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Tic Tac Toe Game - console (CLI) version

1. Usage Instructions

  • clone the repo and install the Ruby gems
$ git clone
$ cd cli-tic-tac-toe
$ bundle install
  • run tests
$ rspec
  • test coverage

Test coverage

  • run the CLI application.

We have to make sure the script is marked as executable. If it is not, please run the command chmod +x app.rb

$ ./app.rb

Used Technologies

  • ruby 2.3.4p301
  • rspec (3.6.0)
  • simplecov (0.15.0)

2. Specification

Headline specifications

  • Allow the user to choose the level of difficulty (“easy” means the computer can easily be beaten, “medium” means it can be beaten but only with a series of intelligent moves, and “hard” means the it is unbeatable).
  • Allow the user to choose the game type (human v. human, computer v. computer, human v. computer).
  • Allow the user to choose which player goes first.
  • Allow the user to choose with what "symbol" the players will mark their selections on the board (traditionally it's "X" and "O")

User Stories extracted from the specification

As a user
So as I can have a nice time
I'd like to be able to play tic-tac-toe game

As a user
So as I can decide on computer play level
I'd like to see the options available

As a user
So as I can make a choice the computer play level
I'd like to be able to select it

As a user
So as I can make a choice about the players
I'd like to be able to select the players type

As a user
So as I can make a choice about the players order
I'd like to be able to select the which players starts first

As a user
So as I can see the players moves on the game board
I'd like to be able to select the players symbols they mark their moves

3. Application design


  • The user is providing all the game setup information at the start of game, via console inputs, answering to the questions printed on the screen.
  • The user is not choosing the same symbol marker for both players.
  • The user is inputting all the moves, each at a time, for any 'Human' player.

Design Decisions

The current design contains five classes Game, Board, Scorer, Human, and Computer, and an IO module IOlike. The design tries to follow SOLID principles, each class having single responsibility (athough game is more fat), DRY code, creating loose class dependencies by dependency injections (game injects scorer object to each player objects). Encapsulation is served by hidding the board and score tables inside their own objects, everyone communicating with these objects receiving copies of the tables to use. Duck-typing is achieved by unifying the human and computer players behaviour, publishing a common API method for both: move = @current_player.get_next_move(@valid_moves)

  • The main class is the Game class, that is containing all the game configuration data, creates all required objects based on game setup data, and handles the game flow. This class is intantiated by the application script app.rb.
  • The Board class is instantiated when a Game is started and updated by the game object after each player makes a valid move. The board default width is 3, but it can be set by game to any other number. The board instance variable is set up an as array of ordered strings, starting '0' up to width**2. Each value string is the i.to_s array position. The actual board is never seen by the game, this always receives a copy of the board for handling. The board variable instance is updating by board object with the symbol a player has used for its move, by calling @board_play.place_marker(marker, spot).
  • The Scorer class is handling the game score. It is the instantiated when a Game is started, and updated by the game object after each player makes a valid move in the post_move_updates by calling @scorer.calculate_score(spot, marker). The scorer object is independent on the players symbols. It is only setup one with value +1 and the other with -1 for calculating a move score. A score_table is a hash table with 8 elements for a '3 x 3' grid. It contains a key for each row, coloumn, diagonal, and anti-diagonal such as {:D=>-1, :antiD=>-3, :R0=>0, :R1=>0, :R2=>-1, :C0=>0, :C1=>0, :C2=>-1} A score_table copy is used by the computer player for calculating its next best move. Although, not fully implemented at this moment, only the basic support is provided. A win happens when any absolute value in the @score_table is equal 3.
  • The Human class is instantiated by the game after the user chooses the players type. It can be instantiated once in a human v. computer game, or twice in a human v. human game. Each instance is injected a scorer dependency for future support of difficulty play levels used by a computer player.
  • The Computer class is instantiated by the game after the user chooses the players type. It can be instantiated once in a human v. computer game, or twice in a computer v. computer game. Each instance is injected a scorer dependency for calculating the computer best move.
  • The IOlike module is handling all the input/output operations required by the game, human player, or rspec tests. Additionally, the get_input message handles gracefully a bad user input, by reprinting the message with expected input until user introduces the correct input.

