Workout Log
Week | Wt (lb) | Cal | P (g) | C (g) | F (g) | TDEE | Sleep |
1 | 186.8 | 2791 | 239 | 216 | 103 | 2015 | 5:19:00 |
2 | 187.3 | 2527 | 232 | 183 | 96.4 | 1974 | 6:29:00 |
3 | 189.15 | 2951 | 242 | 262 | 106 | 2270 | 5:35:00 |
4 | 187.54 | 2735 | 223 | 216 | 107 | 2807 | 5:12:00 |
5 | 187.6 | 3149 | 261 | 280 | 95.1 | 2202 | 6:30:00 |
6 | 186.83 | 3134 | 232 | 222 | 131 | 2098 | 5:58:00 |
7 | 187.6 | 3628 | 231 | 349 | 134 | 2092 | 5:53:00 |
8 | 188.71 | 3595 | 234 | 376 | 121 | 1664 | 5:37:00 |
9 | 189.9 | 4055 | 246 | 388 | 161 | 2488 | 6:06:00 |
10 | 189.64 | 3418 | 248 | 323 | 119 | 6:58:00 | |
11 | 190.44 | 3654 | 238 | 336 | 140 | 2050 | 5:18:00 |
12 | 190.86 | 3386 | 233 | 318 | 131 | 2006 | 5:44:00 |
- One Arm Barbell Row 4x8
- 35x8, 35x8, 35x8, 35x8
- ez, low back hurts from DL
- medium grip chin-ups 3x8
- 45x8, 45x8, 45x8
- assisted
- DB pullover (banded) 3x10
- 35x10, 45x10, 45x10
- fuck this set up
- banded shrugs 3x12 RPE 9
- Purplex12, Px12, Px12
- feet shoulder width, weight down, hold a bit away from handles
- BB hypers 3x10 RPE8
- 65x10, 65x10, 65x10
- decline bench leg raises 4xF RPE9
- BWx14, BWx14, BWx14
- wanna vomit
- DB preacher curl 4x10 RPE9
- 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
- doing one handed, slow reps
- DB hammer curl 4x8+5 partial RPE9
- 25x8, 22.5x8, 20x8, 20x8
- 25/22.5 too much
- bicep pump feels insane
- Slight Incline DB Press 4x8 RPE8
- 50x8, 55x8, 55x8, 55x8
- Incline BB Press 3x6 RPE9-10
- 135x4, 115x6, 125x6
- 125 & 135 EZ
- Machine Press 8,5,4,3 RPE11
- 2'x8, 2'10x5, 2'10x4, 2'10x3
- Machine Fly 3x8 RPE10
- 140x8, 150x6, 145x8
- Rear Delt Machine RPE 4x15 RPE8-11
- 100x15, 100x15, 100x15
- Cage Press 4x6 RPE9
- 95x6, 95x6, 96x6, 95x6
- Assisted Dip 4x10 RPE9
- 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x9
- Lying Extensions/Skullcrushers 4x12 RPE9
- 18x12, 18x12, 18x12, 18x12
- 4h sleep
- Deadlift
- 5x225 > 3x275 > 2x295 > 1x315 > 1x335 (PR)
- Low back feels pretty sore
- 335 felt like 315 tbh, idk if i locked out
- 345 next week, def can hit it, maybe 355
- Seated leg curl 4x10
- 200x10, 200x10, 200x10, 200x10
- Can't fully extend knees
- BB pause squats 5x6 RPE8
- 95x6, 115x6, 115x6, 115x6, 115x6
- did front squats, make sure to pause
- Bulgarian drop set of death 4x8 RPE9-10
- 20x8, 40x8, 60x8, 40x8, 20x8
- WTF was that
- BB stiff legged deadlift 2x10 RPE8-9
- 135x10, 135x9
- Standing calve raises 6x10 RPE9-10
- 4pl each side
- 6h sleep
- Cable row 4x10 RPE9
- 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10
- Supinated pulldowns 4x10 RPE 9
- 100x10, 100x10, 110x8, 110x10
- 110 too hard
- Face pulls 4x10 RPE9
- 60x10, 70x10, 60x10, 60x10
- struggle at 70, don't hinge hips, going to 60
- DB pullovers 4x8 RPE9
- 45x8, 50x8, 55x8, 60x6
- 60 too hard, stay at 55
- Cross body hammer curls (pinwheel) 4x10 60s B RPE8-9
- 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
- >25 too hard, staying at 25
- 21s 3x21 RPE 9-10
- 30x21, 40x21, 30s21
- 40 too hard
- Rope crunches 4xF RPE9
