0 by @renovate in #3549
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.5.0 by @renovate in #3550
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-plugin-annotation-v9 to v3.0.1 by @renovate in #3505
- Update dependency androidx.webkit:webkit to v1.12.0 by @renovate in #3520
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.7.5 by @renovate in #3546
- Update gradle-update/update-gradle-wrapper-action action to v2 by @renovate in #3551
- Update dependency com.lemonappdev:konsist to v0.16.1 by @renovate in #3371
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.6.1 by @renovate in #3504
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.49 by @renovate in #3553
- Update lifecycle to v2.8.6 by @renovate in #3398
- Update dependency com.google.accompanist:accompanist-permissions to v0.36.0 by @renovate in #3400
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.50 by @renovate in #3565
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.4.0 by @renovate in #3578
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.7.0 by @renovate in #3577
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.8.0 by @renovate in #3591
- dependency: Bump rust sdk to 0.2.51 by @BillCarsonFr in #3602
- chore(deps): update dependencyanalysis to v2.1.3 by @renovate in #3559
- Update wysiwyg to v2.37.13 by @renovate in #3596
- fix(deps): update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.15 by @renovate in #3595
- fix(deps): update dependency com.google.testparameterinjector:test-parameter-injector to v1.18 by @renovate in #3606
- fix(deps): update dependency com.squareup:kotlinpoet-ksp to v1.18.1 by @renovate in #3580
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.52 by @renovate in #3619
- SDK 0.2.53 19b9a73ecc3e31d502dbf0c5850bfdfaddf02afe by @bmarty in #3622
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.5.1 by @renovate in #3608
- rename invisible flag to onlySignedDeviceIsolation flag by @BillCarsonFr in #3542
- Fix image viewer glitch by @ganfra in #3537
- Prefix message sent by the current user by
instead of the sender name. by @bmarty in #3547 - timeline : remove animateItem by @ganfra in #3548
- Fix a couple of build-time warnings in Gradle output by @frebib in #3349
- Use MSC2530 filename when loading media by @frebib in #3567
- Prevent crash with duplicate room suggestion by @frebib in #3576
- Add unit tests on TimelineItemsSubscriber by @bmarty in #3554
- Fix tests on develop by @bmarty in #3585
- Timeline better jump to behaviours by @ganfra in #3597
- Fix building the app using a local SDK. by @bmarty in #3604
- crypto: Use OnlySigned isolation flag to setup decryption trust req. by @BillCarsonFr in #3569
- Fix black-on-black status bars with hidden media by @frebib in #3611
- Remove supportSlidingSync boolean. by @bmarty in #3609
- Ensure that
s do not depend on other presenters. by @bmarty in #3618 - Do not render pin violation in clear rooms. by @bmarty in #3630
- Pinned messages : add pin icon in timeline for pinned events. by @ganfra in #3500
- Include inviter in the notification for invitation by @bmarty in #3503
- Fix crash when session is deleted on another client by @bmarty in #3515
- Fix pinned events banner reappearing when loading by @jmartinesp in #3519
- Fix various crashes by @bmarty in #3533
- Perform the migration, even if the current version is not known. by @bmarty in #3535
- timeline : makes sure to emit empty list if initial reset has no item. by @ganfra in #3538
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.12 by @renovate in #3436
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.7.3 by @renovate in #3443
- Update dependency com.otaliastudios:transcoder to v0.11.1 by @renovate in #3440
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.4.0 by @renovate in #3408
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.0.2 by @renovate in #3508
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk-ktx-v7 to v3.0.1 by @renovate in #3507
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.1.0 by @renovate in #3526
- Update dependency net.java.dev.jna:jna to v5.15.0 by @renovate in #3525
- Update dependency androidx.startup:startup-runtime to v1.2.0 by @renovate in #3516
- dependencies : update rust sdk to 0.2.48 by @ganfra in #3532
- Change ElementBot mail to android@element.io by @bmarty in #3497
- Test RustMatrixClient and other classes in the matrix module by @bmarty in #3501
- Pinned messages analytics by @ganfra in #3523
- Remove ability to configure default log level by @bmarty in #3531
- Iterate send failure verification by @ganfra in #3485
- Make sure the logout action doesn't cause a crash by @jmartinesp in #3480
- Distinguish between roomId and roomAlias. by @bmarty in #3486
- Fix sliding sync proxy login not working after native SS failure by @jmartinesp in #3489
- SDK 0.2.47 by @ganfra in #3490
- Add tests on AccountDeactivationView by @bmarty in #3481
- Cleanup and fixtures for SDK classes. by @bmarty in #3488
- Timeline related improvements by @ganfra in #3487
- Room list : debounce subscribe to visible rooms. by @ganfra in #3491
- Improve code coverage metrics by @bmarty in #3450
- Account deactivation. by @bmarty in #3479
- Add forced logout flow when the proxy is no longer available by @jmartinesp in #3458
- Temporary account creation using Element Web. by @bmarty in #3467
- Feature/valere/invisible crypto feature flag by @BillCarsonFr in #3451
- Require acknowledgement to send to a verified user if their identity changed or if a device is unverified. by @ganfra in #3461
- Update pinned message actions by @ganfra in #3438
- Fix events blinking at the beginning of DM by @bmarty in #3449
- Fix not being able to decline an invite from the room list by @jmartinesp in #3466
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3464
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3469
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3476
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3477
