-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-o , --output path of file/dir to store generated file(s)
usage: argon {run,all,angr,klee,generate,obfuscate} [-o]
generate generate sample c source code with code and password
obfuscate obfuscate generated c source code
run compile c source code with different GCC optimization level
all run symbolic analysis using Angr, Klee and note execution time
angr runs symbolic analysis using Angr
klee runs symbolic analysis using Klee
generate usage: argon generate [-o] [-c [[...]]] [-p [[...]]]:
-c, --codes activation code for generated program
-p, --passwords password for generated program
obfuscate usage: argon obfuscate [-i] [-o] [-nv] [-ol [...]]:
-i, --input path of benchmark dir/file(s)
-nv, --num-variants number of obfuscation variants to be generated
-ol, --obfuscation-list
obfuscation combinations list
symbolic execution and run universal arguements:
-i, --input path of benchmark dir/file(s)
-c, --codes list of activaton codes seperated by comma or space
-p, --passwords list of passwords seperated by comma or space
symbolic execution usage: argon {all,angr,klee} [-i] [-o] [-na] [-la] [-ni] [-li] [-t] [-m] [-s]:
-na , --num-arg number of arguments required by the program
-la , --length-arg length of argument
-ni , --num-input number of inputs required by the program
-li , --length-input length of input
-t , --timeout time to stop for symbolic analyer
-m , --memory memory limit for symbolic analyzer
-s , --search search algorithm for Klee (dfs|random-state|random-pat
run usage: argon run [-i] [-o] [-c [...]] [-p [...]] [-ol {0|1|2|3|s|fast}:
-ol, --optimization-levels
gcc optimization levels (0|1|2|3|s|fast)