- 72x10, 62x20, 72x16, 72x12
- 62 too light
- Face pulls I can do 80, but 60 has better contractions
- go higher on DB pullovers, can do 60-65lb
- Slight decline press 4x12 RPE8
- 45x12, 45x12, 50x12, 50x12
- control negatives better
- Floor DB press x10
- 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
- Warm up for flat DB flies, do 40>45>50
- Left shoulder hurts from it
- (SS) Flat DB Flies 4x8 RPE9
- 17x8, 17x8, 10x8, 10x8
- DB Slide Laterals 4x15
- 15x15, 15x15, 15x15, 15x15
- struggled last set
- Seated DB Press x8 RPE9
- 25x8, 30x8, 30x8, 30x8
- actually kinda hard after SS, do 35 next
- (SS) Dual handle rope pushdown 4x10
- 42x10, 35x10, 35x10, 35x10
- Seated overhead rope extensions 4x10 RPE9
- 42x10, 35x10, 35x10, 35x10
- 42 too hard, going to 37, focus on negs
- Leg extensions 3x20 RPE10
- 115x20, 115x12, 115x10
- can do 145 next time
- Leg press 3x10 RPE9
- 4'x10 (wide), x6 close, 3'x10 wide, x10 close
- Walking lunges 3x8 RPE9
- 20x8, 14kgx8, 14kgx8
- Seated leg curl 3x15 RPE9
- 160x15, 160x15, 160x15
- knees hurt
- seated calve raises 6x15 RPE9
- 1'25x15, 1'25x15, 1'25x15, 1'25x15, 1'25x15, 1'25x15
- Deadlift
- 2x175 kinda sore > 1x195 > 1x315 > 325 > 1x345 (PR)
- 345 - Finished? 2nd half sus, had to hitch a little
- One Arm BB Row 4x10 RPE9
- 0x10, 50x6, 50x10, 50x10
- Struggled a bit, tired from DL
- Close Grip pulldown 3x8 RPE9
- 140x8, 140x8, 150x8
- Can probably go higher, ez
- DB Pullover 3x10 RPE9
- 60x10, 65x10, 65x7
- Didn't do banded this week
- Rack pulls 5x5
- 225x5, 225x5, 225x3, 225x5, 225x8
- Getting tired, do alt grip!! go up
- Hyperextensions 2x20
- BWx20, 25x20
- Rope Crunches 4xC2F
- 72x14, 82x10, 82x10, 82x12
- BB Curl 4x8 3s ECC
- 40x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8
- Left elbow hurts
- Incline hammer curl 4x10
- 25x10, 25x8, 22.5x10, 20x10
- Sternum pain?? Go slow no momentum
- Don't DL on back day!!!
- Too fatigued
- Lower weight for biceps, go slow
- Slight incline DB Press 4x10 RPE9
- 55x10, 55x10, 50x10, 55x6, 50x4
- Hard to do 55 for 10, low energy
- Incline BB Press 3x8 RPE8-10
- 95x8, 105x8, 115x8, 125x4
- Feel fatigued
- Assisted Dips 3xF RPE11
- 40x14, 40x10, 40x8
- Machine Fly 1.5's 3x8 RPE10
- 130x7.5, 120x7, 110x7
- 130 even kinda hard, do 120, 120 hard
- Machine Rear Delt 4x20 RPE8-11
- 100x20, 80x20, 80x20, 80x20
- Not hitting 100x20 twice lol, 80 is even hard
- Cage Press 4x6 RPE9 3m B
- 95x6, 100x6, 105x6, 105x4
- Single Handle Pushdown 4x10 RPE9
- 52x9, 52x7, 47x10
- Incline skullcrushers 4x12 RPE9 90s B
- 18x12, 18x12, 18x12, 18x14
- So fucking humid today
- Deadlift yesterday was a shit idea
- I've been doing cage press wrong, bar supposed to slide up down cage like smith machine (fixed path)
- Lying Leg Curl 4x10 RPE9-12
- 80x10, 90x6, 70x10
- knee pain, knee popping
- BB Pause Squats 5x6 RPE8
- 95x6, 95x6, 95x6, 95x6
- front squats
- Leg press drop set of death 3x10 RPE9-10
- 4'x10, 3'x10, 2'x10, 1'x10
- DB Stiff legged deadlift 3x8 RPE8-9
- 50x8, 50x8, 50x8
- Only feel it in low back?
