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Energy Web Foundation

Origin 24/7 SDK - Claim module


origin-247-claim module is responsible for matching generations with consumptions, and claiming certificates on the blockchain. It also stores matching results.


  • Nest.js application (origin-247-claim is Nest.js module)
  • TypeORM configured


  1. Setup origin-247-certificate OffChainCertificateModule
  2. Install @energyweb/origin-247-claim
  3. Import ClaimModule into your application:
import { ClaimModule } from '@energyweb/origin-247-claim';

    imports: [ClaimModule]
export class SomeModule {}
  1. Add entities to TypeORM.forRoot entities:
import { entities as ClaimEntitites } from '@energyweb/origin-247-claim';

  entities: [
  1. Run migrations on startup:
// package.json
    "scripts": {
        "typeorm:run:claim": "node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:run --config node_modules/@energyweb/origin-247-claim/dist/js/ormconfig.js"


  1. Import ClaimModule module
  2. Inject ClaimFacade into your service, and use it to perform matching and get matching results.

Claiming example

await this.claimFacade.claim({
    algorithmFn: matchAlgorithm({
        // imported from `@energyweb/origin-247-claim` and customized, details later on
    claimCustomizationFn: (
        matches // before doing the claiming you need to match certain interface
    ) => => ({
            certificateId: match.generation.certificateId,
            energyValue: match.volume.toString(),
            claimData: {
                beneficiary: consumers.find((c) => c.meterId === match.consumption.consumerId)!.did,
                countryCode: '',
                location: '',
                periodEndDate: '',
                periodStartDate: '',
                purpose: ''
            forAddress: sellerAddress
    data: {
    timeframe: timeFrame // this time frame will be saved in matching results


Claiming algorithm

Any algorithm can be used as an input to .claim function, as long as it meets interface. Any additional fields present on IConsumption or IGeneration (besides those defined in interface), that will be returned as matches from matching algorithm, will be saved as result metadata.

By default we expose some algorithms ready to be used

  1. SpreadMatcher.spreadMatcher - very customizable algorithm, supporting prioritization, and spreading matches equally over devices of equal priority.

Matching results

Using .findMatches, .findLeftoverConsumption, .findExcessGeneration you can query for any devices and timeframes, and receive raw data, that later on can be aggregated. Metadata field is explained above.

Testing applications with ClaimModule

ClaimForUnitTestsModule is exported, that uses CertificateForUnitTestsModule (247-sdk) and in-memory repositories to simplify testing, so no configuration for CertificateModule is necessary (like blockchain or redis configuration), and no database setup.

Questions and Support

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The Energy Web Decentralized Operating System is a blockchain-based, multi-layer digital infrastructure.

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