- Enables pinned messages feature by default. by @ganfra in #3439
- Pinned messages list : hide reactions by @ganfra in #3430
- Feature/fga/pinned messages fix timeline provider by @ganfra in #3432
- Update activity to v1.9.2 by @renovate in #3397
- Update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v7 by @renovate in #3383
- Rust sdk upgrade to 0.2.43 by @bmarty in #3446
- Add banner for optional migration to simplified sliding sync by @jmartinesp in #3429
- Timeline : remove the encrypted history banner by @ganfra in #3410
- Fix new logins with Simplified SS using the proxy by @jmartinesp in #3417
- Ensure Call is not hang up when user is asked to grant system permissions by @bmarty in #3419
- Wait for a room with joined state in
after creating it by @jmartinesp in #3421 - [Bugfix] : fix self verification flow by @ganfra in #3426
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3425
- [Feature] Pinned messages list by @ganfra in #3392
- Pinned messages banner : adjust indicator to match design. by @ganfra in #3415
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v10.0.4 by @renovate in #3372
- Update plugin detekt to v1.23.7 by @renovate in #3424
- Delete old log files by @bmarty in #3413
- Recovery key formatting and wording iteration by @bmarty in #3409
- Change license to AGPL by @bmarty in #3422
- Remove Wait list screen by @bmarty in #3428
- [Identity reset] Remove instruction to reset identity on another client. by @bmarty in #3355
- Redact message on displayed notification by @bmarty in #3320
- Add a way to sign out when the user is asked to verify the session. by @bmarty in #3359
- Add banner entry point to set up recovery by @bmarty in #3360
- Replace OSS licenses plugin with Licensee and some manually done UI. by @bmarty in #3381
- Small fixes around logging out. by @bmarty in #3356
- Ensure starting PinUnlockActivity does not crash the application. by @bmarty in #3369
- Use the right colors for
mention pills by @jmartinesp in #3376 - Fix avatar sometimes not loading by @bmarty in #3366
- Make pinned events required state in SlidingSync by @jmartinesp in #3385
- Make sure to save the tokens the Client might return when its session is restored by @jmartinesp in #3378
- Fix Element Call closing automatically on API 34 by @jmartinesp in #3402
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3373
- Try adding a memory limit for the kotlin compiler by @jmartinesp in #3377
- Update dependency com.google.testparameterinjector:test-parameter-injector to v1.17 by @renovate in #3357
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2.0.1 by @renovate in #3362
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.6.0 by @renovate in #3363
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.11 by @renovate in #3364
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.6.0 by @renovate in #3358
- Update mobile-dev-inc/action-maestro-cloud action to v1.9.1 by @renovate in #3367
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.6.1 by @renovate in #3368
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.41 by @renovate in #3384
- Rust sdk : update to 0.2.42 by @ganfra in #3393
- Update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v2.1.2 by @renovate in #3350
- Update dependency com.sigpwned:emoji4j-core to v15.1.2 by @renovate in #3396
- Release : use a different concurrency group for enterprise build by @ganfra in #3351
- Provide distinct cache directory to the Rust SDK. by @bmarty in #3370
- Remove the migration screen by @bmarty in #3389
- Unified push endpoint: do not fallback to default endpoint in case of failure and add troubleshoot test. by @bmarty in #3388
- Skip device verification screen when creating a new account using OIDC by @bmarty in #3395
- Big emoji-only messages by @frebib in #3295
- Add simplified sliding sync toggle to developer options by @jmartinesp in #3222
- Feature: identity reset by @jmartinesp in #3298
- Timeline UI | MessageShield Support by @BillCarsonFr in #3240
- Suggestion for room alias (disabled for now) by @bmarty in #3322
- Allow
mode for Element Call. by @bmarty in #3345
- Join Room : allow to join by alias (and getPreview) by @ganfra in #3241
- [Feature] Pinned message : render m.room.pinned events in timeline by @ganfra in #3276
- Enable sync on push feature flag to partially sync when notifications arrive by @jmartinesp in #3290
- Improve the text for mentions and replies in notifications by @jmartinesp in #3328
- Use new functions exposed by Element Call about PiP by @bmarty in #3334
- Ensure sessionPath is not reused for different homeserver. Fixes not loading media issue. by @bmarty in #3299
- Fix reset identity with password stuck in loading state. by @jmartinesp in #3317
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3252
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3267
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3297
- Sync Strings - New language: Dutch. by @ElementBot in #3308
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3339
- Update sonarcloud project key by @guillaumevillemont in #3264
- Fix
script to work on linux by @erikjohnston in #3291 - Fix proguard config for nightly and release builds by @jmartinesp in #3294
- Gradle update action: Use JDK 17 and skip early in forks. by @bmarty in #3311
- Gradle update action: add label and use other token. by @bmarty in #3313
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 8.9 to 8.10 by @ElementBot in #3314
- WIP Pinned events : add feature flag and pin/unpin actions by @ganfra in #3255
- WIP Pinned events : start creating the banner ui, no logic. by @ganfra in #3259
- WIP Pinned events : banner logic by @ganfra in #3275
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.1.0 by @renovate in #3244
- Update activity to v1.9.1 by @renovate in #3242
- Update media3 to v1.4.0 by @renovate in #3247
- Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation-jvm to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #3243