- Standing calve raises 6x10 RPE9-10
- 4'5x10, 4'5x10, 4'5x10, 4'5x10, 4'5x10, 4'5x10
- My knee kinda hurts from running yesterday, don't run right before leg day
- Left knee popping when i extend it, top left side, inside of kneee hurts when I pull it in
- Cable row single handle 4x10 RPE9
- 70x10, 60x10, 60x10, 60x10
- dropping to 60 to slow down, pause
- Straight arm pushdowns x8
- 50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 60x8
- move up to 60 from now on
- (SS) Parallel grip puldowns 4x8 RPE9
- 100x8, 100x8, 105x8, 105x8
- Chest supported rows 4x10 RPE9
- 1'25x10, 1'25x10, 1'25x10, 1'25x10
- using machine
- Zottman curl 3x12 RPE9-10
- 20x12, 20x12, 20x12, 20x12
- Rope crunches 4xF RPE10
- 72x14, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
- Don't eat fast food before working out (worked out evening, ate BK 1h before)
- Lethargic
- Feel weaker than usual, grip is gone
- Machine press 3x8 RPE8-10
- 2'x8, 2'x8, 2'x8
- Slight incline smith press x10 3s ECC
- 1'x10, 1'x10, 1'x10, 1'x10
- (SS) Slight incline DB Flies 4x8 RPE9
- 20x8, 20x8, 20x8, 20x8
- DB Side Laterals x15
- 15x15, 15x15, 15x15, 15x15
- (SS) Bent over rear DB Raises 4x15 RPE9
- 15x15, 12.5x15, 12.5x15, 10x15
- Holy shit this is hard
- Dual handle rope pushdowns 4x10 RPE9
- 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
- Had to rush these
- Bent over tricep extension 4x10 RPE9
- 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
- Had to rush
- Seated leg curl 4x12 RPE10
- 180x12, 180x12, 180x12, 180x12
- Left knee still hurts
- Leg press 3x30 RPE9 3m B
- 3'30, 3'x30, 3'30
- Fuck this
- Hack squat 3x8 RPE9
- 2'x8, 3'x8, 3'x8
- Stick with 3 pl next time
- Glute kickback 3x12 RPE9
- 80x12, 100x12, 120x12
- Seated calve raises 6x15 RPE9
- 2'x15, 2'x15, 2'x15, 2'x15, 2'x15, 2'x15
- 10s hold at last rep
- Think I'm gonna skip DLs
- One Arm BB Row 4x12 RPE9
- 50x12, 50x12, 50x12, 50x12
- Single Arm Supinated Pulldown 3x10 RPE9
- 2'x10, 2'25x10, 2'25x9
- Using Machine for this instead of cable
- DB Pullover x10
- 65x7, 55x8, 50x10, 55x10
- (SS) Chins (Negatives Only) 4xF RPE9-10
- BWx6, BWx6, BWx6, BWx8
- Hyperextensions 3x15-20 RPE8-9
- BWx15, 25x15, BWx20
- Do BWx20 next time, slow down
- Rope crunches 5xC2F RPE9
- 82x10, 82x10, 82x12, 82x12
- DB Curl 4x8 3s ECC RPE9
- 22.5x8, 25x8, 25x8, 25x7
- 20lb warmup
- EZ Bar Reverse Curl 4x12 RPE9
- 45x10, 35x12, 35x12, 35x12
- Used Gym EZ Bar + 5
- Slight Incline DB Press 4x10 RPE9
- 55x10, 55x10, 55x10, 55x10
- Incline BB Press 3x10 RPE8-10
- 95x10, 105x10, 115x10, 120x9.5
- Machine Press 3/4 L/O 3xF(8) 45s B RPE11
- 2'x8, 2'x6, 2'x5
- Machine Flys 3x8 15s ISO RPE10
- 130x8, 140x8, 140x8
- Bent Over DB Swings 4x25 2m B RPE8-11
- 10x25, 12.5x25, 12.5x25, 12.5x25
- Banded Seated DB Press 4x8 RPE9
- 40x8, 45x8, 50x8, 50x6
- Fuck bands, didn't use them
- Single Handle Tricep Pushdown 4x20 RPE9
- 42x19, 40x20, 40x20, 40x20
- Decline EZ Bar Skullcrushers 4x12 90s B RPE9
- 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12
- Lying Leg Curl 4x8 30s ISO RPE11
- 70x8, 80x8, 90x8, 90x8
- BB Pause Squats 3s Ecc 1s Hold 5x6 RPE8
- 135x6, 135x6, 135x6, 135x6, 135x6
- Leg Press Pyramid 3x10 RPE7-10
- 1'x10, 2'x10, 3'x10, 4'x10, 5'x5
- BB Stiff Legged Deadlift 3x8 RPE9
- 135x8, 185x8, 185x8
- No bands fuck bands
- Standing calve raises 6x8 RPE9-10
- 4'10x8, 4'10x8, 4'10x8, 4'10x8
- Tibia raise x25 BTW
- Thomas, asian guy with glasses
- WT: 188, S: 6h
- Front Pulldown 4x10 RPE9
- 120x10, 140x10, 140x10, 160x8, 160x8
- Straight arm pushdowns x8
- 42x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8
- (SS) Low Cable Row 4x8 RPE9
- 100x8, 120x8, 120x8, 120x8
- T-Bar Rows 4x15 RPE9
- 145x15, 145x15, 145x15, 145x15
- Feels so good, use 25s, straps, +belt
- Incline Concentration Curls 4x8 60s B RPE9
- 22.5x8, 20x8, 20x8, 20x8
- Doesn't feel like I'm squeezing at the top
- Incline DB Curls 4x12 RPE9
- 20x12, 17.5x20, 17.5x20, 17.5x20
- Rope Crunches 5xF RPE10
- 88x12, 92x9, 98x6, 98x5, 98x5
- Just use full stack (98) from now
- Decline DB Press 4x10 RPE9
- 65x10, 65x8, 60x10, 60x10
- Decline w/ 2 25s
