Author: viipz
Flag: EPT{pHi5h1ng_st1ll_w0rk5???}
We have obtained a memory dump from a user who suspects unauthorized access to their computer following a phishing attack. Can you investigate what occurred?
Author: FoxMaccloud
We've been given a windows memory dump which has been dumped by the DumpIt.exe process. This is a multipart challenge, but I only did solve the first one.
One of the forensics tools I've used before and know for windows dumps is Volatility
. Using volatility I was able to get myself a process tree of all the running processes on the system at the time of capture using this command: sudo vol -f dump.dmp windows.pstree
Beyond all the processes one stood out to me. That one being security email.pdf
and that it was opened by notepad.
To get a list of all the files on the system I ran this command: sudo vol -f dump.dmp windows.file > files
. After getting a full list of all the files, I was able to find the location of this email and recover it.
sudo vol -f dump.dmp windows.dump --virtaddr 0xc50ce5139980
In this pdf there was a QR code;
After using my phone to scan the code I was able to get the flag for Phantom Phish.