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v1.33.0 by @renovate in #3250
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.35 by @renovate in #3249
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.12.1 by @renovate in #3246
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.8 by @renovate in #3254
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.36 by @renovate in #3269
- Update wysiwyg to v2.37.8 by @renovate in #3263
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.13.0 by @renovate in #3258
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.9 by @renovate in #3277
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.38 by @renovate in #3280
- Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation-jvm to v1.8.2 by @renovate in #3282
- Update kotlin by @renovate in #2990
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.10 by @renovate in #3281
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.5.0 by @renovate in #3287
- Update wysiwyg to v2.37.8 by @renovate in #3284
- Update the SDK bindings to
by @jmartinesp in #3288 - Update gradle/actions action to v4 by @renovate in #3265
- Update android.gradle.plugin to v8.5.2 by @renovate in #3004
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.13.0 by @renovate in #3285
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.14.0 by @renovate in #3302
- Update dependency androidx.test:runner to v1.6.2 by @renovate in #3304
- Update dependency com.otaliastudios:transcoder to v0.11.0 by @renovate in #3306
- Update lifecycle to v2.8.0 by @renovate in #2848
- Update lifecycle to v2.8.4 by @renovate in #3315
- Update dagger to v2.52 by @renovate in #3270
- Update telephoto to v0.13.0 by @renovate in #3325
- Update dependency androidx.compose:compose-bom to v2024.08.00 by @renovate in #3323
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.2.0 by @renovate in #3331
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.5.1 by @renovate in #3340
- Update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v2.1.0 by @renovate in #3341
- Update dependencyAnalysis to v2 (major) by @renovate in #3346
- Update dependency org.maplibre.gl:android-sdk to v11.2.0 by @renovate in #3347
- Update media3 to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #3344
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.40 by @renovate in #3343
- Feature/fga/push subscribe to room by @ganfra in #3257
- Feature/fga/start sync on push by @ganfra in #3260
- Cleanup and add unit test for DefaultPinnedMessagesBannerFormatter by @bmarty in #3307
- Add test on function name which may start or end with spaces by @bmarty in #3318
- Fix broken direct room member for rooms with old users that left by @networkException in #3324
- Add unit test on MatrixRoom extension by @bmarty in #3327
- Fix login navigation getting stuck when the app was compiled with no-op analytics provider by @SpiritCroc in #3337
- Add icon for "Mark as read" and "Mark as unread" actions. by @bmarty in #3144
- Add support for Picture In Picture for Element Call by @bmarty in #3159
- Set pin grace period to 2 minutes by @bmarty in #3172
- Unify the way we decide whether a room is a DM or a group room by @jmartinesp in #3100
- Subscribe to
in the visible range by @jmartinesp in #3169 - Improve pip and add feature flag. by @bmarty in #3199
- Open Source licenses: add color for links. by @bmarty in #3215
- Cancel ringing call notification on call cancellation by @jmartinesp in #3047
- Fix
layout for long texts by @jmartinesp in #3158 - Always follow the desired theme for Pin, Incoming Call and Element Call screens by @bmarty in #3165
- Fix empty screen issue after clearing the cache by @bmarty in #3163
- Restore intentional mentions in the markdown/plain text editor by @jmartinesp in #3193
- Fix crash in the room list after a forced log out in background by @jmartinesp in #3180
- Clear existing notification when a room is marked as read by @bmarty in #3203
- Fix crash when Pin code screen is displayed by @bmarty in #3205
- Fix pillification not working for non formatted message bodies by @jmartinesp in #3201
- Update grammar on Matrix Ids to be more spec compliant and render error instead of infinite loading in room member list screen by @bmarty in #3206
- Reduce the risk of text truncation in buttons. by @bmarty in #3209
- Ensure that the manual dark theme is rendering correctly regarding -night resource and keyboard by @bmarty in #3216
- Fix rendering issue of SunsetPage in dark mode by @bmarty in #3217
- Fix linkification not working for
strings in text messages by @jmartinesp in #3233 - Edit : fallback to room.edit when timeline item is not found. by @ganfra in #3239
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3156
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3192
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3232
- Remove Showkase processor not found warning from Danger by @jmartinesp in #3148
- Set targetSDK to 34 by @bmarty in #3149
- Add a local copy of
by @bmarty in #3167 - Only add private SSH keys and clone submodules in the original repo by @jmartinesp in #3225
- Fix CI for forks by @jmartinesp in #3226
- Update dependency io.element.android:compound-android to v0.0.7 by @renovate in #3143
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.31 by @renovate in #3145
- Update dependency com.squareup:kotlinpoet to v1.18.0 by @renovate in #3150
- Update dependency org.robolectric:robolectric to v4.13 by @renovate in #3157
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v10.0.2 by @renovate in #3154
- Update wysiwyg to v2.37.5 by @renovate in #3162
- Update plugin sonarqube to v5.1.0.4882 by @renovate in #3139
- Update dependency org.jsoup:jsoup to v1.18.1 by @renovate in #3171
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.1.2 by @renovate in #3178
- Update telephoto to v0.12.0 by @renovate in #3191
- Update dependency com.google.truth:truth to v1.4.4 by @renovate in #3187
- Update dependency com.squareup:kotlinpoet to v1.18.1 by @renovate in #3194