- Pec Minor Dip xF
- BWx8, BWx10, BWx20, BWx20
- Can do >20, Need better balance
- (SS) Slight Incline DB Flies 4x8 RPE9-10
- 20x8, 20x8, 20x8, 20x8
- DB Side Laterals 4x12
- 15x12, 15x12, 15x12, 15x12
- Can go higher, but want to focus squeezing
- (SS) Face Pulls w/ Band 4x25 RPE9
- Greenx25, Gx25, Gx25, Gx25
- Really difficult
- Assisted Tricep Pushdown 4x8 RPE9
- 85x8, 85x8, 90x8, 95x8
- Can go up, focus on stretch, 95/100 next time
- use assisted dip machine pad
- Bent over tricep extension 4xF RPE9
- 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
- Single handles
- Lying Leg Curl 4x12 RPE10
- 110x12, 110x12, 110x12
- Warm up with 95
- Knee still hurts on 1st rep
- Leg Press 4s ecc 3x? RPE9
- 3'x10 3'25x10, 4'x10
- Hack Squat 4s ecc 3x8 RPE9
- 3'x8, 3'x8, 4'x8
- slow and deep
- do 4' next time
- Smith Lunge 3x12 RPE9
- 25x12, 35x12, 1'x12
- Seated Calve Raises 6x8 10s ISO RPE9
- 3'x8, 3'x8, 3'x8, 3'x8, 3'x8, 3'x8
- Heavy weight
- Phil, tattoo buff white old man
- secret to growing is not using heavy weights
- One-arm BB Row 4x8 RPE9-10
- 60x8, 60x8, 75x6, 60x8
- Grip closer to top, 60 kinda light
- 70 or 65 prolly more reasonable
- Chest supported row 3x10 R9
- 2'25x10, 3'x10, 2'x10, 3'x10
- TBH 3'x10 is doable with straps + belt, left hand could
- Chins 4xF
- 40x8, 40x8, 40x8, 40x8
- Focused on increasing DB pullovers more
- (SS) DB Pullovers 4x8 RPE9-10
- 60x10, 65x8, 70x8, 70x6
- 60-65 pullover too ez
- Hyperextensions 3x15-20 R8-9
- BWx20, BWx20, BWx20
- BW, explosive conc, slow ecc
- Rope crunches 6xC2F R9
- 95x8, 6x
- DB Curl 4x8, 3s ECC R9
- 20x8, 22.5x8, 22.5x8, 22.5x8
- BB Curl 4x8 10sB R10 EZ Bar
- 45x8, 45x8, 45x8, 45x8
- Asian guy w/ gf braces DB benches 70s
- Thomas squats ~185-200
- 187lb, 6h sleep
- Slight incline db press 4x8 RPE9-10
- 60x8, 70x3, 65x6, 60x8
- warmup 45, 50s
- wrist wraps
- Incline BB press 3x6 RPE8-10
- 95x6, 115x6, 135x4, 135x5
- wider grip + wrist wraps
- hex press 1x8 RPE11 45sB Repeat
- 55x8, 55x7, 55x6
- Machine flies 3x10 10sISO R10
- 120x10, 130x10, 120x10
- Raise seat higher, low wt, stretch pec
- Bent over DB swings 4x30 R8-11
- 12.5x30, 12.5x30, 10x30, 10x30
- Fuck 30 reps
- banded seated db press 4x8 R9
- 50x8, 50x7, 50x7, 50x7
- warmup 35, 45
- 3rd 4th sets w/ wraps
- Lying extensions 4x10 R9
- 22x10, 31x6, 22x10, 26x10
- kettlebell
- use 26lb next time (12kg) 22/10kg too light, 31 too heavy
- DB overhead extensions 4x10 R9
- 45x10, 50x10, 60x10, 65x8
- Hu Liu yoga class mom
- clean practice - did 135lb clean, right hammy hurts after 3rd rep
- jumping back too much, im catching bar instead of meeting it
- Seated leg curl 12,10,8,6 R10
- 160x12, 180x10, 200x8, 220x10
- right hammy still hurts from cleans yday
- can go a lot higher
- BB Squats 75% 1RM 3x8 R8
- 135x8, 1'x8, 1'x8
- Right IT band fking hurts
- Hack Squat Drop Set of Death 3x10 R9-11
- 3'x10, 3'x10, 3'x10, 2'x10, 1'x10
- IT Band still sore can probably increase wt
- Leg extension 1x8...30sB...F...Repeat 2x R9
- 250x10, 250x10, 250x10
- Can def go higher maybe even full stack
- BB Stiff Legged Deadlift 3x8 R9
- 1'x8, 1'1x7, 1'x8
- Standing calve raise 6x10 R0-10
- 1'x10, 2'x10, 2'x10, 2'x10, 2'x10, 2'x9
- Hack squat pivot is better than the linear one
- For hang clean, elbows dont move up fast enough always delayed
- When I FR SQ, elbows dont go high enough, i think im not used to feeling the clean catch position
- Be more explosive, think about whipping bar, hit/choke your neck
- DB Row 4x10 R9
- 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
- Warm up 60 70 80, not using straps correctly
- can do 90, but grip fails
- Straight arm pushdowns x8
- 52x8, 57x8, 62x8, 62x8
- (SS) Chins 4x8 R9
- BWx6, BWx6, BWx6, BWx6
- Prone shrugs 4x12 R9
- 25x12, 35x12, 35x12, 35x12
- up and back
- Feet on ground peel delts back
- Light weight until feel it
- arms straight
- Preacher curls 4x8 R9
- 55x8, 55x8, 55x8, 55x8
- Used machine, lower weight
- Hammer curls 4x12 R9
- 20x12, 15x12, 15x12, 15x12
- Dropping wt for better form
- Long eccentric
- Rope crunches 6xF R10
- 97x3, 82x10, 87x8, 92x6, 97x5
- PR!!! 365 Deadlift!!!!
