This document is inspired by discussions in Telos WPS chat and by EOS VC Grants program. The Grants page offers a nicely structured grant application template.
The goal if this document is to propose an applicant a set of questions that a Worker Proposal would need to answer, so that the voters have a clear picture of what they are sponsoring.
Further in this document, NETWORK stands for the name of the blockchain that is sponsoring worker proposals.
The title of the proposal should be informative and short. This is the first line of text that voters would see, and it needs to attract their attention. It must also be relevant to the essence of the proposal.
Date, name (or nickame) and contact information of the author are what everyone expects from any kind of proposal.
Why are you building this project? What is the problem it's going to solve? How is the problem applicable to NETWORK?
Who will be the primary customer (or user) of your work? How will they use it?
Describe the solution and how it will solve the problem. Describe how NETWORK will benefit from it.
What is the competition? How is your solution better?
If applicable, the do-nothing scenario or what your plans are if the proposal gets declined.
Describe the timeline of your project: milestones, release schedule.
Describe the key persons in implementing your proposal. What are their skills, qualifications, achievements?
How will the grant money be used?
How much money is needed for the whole project? How much money do you request from WPS and why?
If applicable, describe the business plan of the whole project in short.
What will indicate a success of the proposal? What metrics are applicable? How will the applicant report on the progress and finalization of work?
Copyright 2019 cc32d9, EOS Amsterdam.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.