Class diagram

Class diagram

Objects creation

  • Game class instantiation
game =
  • Board class instantiation
@board_play =
@board = @board_play.board
  • Scorer class instantiation
@scorer ={:width => @width, :x_marker => X_MARKER, :o_marker => O_MARKER})
  • Human class instantiation
@players[] =, incoming, {:width => @width, :marker => marker, :scorer => @scorer})
  • Computer class instantiation
@players[] ={:width => @width, :marker => marker, :scorer => @scorer, :depth => 0})
  • Current and opposing players are selected based on user input choice
  def setup_players_order
    player = get_input("Please, choose which players goes first (1|2)", /\A1|2\z/)
    @current_player, @opposing_player = player_1, player_2 if player == '1'
    @current_player, @opposing_player = player_2, player_1 if player == '2'

Current Limitations

The computer difficulty level is not currently implemented in the Computer class. The current implementation is a 'easy' level. The compuer player is practically choosing the next move randomly from a valid moves array. Please, see the 'Future extensions' section for implementation suggestions.

  def get_best_move(valid_moves, depth, best_score = {})
    score_table_copy = @scorer.score_table.dup
    valid_moves.each do |move|
      @scorer.calculate_score(score_table_copy, move, @marker)
        return move
        @scorer.calculate_score(score_table_copy, move, @marker)
          return move

Output of a game play between two Computer players:

$ ./app.rb
Please, choose a player (human|computer): computer
Please, choose another player (human|computer): computer
Please, choose a player symbol (X|other letter): 7
You've entered 7, which is invalid
Please, choose a player symbol (X|other letter): o
Please, choose the other player symbol (O|other letter): z
Please, choose the difficulty level (easy|medium|hard): easy
Please, choose which players goes first (1|2): 1
 0 | 1 | 2 
 3 | 4 | 5 
 6 | 7 | 8 
 0 | 1 | 2 
 3 | O | 5 
 6 | 7 | 8 
 0 | 1 | 2 
 3 | O | 5 
 6 | Z | 8 
 0 | 1 | 2 
 3 | O | O 
 6 | Z | 8 
 Z | 1 | 2 
 3 | O | O 
 6 | Z | 8 
 Z | 1 | O 
 3 | O | O 
 6 | Z | 8 
 Z | 1 | O 
 Z | O | O 
 6 | Z | 8 
 Z | 1 | O 
 Z | O | O 
 6 | Z | O 
Game over

4. Future extensions

At present, the following four categories are provided suggestions for improvement.

Improve the game output layout

The current game layout is lacking separation between the players moves, noticed especially when a game computer is played.

 Z | 1 | O 
 Z | O | O 
 6 | Z | 8 
 Z | 1 | O 
 Z | O | O 
 6 | Z | O 

This should be done either,

  • by introducing a message after the board is displayed, like Next player move, that can be done in game object, extending the display_board(board_play) with an outgoing.puts 'Next player move';
  • or, inside the board object, by extending the board_stringify, to add a line separator like "+++=+++=+++\n", or even a simply empty line "\n"

Allow displaying of the game results as win/tie

When the game is over, it would be nice to know how this has finished, if a tie, or a win. For a win, would be good to display the winner.

  • we can expand the 'game' before displaying the outgoing.puts "Game over", to check if If true, we identify the player with the absolute score 3 and set it in a winner variable so as we can display "The winner is #{winner}!\n", followed by the Game over message.
  • if not a win, we can add a check for @board_play.tie?. If true, we add the message This is a tie!, then display the Game over message.

Setup game using a configuration file

  • An alternative to user introducing the game configuration from the console, can be to have the configuration available in a file e.g. setup.cfg, each line containing a separate input parameter. The name of the parameter can be at the beginning of the line, to allow easy identification of parameters, and not rely on the lines order, using a YAML, or JSON formats. The app can check if the config file exists. If true, it should pass it to the game when instantiating this object. If false, the game with get the input from the console.
  • Other suggestion can be to use a Config module using ostruct.

Computer difficulty level implementation

While trying to implement this feature, I searched the internet and came across the following site An Introduction to Game Tree Algorithms , that presents a few methods for implementing games with two players with zero sum, i.e the total amount of 'payoff' is constant. Examples of the methods are: 'the game tree', 'minimax algorithm', 'negamax algorithm', 'alpha-beta pruning and branching', 'the horizon effect'. The list is not exclusive, other methods do exist.

My current implementation for the score_table is complying with the 'constant payoff' rule, and I came up with this before reading the above link. I was thinking of a hash to keep the score, and found the 'scheme' of one player score changing with '+1' and the other with '-1'. This calculation suggests 'any game situation is as good for player A as it is bad for player B, and vice versa'. Additionally, the game is finite. 'A finite game is a game in which every possible combination of moves leads to an end of the game. That is, it is impossible for the game to go on forever!''

The main idea about adding a difficulty level to the computer player, is to improve its moves until unbeatable. All these algorithm try to 'look forward' a few moves, and each is doing this in a different way. Game tree

I plan to add this missing implementation in the near future.