- Warm up: 135>225>275>315
- Working sets:
- 335 - actually ez
- 345 - breaks ground fast, locking = hard
- 365 (attempt 1) - fail, cleared knees
- 365 (2nd) - tightened belt, screamed
- Flat DB Press 4x12 R9
- 65x8, 65x6, 55x12, 55x132
- Pretty fatigued, r elbow hurts
- Pec minor dip x8
- BWx8, BWx8, BWx8
- (SS) Dips 4x8-10 R9
- 40x10, 25x8, 10x8 (assist)
- DB side laterals x8
- 15x8, 15x8, 15x8, 15x8
- (SS) Bent over db swings 4x12 R9
- 15x12, 15x12, 15x12, 15x12
- Pronated kickbacks 4x10 R9
- 15x10, 15x10, 15x10, 15x10
- Lying extensions 4x12 R9
- EZBar+20x12, 20x12, 20x12, 20x12
- Elbows flared, r. hurts more, r. shoulder hurts
- Eyetomic tatttoo
- Lying leg curl R8-10 3x8
- 110x8, 120x8, 130x5
- Leg press x10 R8
- 3'x8, 3'x8, 3'x8, 3'x10
- less weight full ROM
- thought it was 8 reps, whoops
- (SS) DB walking lunge 4x8 R9
- 25x8, 25x8, 25x8, 25x8
- Tried doing 45s, shit thats hard
- Seated calve raises 6x15 10s ISO R9
- 2'x15, 6x
- 275 strapless deadlift
- DLing today was a mistake, stop ego lifting!!!
- Meadow's row 4x8 R9
- 50x8, 50x8, 50x8, 50x8
- Can go higher, but grip is shit
- Bar+50
- Rack pulls 5x5 R8-9
- 1'x5, 1'25x5, 1'25x5, 1'1x5, 1'1x5
- Staying at low wt, focus on form
- Straight arm pushdowns x8
- 47x7, 52x8, 52x8, 57x8
- (SS) DB pullovers 4x8 R9-10
- 65x8, 60x8, 60x8, 60x8
- slowing it down
- elbows hurt
- Face pulls 2x12 R9
- 52x12, 62x12
- 62 is good
- Hanging leg raises 6xC2F R9
- BWx12, BWx12, BWx12, BWx11, BWx10, BWx10
- Legs straight
- EZ Bar curl 4x8 5s ECC R9
- EZB+20x8, 20x8, 20x8, 20x8
- EZ Bar Preacher curl 4x8, 4s ECC R9-10
- EZB20x5, 15x8, 15x8, 15x8
- Feels good, forearms on fire
- Taking it ez today
- 186lb
- Machine Press 3x8 R8-10
- 2'x8, 2'x8, 2'x8
- Flat bench bb press 5x5 R8-10
- 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x2, 135x5
- Not supposed to pyramid, but wanted to see how far
- Dips x8
- BWx8, BWx8, BWx8
- (SS) Stretch pushups 3x6 R10
- BWx6, BWx6, BWx6
- Cage Press 4x8 R9
- 25x8, 30x8, 35x8, 35x8
- using smith machine
- Machine rear delt flyes 4x15 1s ISO R9
- 100x15, 100x15, 90x15, 90x15
- Lower weight, worried about elbow soreness
- Pushdowns 4x12 R9
- 35x12, 42x12, 42x12, 42x12
- Single handles
- Elbows hate me
- DB overhead extensions 4x10 R9
- 60x10, 65x10, 65x9, 65x7
- Lying leg curl 12,10,8,6 R10
- 115x12, 120x10, 125x8, 130x6
- Just on the limit of difficult
- Leg press 3x8 R9
- 3'x8, 3'x8, 3'x8
- Smith lunges 3x10 R9
- 1"x10, 1"x10, 1"x10
- Leg extensions 3x8 Last set-15 partials R9-11
- 245x8, 265x8, 265x8,15
- BB stiff legged deadlift 3x8 R9
- 1'x8, 1'x8, 1'x8
- Standing calve raises 3x20 & 3x8, 1s ISO R9-10
- 2'x20, 2'x20, 2'x20, 2'1x8, 2'1x8, 2'1x8
- Meadows row 4x10 R9
- 3"x10, 3"x10, 3"x10
- Was wearing straps wrong whole time
- Rack pulls mid-shin 5x5 R8-9
- 1'1x5, 5x
- Straight arm pushdowns
- 62x8, 4x
- Single arm supinated pulldowns 4x8 R9-10
- 120x8, 120x8, 120x6, 100x8
- Slowed down last set
- Face pulls 3x12 R9
- 62x12, 57x12, 57x12
- Hanging leg raises 6xC2F R9
- BWx12, BWx10, BWx10, BWx10, BWx10, BWx9
- 10 clean reps please
- EZ Bar curl 4x12 R9-10
- 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12
- Hammer curl 4x10 R9-10
- 17.5x10, 4x
- One arm row, db row - wrapped incorrectly
- Machine press 3x10 R9-10
- 2'x10, 2'x10, 2'x10
- Flat bench BB Press 5x5 R8-10
- 155x5, 155x5, 155x4, 155x5, 155xt5
- Proud of myself, that was hard
- Dips 3x10 R9-10
- bwx10, 3x
- Getting better at balancing
- Flat DB press 3x8 R9-10
- 50x8, 55x8, 55x10
- 50s too ez