- Update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.12 by @renovate in #3198
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.12.0 by @renovate in #3200
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v10.0.3 by @renovate in #3204
- Update dependency gradle to v8.9 by @renovate in #3177
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.32 by @renovate in #3202
- Update coil to v2.7.0 by @renovate in #3210
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.33 by @renovate in #3220
- Update wysiwyg to v2.37.7 by @renovate in #3218
- Update telephoto to v0.12.1 by @renovate in #3230
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.34 by @renovate in #3237
- Reduce delay when selecting room list filters by @jmartinesp in #3160
- Add
--alignment-preserved true
when signing APK for F-Droid. by @bmarty in #3161 - Ensure that all callback plugins are invoked. by @bmarty in #3146
- Add generated screen to show open source licenses in Gplay variant by @bmarty in #3207
- Performance : improve time to open a room. by @ganfra in #3186
- Add logging to help debug forced logout issues by @jmartinesp in #3208
- Use the right filename for log files so they're sorted in rageshakes by @jmartinesp in #3219
- Compose : add immutability to some Reaction classes by @ganfra in #3224
- Fix stickers display text on room summary by @surakin in #3221
- Rework FakeMatrixRoom so that it contains only lambdas. by @bmarty in #3229
- Avatar cluster for DM by @bmarty in #3069
- Feature : Draft support by @ganfra in #3099
- Timeline : re-enable edition of local echo by @ganfra in #3126
- Draft : add volatile storage when moving to edit mode. by @ganfra in #3132
- Give locale and theme to Element Call by @bmarty in #3118
- Let the SDK retrieve and parse Element well known content by @bmarty in #3127
- Let role and permissions screens works for invited room members too. by @bmarty in #3081
- Fix image rendering after clear cache by @bmarty in #3082
- Replace the 'answer' PendingIntent in ringing call notifications by @jmartinesp in #3093
- Use IO dispatcher for cleanup in bug reporter by @jmartinesp in #3092
- Fix
mentions crashing in debug builds by @jmartinesp in #3107 - Auth : fix restore session when there is no network. by @ganfra in #3109
- Alert for incoming call even if notifications are disabled - WAITING FOR FINAL PRODUCT DECISION by @bmarty in #3053
- Fix incorrect 'device verified' screen when app was opened with no network connection by @jmartinesp in #3110
- Draft : also clear draft when composer is blank by @ganfra in #3115
- Timeline : fix text item not refreshed when content change by @ganfra in #3123
- FFs can now be toggled in release builds too by @jmartinesp in #3101
- Fix crash when getting the system ringtone for ringing calls by @jmartinesp in #3131
- Bugfix : avoid potential NPE on verification service. by @ganfra in #3140
- Let GitHub generates the release notes by @bmarty in #3105
- Fix F-Droid reproducible build. by @bmarty in #3106
- Element enterprise (EE) foundations by @bmarty in #3025
- Fix Element Enterprise nightly build and publication using App Distribution by @bmarty in #3130
- Improve screenshot testing with ComposablePreviewScanner by @jmartinesp in #3125
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.4.0 by @renovate in #3060
- Update danger/danger-js action to v12.3.3 by @renovate in #3059
- Update dependency com.freeletics.flowredux:compose to v1.2.2 by @renovate in #3067
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v33.1.1 by @renovate in #3062
- Update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit to v1.2.0 by @renovate in #3088
- Update test.core to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #3090
- Remove dependencies androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core and androidx.appcompat:appcompat by @renovate in #3087
- Update wysiwyg to v2.37.4 by @renovate in #3094
- Update dependency androidx.test:runner to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #3089
- Update test.core to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #3104
- Update dependency androidx.test:runner to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #3103
- Update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit to v1.2.1 by @renovate in #3102
- Update dependency com.google.truth:truth to v1.4.3 by @renovate in #3108
- Update dependency com.posthog:posthog-android to v3.4.2 by @renovate in #3111
- Update dependency io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt to v0.4.5 by @renovate in #3116
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.29 by @renovate in #3119
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v10 by @renovate in #3128
- Update plugin dependencycheck to v10.0.1 by @renovate in #3129
- Update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v7.11.0 by @renovate in #3122
- Update dependency org.matrix.rustcomponents:sdk-android to v0.2.30 by @renovate in #3138
- Feature/fga/sending queue iteration by @ganfra in #3054
- Use full date format for day dividers in timeline by @jmartinesp in #3057
- Let Dms use other member color. by @bmarty in #3058
- Resolve display names in mentions in real time by @jmartinesp in #3051
- Sync Strings by @ElementBot in #3077
- Improve the way we cut the bubble layout to give space for the sender Avatar by @bmarty in #3080
- Upgrade build tools and fix
for F-Droid by @bmarty in #3084 - Improve room filtering behavior. by @bmarty in #3083
- Adapt our code to the new authentication APIs in the Rust SDK by @jmartinesp in #3068
- Add temporary icon for Element Enterprise by @bmarty in #3134
- Improve click behavior on room timeline title by @bmarty in #3064
- Ringing call notifications and full screen ringing screen for DMs when the device is locked. (#2894)
- Improve UX on notification setting changes. (#1647)
- Fix tracing configuration in debug and nightlies:
- Debug will now write the logs to disk too.
