Set up a node on the jungle testnet
The student must send:
- The chosen producer name.
- The Nodeos generated log files.
To start a Jungle 3 node you need to install the EOSIO software. You can compile from sources or install from precompiled binaries:
Chain ID: 2a02a0053e5a8cf73a56ba0fda11e4d92e0238a4a2aa74fccf46d5a910746840
Based on tag: v2.1.0
mkdir /opt/Jungle3Testnet
cd /opt/Jungle3Testnet
git clone ./
In case you use a different data-dir folders, please make sure you edit all paths in files,,, config.ini, Wallet/, Wallet/
Choose your producer name (12 symbols length only, a-z 1-5 allowed only) and create your own EOS key pair. You can create the key pair using cleos command
./ create key
, using Scatter or here. -
If non BP node: use the same config, just comment out rows with producer-name and signature-provider
Edit config.ini:
server address: p2p-server-address = ENRT_YOUR_NODE_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS:9876
if BP: your producer name: producer-name = YOUR_BP_NAME
if BP: add producer keypair for signing blocks (this pub key should be used in regproducer action): signature-provider = YOUR_PUB_KEY_HERE=KEY:YOUR_PRIV_KEY_HERE
replace p2p-peer-address list with fresh generated on monitor site:
Check chain-state-db-size-mb value in config, it should be not bigger than you have RAM: chain-state-db-size-mb = 16384
Open TCP Ports (8888, 9876) on your firewall/router
Start wallet, run
cd /opt/Jungle3Testnet
First run should be with --delete-all-blocks and --genesis-json
./ --delete-all-blocks --genesis-json genesis.json
Check logs stderr.txt if node is running ok.
- Create your wallet file
./ wallet create --to-file pass.tx
Your password will be in pass.txt it will be used when unlock wallet
- Unlock your wallet
./ wallet unlock
enter the wallet password.
- Import your key
./ wallet import
Enter your private key
- Check if you can access you node using link http://you_server:8888/v1/chain/get_info (Example)