- 55 on edge, tbh 60x8 doable
- Cage Press 4x6 R9
- 35x6, 1'x5, 35x6, 35x6
- smith machine, 35 each side
- Machine rear delt flys 4x25 R9
- 80x25, 80x23, 75x23, 70x25
- Last 2 reps rly hard
- Pushdowns 4x8 R9
- 60x8, 60x8, 60x8, 70x5
- Rope handle
- Lying kettlebell extensions 4x12 R9
- 26x8, 22x12, 18x12, 18x12
- Bench PR - 165, 175 (ez), 185 fail
- Did wide grip, maybe more narrow?
- Eric - asian guy in hoodie with forearm tatt
- Braces gf dude - 180 lat pd, cheats a lot tho
- Leg press 3x8 R9
- 4x8, 4'x8, 4'x10
- Squat 3x10 R9
- 1'x10, 1'5x10, 1'10x10
- Leg ext 3x8 3s ISO all reps R9
- 205x8, 205x8, 205x8
- lower wt bc iso hold 3s
- Lying leg curl 4x12 45s B R10
- 110x12, 90x12, 90x12
- Standing calve raises 8x10
- 2'x10, 8x
- dropping leg pump day to only 5 days training, 2 days rest
- started supplements: fish oil, b12, d3, calcium, multi, collagen
- Meadow's Row 4x12 R9
- 3"x12, 4x
- Rack pulls 5x5 R9 Start @ knees
- 2'x5, 2'1x5, 3'x5, 3'1x1 LOL 4'x1 3'x5
- do 3' for 5x5 next time
- DB pullovers 4x10 R9
- 70x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x6, 75x4
- 70 felt kinda ez, 75 nb at all
- Supported chest rows 4x8 R9-10
- 3'x8, 3'x6, 2'1x8
- using machine
- kinda struggle 3'
- Hanging leg raises 6xC2F R9
- BWx10, 6x
- Grip is gone, doing knee raises
- DB preacher curl 4x8 R9-10
- 25x8, 4x
- Love this movement, when slow down
- EZ bar curl 4x12 30sB R9-10
- 35x12, 35x12, 35x8, 25x12
- Machine press 3x12 R9-10
- 2'x12, 3x
- not bad
- Incline bb press 3x6 R8-10
- 95x6, 115x6, 135x4
- close to 135x5
- Dips 3x10 R9-10
- BWx10, 3x
- Machine flyes 3x10 3rd set 10 partials R9-10
- 130x10, 3x
- DB side lateral partyials 4x20 R9-10
- 30x20, 4x
- Machine rear delt flyes 4x25 1s Hold R9
- 85x25, 70x20, 60x20
- Didn't iso hold 1st set
- v hard
- Pushdowns 4x12 R9
- 50x12, 55x12, 60x10
- bar handle
- DB overhead extensions 4x10 R9
- 55x10, 60x10, 65x9, 60x10
- warmup 45, 50
- Lying leg curl 4x12 R9
- 80x12, 95x12, 110x12, 125x12
- 125 not hard at all
- Leg press 3x8 R9
- 2'x8, 3'x8, 3'1x8, 4'x10
- 4' not bad
- Squat 3x12 R9
- 1'x12, 3x
- So much volume, actually hard
- Hack squat 3x8 R9
- 3'x8, 3'1x8, 4'x8
- DB stiff legged deadlift 3x10 3/4 L/O R9-10
- 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
- stop rounding back or drop wt
- Standing calve raises 8x8 R9-10
- 4'1x8, 5'x8, 7x
- 8x15 tib raise purple band, kinda hard
- santiago told me to deload
- Meadow's row 4x6
- 2"x6, 4x
- draw elbows back towards core
- cheat too much on these in the past
- Rack pulls 5x4
- 2'x4, 5x
- can keep going heavy
- stretchers 4x8
- 100x8, 4x
- stretch position biceps by head towards core
- supported chest rows 4x6 tbar
- 1'1x6, 1'1x6, 1'1x6, 2'x4
- hanging leg raises 6x8
- bwx8, 6x
- ez bar preacher curl 4x
- 45x6, 4x
- standing alternate db curls 4x8
- 20x8, 15x8, 3x
- squeeze pinkies
- santi deloads clients every 4-5 wks
- joseph was feeling my arms, pointing it out
- machine press 3x6
- 2'x6, 3x
- i think im cheating, chin is tucked
- check form next week
- incline bb press 3x6
- 95x6, 105x6, 115x6
- flat db press 3x8 3/4 l/o drop set x6, 3 times
- 55x8, 3x, 50x6, 45x6, 40x6
- machine flyes 3x8 10 partials
- 120x8, 3x
- db side laterals 4x6
- 15x6, 4x
- machine rear delt flyes 4x12 2s ISO
- 80x12, 4x
- dual rope pushdowns 4x10
- 42x10, 4x
- seated rope overhead extensions 4x8 15s stretch
- 42x8, 4x
- seated leg curl 4x10
- 180x10, 160x8, 140x10
- holding iso feels so good, slow descent
- leg press 1x6,+1'x3,-1'x3,-1'x3
- 3'x6, 3'1x3, 3'x3, 2'1x3