- Nightly will be able to customise tracing filters.
- Improved the configure tracing and bug report screens. (#3016)
- Allow cancelling jump to event in timeline. (#2876)
- Make Element Call widget URL configurable (#3009)
- Enable hidden access to developer options in release mode apps. (#3020)
- Improve how active calls work by also taking into account external url calls and waiting for the sync process to start before sending the
event. (#3029)
- Add support for incoming share (text or files) from other apps (#1980)
- Render selected/deselected room list filters on top (#2809)
- Set auto captilization, multiline and autocompletion flags for the markdown EditText. (#2896)
- Restore Markdown text input contents when returning to the room screen. (#2898)
- Fixed sending rich content from android keyboards on the markdown text input (#2917)
- Fix crash when restoring the selection values in the plain text editor. (#2959)
- BugReporting | Add public device keys to rageshakes (#2893)
- Move push provider setting to the "Notifications" screen and display it only when several push provider are available. (#2912)
- Simplify notifications by removing the custom persistence layer.
- Bump minSdk to 24 (Android 7). (#2924)
- Add a feature flag ShowBlockedUsersDetails, disabled by default to render display name and avatar of blocked users in the blocked users list. (#2930)
- Be more specific with the widget permissions (#2932)
- Analytics | Add support for SuperProperties (#2953)
- Track when the user starts a room call and when they enable formatting options on the message composer (#2969)
- Add plain text editor based on Markdown input. (#2840)
- Use members display names for their membership state events. (#2286)
- Make sure explicit links in messages take priority over links found by linkification (urls, emails, phone numbers, etc.) (#2291)
- Fix modal contents overlapping screen lock pin. (#2692)
- Fix a crash when trying to create an
in Android 6. (#2846) - Session falsely displayed as 'verified' with no internet connection. (#2884)
- Allow configuring push notification provider (#2340)
- UX cleanup: reorder text composer actions to prioritise camera ones. (#2803)
- Translation added into Portuguese and Simplified Chinese (#2834)
- Use via parameters when joining a room from permalink. (#2843)
- Add support for expected decryption errors due to membership (UX and analytics). (#2754)
- Handle permalink navigation to Events. (#2759)
- Pretty-print event JSON in debug viewer (#2771)
- Add support for external permalinks. (#2776)
- Enable support for Android per-app language preferences (#2795)
- Fix session verification being asked again for already verified users. (#2718)
- Instead of displaying 'create new recovery key' on the session verification screen when there is no other session active, display it always under the 'enter recovery key' screen. (#2740)
- Adjust the typography used in the selected user component so a user's display name fits better. (#2760)
- User display name overflows in timeline messages when it's way too long. (#2761)
- Ensure the application open the room when a notification is clicked. (#2778)
- Enforce mandatory session verification only for new logins. (#2810)
- Make log less verbose, make sure we upload as many log files as possible before reaching the request size limit of the bug reporting service, discard older logs if they don't fit. (#2825)
- Remove 'Join' button in room directory search results. (#2827)
- Add missing
properties to bug reports. (#2829)
- RoomMember screen: fallback to userProfile data, if the member is not a user of the room. (#2721)
- Migrate application data. (#2749)
- Let the SDK manage the file log cleanup, and keep one week of log. (#2758)
- UX cleanup: reorder options in the main settings screen. (#2801)
- Analytics: Add support to report current session verification and recovery state (#2806)
- UX cleanup: room details screen, add new CTA buttons for Invite and Call actions. (#2814)
- UX cleanup: user profile. Move send DM to a call to action button, add 'Call' CTA too. (#2818)
- Add room badges to room details screen. (#2822)
- Bump the Rust SDK to
to remediate CVE-2024-34353 / GHSA-9ggc-845v-gcgv.
Matrix Rust SDK 0.2.14
- Rework room navigation to handle unknown room and prepare work on permalink. (#2695)
- Encrypt new session data with a passphrase (#2703)
- Use sdk API to build permalinks (#2708)
- Parse permalink using parseMatrixEntityFrom from the SDK (#2709)
- Fix compile for forks that use the
analytics module (#2698)
- Synchronize Localazy Strings.
- Fix crash while processing a room message containing a malformed pill.
