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2022 Angular The Complete Guide

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+ fundamentals

What is Angular? @ Angular Versions @ What is TypeScript? @ Angular CLI @ Project Setup @ The Angular Structure @ How an Angular App gets Loaded and Started? @ Bootstrapping Angular @ angular.json @ main.ts file @ root Module and root Component @ index.html file @ Selector Introduction @ Module Introduction @ Analyzing the AppModule @ Components Introduction @ Understanding the Role of AppModule and Component Declaration @ Nesting Components @ Working with Component Templates @ Working with Component Styles

+ decorators

@Component({}) @ @NgModule({}) @ @Input() @ @Output() @ @ViewChild() @ @ContentChild() @ @HostListener() @ @HostBinding() @ @Injectable({}) @ @Directive() @ @Pipe({}) @ @ViewChildren()

+ data binding

What is Databinding? @ String Interpolation{{ }} @ Property Binding[ ] @ Event Binding() @ Two-way binding @ Template Variables @ Getting Access to the Template Variables by calling a method @ Getting Access to the Template Variables or any elements with @ViewChild() Decorator

+ directives

Understanding Directives @ Components @ Attribute directives @ [ngClass] Directive @ [NgStyle] Directive @ [ngModel] Directive @ Structural directives @ *ngIf Directive @ *ngIf Directive with An Else Condition @ *NgFor Directive @ *NgFor Directive with Current Index @ *NgSwitch Directive @ Building a Basic Attribute Directive @ Building a Structural Directive

+ classes

Renderer2 @ ElementRef @ TemplateRef @ ViewContainerRef

+ Services & Dependency Injection

Hierarchical Dependency Injector @ @Injectable() @ providedIn @ constructor(){}

+ Angular Routing

Routes @ RouterModule @ RouterOutlet @ RouterLink @ Absolute or Relative paths @ RouterLinkActive @ Navigating Programmatically @ Router @ navigate([], {}) @ ActivatedRoute @ Passing Parameters to Routes @ Fetching Route Parameters @ Passing Query Parameters and Fragments @ Retrieving Query Parameters and Fragments @ Nested Routing and RouterOutlet @ Redirecting and Wildcard Routes @ Protecting Routes with canActivate Interface @ canActivate() @ canActivateChild() @ Controlling Navigation with canDeactivate() @ Passing Static Data to a Route @ Resolving Dynamic Data Before A Route Can Be Rendered @ Lazy Loading


Understanding HTTP @ HttpClientModule @ HttpClient @ The Anatomy of a Http Request @ Backend (Firebase) Setup @ Sending a POST Request @ POST request and its arguments/parameters @ Subscribing to the POST method @ Sending a GET Request @ GET request and its arguments/parameters @ Subscribing to the GET method @ Sending a DELETE Request @ DELETE request and its arguments/parameters @ Subscribing to the DELETE method @ Using RxJS Operators to Transform Response Data @ Type Safe with the HttpClient @ Using a Service for Http Requests @ Services & Components Working Together @ Handling Errors @ Using Subjects for Error Handling @ Using the catchError Operator @ HttpHeaders @ HttpParams @ observe @ responseType?

+ Template-Driven Approach

Creating the Form and Registering the Controls @ Submitting and Access the Form @ Accessing the Form with @ViewChild @ Understanding Form State @ Javascript Representation of the Form @ Using HTML5 Validation @ Outputting Validation Error Messages @ Set Default Values with ngModel Property Binding @ Using ngModel with Two-Way-Binding @ Handling Radio Buttons @ Grouping Form Controls @ Setting and Patching Form Values @ Resetting Forms

+ Reactive Approach

ReactiveFormsModule @ AbstractControl @ FormGroup @ FormArray @ FormControl @ Constructor of FormControl @ Adding Validation @ Creating Custom Validators @ Grouping Controls @ AsyncValidator

+ Pipes

Understanding Pipes @ Using Pipes @ Parametrizing Pipes @ Chaining Multiple Pipes @ Creating a Custom Pipe @ Parameterizing a Custom Pipe @ Creating a Filter Pipe @ Pure and Impure Pipes @ AsyncPipe

+ Dynamic Components

@ ViewContainerRef @ Creating a Component Programmatically

+ Elements

@ ng-content

+ Interfaces

@ OnInit