- machine squat 5x6 3s ECC
- 2'x6, 5x
- hack squat
- banded good morning 3x20 3/4 l/o
- redx20 purplex20, px20
- like this exercise
- standing calve raises 4x20
- 3'x20, 4x
- emmanuel - buff latino dude tattoos does classic phys
- db row 4x8 r9
- bench, hold end, swing back, don't abuse biceps
- opposite leg out, incline
- stay at 30
- elbows up, draw elbows back
- banded chins 1x50 r9
- 40x10, 40x10, 55x10, 55x10, 55x10
- no bands, assisted
- low cable row 4x10 r9
- 30x10, 4x
- scoop elbows
- single handle, bench + 2 plates for chest support, cable
- banded pullovers 4x10
- 50x10, 4x
- no bands, push chest out at the ened of mvmt full contraction
- bb hyperextensions 2x10 r9
- 50x10, 2x
- slow down!!!
- rly feel it in hams glutes + post chain
- hanging leg raises 6xc2f
- bwx10, 6x
- ez bar preacher curls 4x12 r9-10
- ezb+5sx12, 4x
- hammer curls r9-10 4x10
- 15x10, 4x
- low row - bring chest fwd, scoop
- weight doesnt matter, muscles only know intensity so don't cheat
- flat db press 3x8 r9
- 8x50, 8x55, 8x60, 8x65
- pull shoulders back
- incline bb press 3x10 r8-10
- 95x10, 105x10, 115x10, 125x8
- hex press 3x10 r9-11
- 50x10, 50x8, 45x9
- machine flyes 3x10 10 partials r9-10
- 100x10, 110x10, 90x10, 10p
- db bent over side lateral swings 4x20 r9
- 15x20, 4x
- machine rear delt flyes 4x8 5s ECC r9
- 80x8, 4x
- bent over extensions w/ single handles 4x10 r9
- 35x10, 4x
- seated rope overhead extensions 4x10 15s ISO r9
- 30x10, 4x
- seated leg curl 4x8 r9
- 200x8, 220x8, 240x8, 260x8, 280x4
- 160 180 warmup
- squat 4x8 r9-11
- 1'x8, 4x
- leg press 4x8 r9
- 4'x8, 4x
- can go up
- hack squat 3x10 3s ECC r9
- 2'x10, 3x
- can do more, but focus on contraction
- standing calve raises 4x10 r9-10
- 5'x10, 4x
- redx20, 4x tib raises
- did 3' trap bar farmers walk 20,10yards after workout
- DB Row 4x10 R9
- 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 45x10
- Not feeling it w/ 30, 35
- feel it w/ 40, 40/45 perfect
- banded chins 1x55 r9
- -40x10, 5x -40x5
- supported chest rows 4x8 r9 t-bar
- 1'x8, 4x
- single arm supinated rows 3x10 r9-10
- 30x10, 35x10, 40x10
- 30 no feel, 35 good 40 good stretch
- bb hypers 3x10 r9
- 50x10, 3x
- hanging leg raises 6xc2f r9
- bwx10, 6x
- ez bar curls 4x8, 2 partials r9-10
- 45x8,2 4x
- reverse curls 4x10 r9-10
- don't lower/raise all the way, constant tension pausing at bottom also works
- flat db press 8,8,10 r9-10
- 65x8, 70x8, 65x10
- warmup 45,50,55,60
- incline bb press 3x6 r8-10
- 95x6,115x6,135x5
- wide grip dips 3xf r10
- bwx10, 3x
- incline bb flyes 3x10, 6p r9-11
- 20x10, 3x
- over and back press 4x8 r9
- 65x8,4x
- warmup 45
- machine rear delt flyes 4x25 r9
- 70x25, 4x
- pushdowns w/ single handles 4x10
- 35x10, 4x
- seated rope overhead ext 4x10
- 35x10, 4x
- lying leg curl 3x15 r9
- 125x15, 3x
- squat 4x8 r9-11
- 1'x8, 1'5x8, 3x
- 1'5 feels good, can pause all reps, hitting depth
- leg press 3x10 high + wide feet
- 4'x10,3x
- hit depth, good job
- hack squat 1.5s 3x8 r9
- 2'x8, 3x
- hard
- standing calve raises 4x10
- 5'x10, 4x
- tibs
- I deadlift better after a workout/later in the day
- db row 4x12 r9
- 40x12, 4x
- banded chins 1x60 r9
- -40x10,6x
- no bands
- supported chest rows 4x8 r9
- 40x8,4x
- db pullovers 3x12 r9-10
- 80x10, 75x10, 70x12
- bb hypers 4x10 r9
- 45x10, 4x
- no hyper mch, using ghd w/ 45 plate
- hanging leg raises 6xc2f r9
- bwx10,6x
- db supinated curls 4x8 r9-10
- 20x8,4x
- zottman curls 4x10 r9-10
- 15x10, 4x
- knees, ankles, hips hurt - too much running? sumo?