- Move session recovery to the login flow. (#2579)
- Move session verification to the after login flow and make it mandatory. (#2580)
- Add a notification troubleshoot screen (#2601)
- Add action to copy permalink (#2650)
- Fix analytics issue around room considered as space by mistake. (#2612)
- Fix crash observed when going back to the room list. (#2619)
- Hide Event org.matrix.msc3401.call.member on the timeline. (#2625)
- Fall back to name-based generated avatars when image avatars don't load. (#2667)
- Improve UI for notification permission screen in onboarding. (#2581)
- Categorise members by role in change roles screen. (#2593)
- Make completed poll more clearly visible (#2608)
- Show users from last visited DM as suggestion when starting a Chat or when creating a Room. (#2634)
- Enable room moderation feature. (#2678)
- Improve analytics opt-in screen UI. (#2684)
- Enable the feature "RoomList filters". (#2603)
- Enable the feature "Mark as unread" (#2261)
- Implement MSC2530 (Body field as media caption) (#2521)
- Use user avatar from cache if available. (#2488)
- Update member list after changing member roles and when the room member list is opened. (#2590)
- Compound: add
components. (#2574) - Remove Welcome screen from the FTUE. (#2584)
- Admins can now change user roles in rooms. (#2257)
- Room member moderation: remove, ban and unban users from a room. (#2258)
- Change a room's permissions power levels. (#2259)
- Add state timeline events and notifications for legacy call invites. (#2485)
- Added empty state to banned member list. (#+add-empty-state-to-banned-members-list)
- Prevent sending empty messages. (#995)
- Use the display name only once in display name change events. The user should be referenced by
instead. (#2125) - Hide blocked users list when there are no blocked users. (#2198)
- Fix timeline not showing sender info when room is marked as direct but not a 1:1 room. (#2530)
- Add
params to bug reports so they're easier to investigate. (#+add-time-and-sdk-sha-params-to-bugreports) - Improve room member list loading times, increase chunk size (#2322)
- Improve room member list loading UX. (#2452)
- Remove the special log level for the Rust SDK read receipts. (#2511)
- Track UTD errors. (#2544)
- Mark a room or dm as favourite. (#2208)
- Add moderation to rooms:
- Sort member in room member list by powerlevel, display their roles.
- Display banner users in room member list for users with enough power level to ban/unban. (#2256)
- MediaViewer : introduce fullscreen and flick to dismiss behavior. (#2390)
- Allow user-installed certificates to be used by the HTTP client (#2992)
- Do not display empty room list state before the loading one when we still don't have any items (#+do-not-display-empty-state-before-loading-roomlist)
- Improve how Talkback works with the timeline. Sadly, it's still not 100% working, but there is some issue with the
that only Google can fix. (#+improve-accessibility-in-timeline) - Add ability to enter a recovery key to verify the session. Also fixes some refresh issues with the verification session state. (#2421)
- Provide the current system proxy setting to the Rust SDK. (#2420)
- Fix decryption of previous messages after session verification not working.
- Change "Read receipts" advanced setting used to send private Read Receipt to "Share presence" settings. When disabled, private Read Receipts will be sent, and no typing notification will be sent. Also Read Receipts and typing notifications will not be rendered in the timeline. (#2241)
- Render typing notifications. (#2242)
- Manually mark a room as unread. (#2261)
- Add empty state to the room list. (#2330)
- Allow joining unencrypted video calls in non encrypted rooms. (#2333)
- Fix crash after unregistering UnifiedPush distributor (#2304)
- Add missing device id to settings screen. (#2316)
- Open the keyboard (and keep it opened) when creating a poll. (#2329)
- Fix message forwarding after SDK API change related to Timeline intitialization.
- Adjusted the login flow buttons so the continue button is always at the same height (#825)
- Move migration screen to within the room list (#2310)
- Render correctly in reply to data when Event cannot be decrypted or has been redacted (#2318)
- Remove Compose Foundation version pinning workaround. This was done to avoid a bug introduced in the default foundation version used by the material3 library, but that has already been fixed.
- Remove
, as this is already handled by the Rust SDK. - Remove session preferences on user log out.
- Update Compound icons in the project. Since the icon prefix changed to
and theCompoundIcons
helper now contains the vector icons as composable functions.
Matrix SDK 🦀 v0.1.95
- Add 'send private read receipts' option in advanced settings (#2204)
- Send typing notification (#2240). Disabling the sending of typing notification and rendering typing notification will come soon.
- Make the room settings screen update automatically when new room info (name, avatar, topic) is available. (#921)
- Update timeline items' read receipts when the room members info is loaded. (#2176)
- Edited text message bubbles should resize when edited (#2260)
- Ensure login and password exclude
(#2263) - Room list Ensure the indicators stay grey if the global setting is set to mention only and a regular message is received. (#2282)
- Add a special logging configuration for nightlies so we can get more detailed info for existing issues. (#+add-special-tracing-configuration-for-nightlies)
- Try mitigating unexpected logouts by making getting/storing session data use a Mutex for synchronization. Also added some more logs so we can understand exactly where it's failing. (#+try-mitigating-unexpected-logouts)
- Upgrade Material3 Compose to
. There is also a constraint on a transitive Compose Foundation dependency version (1.6.0-beta02) that fixes the timeline scrolling issue. (#0-beta02) - Disambiguate display name in the timeline. (#2215)
- Disambiguate display name in notifications (#2224)
- Remove room creation, self-join of room creator and 'this is the beginning of X' timeline items for DMs. (#2217)
- Encrypt databases used by the Rust SDK on Nightly and Debug builds. (#2219)
- Fallback to UnifiedPush (if available) if the PlayServices are not installed on the device. (#2248)
