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e-Appointment Backend

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Project Goal and Scope

  • This project is an e-appointment system developed for a sample hospital.

  • By logging into the system, users can make an appointment for the department and doctor they want on the appropriate day and time.

  • In addition, operations such as appointment status management, past appointment tracking, and user management can be performed through the system.

  • You can try the live version of the project at the following address:

  • Link:

  • You can access the system with the sample user information below and experience the system with different roles.

    • Super Admin

      • Username: superadmin
      • Password: 12345
    • Admin

      • Username: admin
      • Password: 12345
    • Doctor

      • Username: doctor
      • Password: 12345
    • Patient

      • Username: patient
      • Password: 12345

User Types of the Project and the Transactions They Can Perform

  • There are 4 user types available in this application. These are:

    • Super Admin
    • Admin
    • Doctor
    • Patient
  • You can see the transaction table of user types in the system at below.

Super Admin Admin Doctor Patient
Log in to the system x x x x
Log out of the system x x x x
View their profile x x x x
Update their profile x x x
Change the system’s theme color x x x x
Change the system’s language x x x x
View weekly appointments by department and doctor x
Book appointments by department and doctor x
Cancel a booked appointment x
List their appointments x x
Filter appointments x x
Search in the appointment list x x
Export the appointment list in different formats x x
Update the status of appointments x x
List users with the admin role x
Edit users with the admin role x
Delete users with the admin role x
List users with the doctor role x x
Edit users with the doctor role x x
Delete users with the doctor role x x
List users with the patient role x x
Edit users with the patient role x x
Delete users with the patient role x x
Filter listed users x x
Search in the user list x x
Export the user list in different formats x x
View the system’s audit logs x
View the system’s statistical graphs x

General Technical Features of the Project

  • Layered Architecture in Backend with ASP.NET Core 8 WEB API
  • Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern With MediatR
  • Generic Repository and Unit of Work Pattern
  • MS SQL Server Database
  • Using Entity Framework Core 8 ORM
  • Database Migrations with Code First Approach
  • Advanced Role and Permission Based Authentication and Authorization with JWT
  • JSON Based Multi-Language Support in Frontend with Ngx-Translate
  • JSON Based Multi-Language Support in Backend
  • Database Based Multi-Language Support for Some Project Components (Menu Items, Departments)
  • Object to Object Mapping in Frontend with Dynamic Mapper
  • Object to Object Mapping in Backend with Auto Mapper
  • Using Records as DTOs in data transfer in Backend
  • Using PrimeNG as UI Library in Frontend
  • Component Based Architecture in Frontend
  • Some Custom Components like Advanced Table, Simple Table
  • Logging Database Transactions with Audit Log
  • Error Management with Global Error Handler in Frontend
  • Error Management with Error Handler Middleware in Backend
  • Request and Response Encryption Decryption with Encryption Decryption Middleware
  • Logging API Operations with Serilog and Visualization with Seq
  • Server Side Pagination, Searching and Filtering with PrimeNG Tables
  • Multi-Format (PDF, XML, JSON, XLSX, CSV) Data Export for Tables
  • Server Side Validation with Fluent Validation
  • Client Side Validation with Fluent Validation TS
  • Using Interceptors for Authorization, Encryption-Decryption and Spinner in Frontend
  • Using Environments in Frontend for Deployment
  • Using Environments in Backend with DotNetEnv for Deployment
  • Docker and Docker Compose Support
  • Using Eslint in Frontend for Code Consistency
  • Response Compression in Backend
  • Fake Data Generation with Bogus
  • Using Indexes in Some Database Table Columns for Query Performance
  • Health Check in Backend
  • Response Caching with Redis in Backend
  • Rate Limiting in Backend
  • API Versioning in Backend
  • State Management with NgRx in Frontend
  • Theme Settings for Users in Frontend
  • Using Nginx for Http Server
  • Using SignalR for Real Time Data Communication
  • Using Hangfire and Quartz Jobs for Timed E-Mail Sending
  • Logging Frontend Errors with Serilog
  • Unit Tests in Backend
  • Using Charts in Frontend for Statistics
  • Multi-Format Data Import in Frontend
  • Viewing Appointments in PDF format with Ngx-Extented-Viewer
  • Notifications with Rabbit MQ in Backend

Backend Layer Folder Structure

  • eAppointment.Backend.Application
    • Behaviors
    • Features
    • Mapping
    • Services
    • DependencyInjection.cs
    • eAppointment.Backend.Application.csproj
  • eAppointment.Backend.Domain
    • Abstractions
    • Constants
    • Entities
    • Enums
    • Extensions
    • Helpers
    • eAppointment.Backend.Domain.csproj
  • eAppointment.Backend.Infrastructure
    • Concretes
    • Configurations
    • Context
    • Migrations
    • Services
    • DependencyInjection.cs
    • eAppointment.Backend.Infrastructure.csproj
  • eAppointment.Backend.WebAPI
    • Abstractions
    • Controllers
    • Filters
    • Helpers
    • Middlewares
    • Properties
    • Resources
    • .env
    • eAppointment.Backend.WebAPI.csproj
    • Helper.cs
    • Program.cs
    • web.config
  • docker-compose.yml
  • Dockerfile
  • eAppointment.Backend.sln

Tools and Technologies Used in the Backend

The list of all packages and tools used in backend is provided below, along with their version.

  • General Technologies

    • ASP.NET Core 8 WEB API
  • Nuget Packages

    • Ardalis.SmartEnum 8.0.0
    • AutoMapper 13.0.1
    • DotNetEnv 3.1.1
    • FluentValidation 11.9.2
    • FluentValidation.DependencyInjectionExtensions 11.9.2
    • MediatR 12.4.0
    • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer 8.0.8
    • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features 2.0.2
    • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore 8.0.8
    • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI 8.0.8
    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design 8.0.8
    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer 8.0.8
    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 8.0.8
    • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 8.0.1
    • Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions 8.0.8
    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets 1.19.6
    • Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.3
    • Scrutor 4.2.2
    • Serilog 4.0.1
    • Serilog.AspNetCore 8.0.2
    • Serilog.Enrichers.AspNetCore 1.0.0
    • Serilog.Enrichers.ClientInfo 2.1.1
    • Serilog.Enrichers.Environment 3.0.1
    • Serilog.Enrichers.Process 3.0.0
    • Serilog.Enrichers.Thread 4.0.0
    • Serilog.Settings.Configuration 8.0.2
    • Serilog.Sinks.Seq 8.0.0
    • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 6.7.3


The MIT License (MIT)


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