- 4',3' rack pulls 2x's
- 4x20yard @ 315lb farmers walk
- flat db press 3x12 r9-10
- 65x12, 60x10, 60x9
- can do 70, doing 65 for 12
- warmup 45 50 60
- incline bb press 3x8 r8-10
- 95x8, 105x8, 115x8
- too tired
- banded hammer press 3x8 r10
- 2'x8, 3x
- too tired
- machine flyes 3x10 r9
- 120x10, 3x
- over & back press 4x10 r9
- 45x10, 4x
- dropping weight to 45, work on form
- kills shoulders, burns
- mch rear delt flyes 4x25 r9
- 60x25, 4x
- fatigued
- incline lying ext 4x10
- 45x10 55x10,3x
- seated rope overhead ext 4x10
- 32x10, 4x
- tired from 1rm bench 175 success, failed 180
- seated leg curls
- 200x12, 220x12, 240x12, 260x12
- warmup 100 140 180
- squat 3x6 r9
- 95x6, 135x6, 155x6
- depth + form
- leg press 3x30 3m break r9
- 2'x30, 3x
- hack squats 1.5s 2x15 r9
- 2'x15, 2x
- standing calve raise 4x25 r9-10
- 5'x25
- warmup with 35 pullups for time
- good workout
- db row 4x8 r9
- 30x8, 40x8, 50x8, 60x8
- 40+50 good stretch
- banded chins 1x70 r9
- 7x10 @ -40
- db pullovers 4x10 r9-10
- 80x10, 80x8, 75x10, 75x10
- warmup 60 70 75
- rack pulls 3x3 r7-10
- 315x3, 365x3 ,405x3
- ez
- farmers walk 3x20 steps/10 leg
- 225x20, 275x20, 275x20, 315x20, 315x20
- 315 felt so easy, no knee sleeves
- hanging leg raises 6xc2f
- machine curls 4x8 2s hold r9-10
- 35x8, 4x
- preacher mch, 35 = really beautiful stretch at bottom
- ez bar curls 4x20 r9-10
- 35x20,4x
- this was soo hard
- right shoulder + elbow hurts
- flat db press 3x8 r9-10
- 70x2, 65x8, 65x8
- warmup 45 55 65
- incline bb press 3x6 r8-10
- 95x6, 115x6, 125x6, 135x4
- proud
- cable crossover 3x10 last set: 10,8,6,4 r10
- 20x10, 3x
- flat db flyes 3x10 r9 3/4 l/o good stretch
- 3x10 @ 22.5lb
- db leaning side laterals 4x12 r9
- 4x12 @ 15lb
- spider crawls 4x3 up down, 10 over back r9
- 4x8 @ RED
- tate press 4x10 r9
- 17.5x10, 4x
- sideways tricep ext? weird asf fuck this
- fuck this
- lying ext 4x15 r9
- 4x15 @ 20lb/arm
- kettlebell
- seated leg curl 4x8 drop 10,15p r9
- 240x8, 260x8 280x8 300x2 <-- gg
- warmup 200,220
- 240 260 - best form, 280 prolly lim
- leg ext 4x10 drop 10r, 15p r9
- did 250lb in the past
- leg press 4x15 2m B R9
- 3'x15 3.5'x15 4'x15 5'x10
- warmup 2'
- depth, hard 4'-sketch reps
- hack squat 1.5s 3x8 r9
- 2'x8 2.5'x8 3'x8
- standing calve raises 4x8 r9-10
- 4x8 @ 6'
- 4x20 tib @ purple
- jerk from rack 5x32 @ 105
- 105x2, 5x
- bar moving a lot slower