- Add "Report a problem" button to the onboarding screen (#2275)
- Add in app logs viewer to the "Report a problem" screen. (#2276)
- Render m.sticker events (#1949)
- Add support for sending images from the keyboard (#1977)
- Added support for MSC4027 (render custom images in reactions) (#2159)
- Fix crash sending image with latest Posthog because of an usage of an internal Android method. (#+crash-sending-image-with-latest-posthog)
- Make sure the media viewer tries the main url first (if not empty) then the thumbnail url and then not open if both are missing instead of failing with an error dialog (#1949)
- Fix room transition animation happens twice. (#2084)
- Disable ability to send reaction if the user does not have the permission to. (#2093)
- Trim whitespace at the end of messages to ensure we render the right content. (#2099)
- Fix crashes in room list when the last message for a room was an extremely long one (several thousands of characters) with no line breaks. (#2105)
- Disable rasterisation of Vector XMLs, which was causing crashes on API 23. (#2124)
- Use
to prevent wrong measurements in the layout process, leading to cut-off text messages in the timeline. (#2155) - Improve rendering of voice messages in the timeline in large displays (#2156)
- Fix no indication that user list is loading when inviting to room. (#2172)
- Hide keyboard when tapping on a message in the timeline. (#2182)
- Mention selector gets stuck when quickly deleting the prompt. (#2192)
- Hide verbose state events from the timeline (#2216)
- Only apply
plugin in those modules that need it. (#+only-apply-dependency-analysis-plugin-where-needed) - Migrate to Kover 0.7.X (#1782)
- Remove extra logout screen. (#2072)
- Handle
rendering in the timeline. (#2102) - Remove extra previews for timestamp view with 'document' case (#2127)
- Bump AGP version to 8.2.0 (#2142)
- Replace 'leave room' text with 'leave conversation' for DMs. (#2218)
- Use the RTE library
to render text events in the timeline. Add support for mention pills - with no interaction yet. (#1433) - Tapping on a user mention pill opens their profile. (#1448)
- Display different notifications for mentions. (#1451)
- Reply to a poll (#1848)
- Add plain text representation of messages (#1850)
- Allow polls to be edited when they have not been voted on (#1869)
- Scroll to end of timeline when sending a new message. (#1877)
- Confirm back navigation when editing a poll only if the poll was changed (#1886)
- Add option to delete a poll while editing the poll (#1895)
- Open room member avatar when you click on it inside the member details screen. (#1907)
- Poll history of a room is now accessible from the room details screen. (#2014)
- Always close the invite list screen when there is no more invite. (#2022)
- Fix see room in the room list after leaving it. (#1006)
- Adjust mention pills font weight and horizontal padding (#1449)
- Font size in 'All Chats' header was changing mid-animation. (#1572)
- Accessibility: do not read initial used for avatar out loud. (#1864)
- Use the right avatar for DMs in DM rooms (#1912)
- Fix scaling of timeline images: don't crop, don't set min/max aspect ratio values. (#1940)
- Fix rendering of user name with vertical text by clipping the text. (#1950)
- Do not render
if the room has no canonical alias. (#1970) - Fix avatar not displayed in notification when the app is not in background (#1991)
- Fix wording in room invite members view:
. (#2037) - Timestamp positioning was broken, specially for edited messages. (#2060)
- Emojis in custom reaction bottom sheet are too tiny. (#2066)
- Set a default power level to join calls. Also, create new rooms taking this power level into account.
- Add a warning for 'mentions and keywords only' notification option if your homeserver does not support it (#1749)
- Remove
module, extract theme and tokens to Compound Android. (#1833) - Update poll icons from Compound (#1849)
- Add ability to see the room avatar in the media viewer. (#1918)
- RoomList: introduce incremental loading to improve performances. (#1920)
- Add toggle in the notification settings to disable notifications for room invites. (#1944)
- Update rendering of Emojis displayed during verification. (#1965)
- Hide sender info in direct rooms (#1979)
- Render images in Notification (#1991)
- Only process content.json from Localazy. (#2031)
- Always show user avatar in message action sheet (#2032)
- Hide room list dropdown menu. (#2062)
- Enable Chat backup, Mentions and Read Receipt in release. (#2087)
- Make most code used in Compose from
and derived classes Immutable or Stable.
- Add ongoing call indicator to rooms lists items. (#1158)
- Add support for typing mentions in the message composer. (#1453)
- Add intentional mentions to messages. This needs to be enabled in developer options since it's disabled by default. (#1591)
- Update voice message recording behaviour. Instead of holding the record button, users can now tap the record button to start recording and tap again to stop recording. (#1784)
- Always ensure media temp dir exists (#1790)
- Update icons and move away from
components. (#1718) - Add item "This is the beginning of..." at the beginning of the timeline. (#1801)
- LockScreen : rework LoggedInFlowNode and back management when locked. (#1806)
- Suppress usage of removeTimeline method. (#1824)
- Remove Element Call feature flag, it's now always enabled.
- Reverted the EC base URL to
. - Moved the option to override this URL to developer settings from advanced settings.
- Chat backup is still under a feature flag, but when enabled, user can enter their recovery key (it's also possible to input a passphrase) to unlock the encrypted room history. (#1770)
- Improve confusing text in the 'ready to start verification' screen. (#879)
- Message composer wasn't resized when selecting a several lines message to reply to, then a single line one. (#1560)
- PIN: Set lock grace period to 0. (#1732)
- Element Call: change the 'join call' button in a chat room when there's an active call. (#1158)
- Mentions: add mentions suggestion view in RTE (#1452)
- Record and send voice messages (#1596)
- Enable voice messages for all users (#1669)
- Receive and play a voice message (#2084)
- Enable Element Call integration in rooms by default, fix several issues when creating or joining calls.
- Group fallback notification to avoid having plenty of them displayed. (#994)
- Hide keyboard when exiting the chat room screen. (#1375)
- Always register the pusher when application starts (#1481)
- Ensure screen does not turn off when playing a video (#1519)
- Fix issue where text is cleared when cancelling a reply (#1617)
- Remove usage of blocking methods. (#1563)
- [Rich text editor] Add full screen mode (#1447)
- Improve rendering of m.emote. (#1497)
- Improve deleted session behavior. (#1520)
- WebP images can't be sent as media. (#1483)
- Fix back button not working in bottom sheets. (#1517)
- Render body of unknown msgtype in the timeline and in the room list (#1539)
- Room : makes subscribeToSync/unsubscribeFromSync suspendable. (#1457)
- Add some Konsist tests. (#1526)
- Element call: add custom parameters to Element Call urls. (#1434)
- Add animation when rendering the timeline to avoid glitches. (#1323)
- Fix crash when trying to take a photo or record a video. (#1395)
- Bump Rust SDK to
- [Rich text editor] Add link support to rich text editor (#1309)
- Let the SDK figure the best scheme given an homeserver URL (thus allowing HTTP homeservers) (#1382)
- Fix ANR on RoomList when notification settings change. (#1370)
- Element Call: support scheme
(#1377) - [DI] Rework how dagger components are created and provided. (#1378)
- Remove usage of async-uniffi as it leads to a deadlocks and memory leaks. (#1381)
- Bump Rust SDK to
- Add a "Mute" shortcut icon and a "Notifications" section in the room details screen (#506)
- Add a notification permission screen to the initial flow. (#897)
- Integrate Element Call into EX by embedding a call in a WebView. (#1300)
- Implement Bloom effect modifier. (#1217)
- Set color on display name and default avatar in the timeline. (#1224)
- Display a thread decorator in timeline so we know when a message is coming from a thread. (#1236)
- [Rich text editor] Integrate rich text editor library. Note that markdown is now not supported and further formatting support will be introduced through the rich text editor. (#1172)
- [Rich text editor] Add formatting menu (accessible via the '+' button) (#1261)
- [Rich text editor] Add feature flag for rich text editor. Markdown support can now be enabled by disabling the rich text editor. (#1289)
- [Rich text editor] Update design (#1332)
- Make links in room topic clickable (#612)
- Reply action: harmonize conditions in bottom sheet and swipe to reply. (#1173)
- Fix system bar color after login on light theme. (#1222)
- Fix long click on simple formatted messages (#1232)
- Enable polls in release build. (#1241)
- Fix top padding in room list when app is opened in offline mode. (#1297)
- [Rich text editor] Fix 'text formatting' option only partially visible (#1335)
- [Rich text editor] Ensure keyboard opens for reply and text formatting modes (#1337)
- [Rich text editor] Fix placeholder spilling onto multiple lines (#1347)
- Add a sub-screen "Notifications" in the existing application Settings (#510)
- Exclude some groups related to analytics to be included. (#1191)
- Use the new SyncIndicator API. (#1244)
- Improve RoomSummary mapping by using RoomInfo. (#1251)
- Ensure Posthog data are sent to "https://posthog.element.io" (#1269)
- New app icon, with monochrome support. (#1363)
- Ensure notification for Event from encrypted room get decrypted content. (#1178)
- Make sure Snackbars are only displayed once. (#928)
- Fix the orientation of sent images. (#1135)
- Bug reporter crashes when 'send logs' is disabled. (#1168)
- Add missing link to the terms on the analytics setting screen. (#1177)
- Re-enable
to improve decryption of notifications. (#1198) - Crash with
modifier whenFloat.NaN
was used as input. (#1995)
- Remove unnecessary year in copyright mention. (#1187)
- Fix crash when opening any room. (#1160)
- Allow cancelling media upload (#769)
- Enable OIDC support. (#1127)
- Add a "Setting up account" screen, displayed the first time the user logs in to the app (per account). (#1149)
- Videos sent from the app were cropped in some cases. (#862)
- Timeline: sender names are now displayed in one single line. (#1033)
- Fix
being displayed in black. (#1077) - Linkify links in HTML contents. (#1079)
- Fix bug reporter failing after not finding some log files. (#1082)
- Fix rendering of inline elements in list items. (#1090)
- Fix crash RuntimeException "No matching key found for the ciphertext in the stream" (#1101)
- Make links in messages clickable again. (#1111)
- When event has no id, just cancel parsing the latest room message for a room. (#1125)
- Only display verification prompt after initial sync is done. (#1131)
- [Poll] Add feature flag in developer options (#1064)
- [Polls] Improve UI and render ended state (#1113)
- Compound: add
components. (#990) - Migrate
todata object
in sealed interface / class #1135 (#1135)
- Filter push notifications using push rules. (#640)
- Use
instead offorEach
to improve performance. (#1035)
- [Poll] Render start event in the timeline (#1031)
- Add Button component based on Compound designs (#1021)
- Compound: implement dialogs. (#1043)
- Compound: customise
component. (#1049) - Compound: implement
customisations. (#1050) - Compound: implement Snackbar component. (#1054)
First release of Element X 🚀!