This guide shows you how to finish mobile agent verification with the help of Lot Agent. You need to switch to src/mobile_agent and install extra components before starting steps:
cd src/mobile_agent
pip install numpy cv openai python-dotenv jupyter scikit-learn
Initialize lfs storage and pull from remote:
git lfs install
git lfs pull
The picked-up mobile trajectories will be sync at data/failed_agent_trajectory.
Next, start LoT agent inference for all mobile screens. You are supposed to store LoT agent weights at the folder src/models/tol_gui_region_detection/work_dirs/dino-4scale_r50_8xb2-90e_mobile_multi_bbox/epoch_90.pth
Verify that for each trajectory, a plan_execution_annotated_local_status.json file and image_to_bbox_and_scores.json file that contains local and global region candidates will be generated.
To understand different actions involving with target trajectories, using
Next, use GPT4-o to do action verification. By default, we use GPT4-o on AZURE cloud and also allows you to switch to openAI endpoints.
- Create .env file under current folder, which contains AZURE or openai key likes:
# OpenAI key
OPENAI_API_KEY=<Your openai key>
# or AZURE setting
AZURE_OPENAI_BASE=<Your openai base url on AZURE server>
AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=<Your deployment name on AZURE server>
AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION=<Your openai version on AZURE server>
Fill parameters based on your server choice.
- Trigger inference
If you use Openai api on AZURE, using
python --candidate_actions click input --use_official_openai_url True
If you use Openai official API, using
python --candidate_actions click input --use_official_openai_url True
A result json file will be generated with the name ssr_statistic_agent_<The triggering datetime>_click_input_prompt.json
. Check your result is similar to one of our experimental output json files [ssr_statistic_agent_2024-06-05 17:17:53_click_input_prompt.json](src/mobile_agent/ssr_statistic_agent_2024-06-05 17:17:53_click_input_prompt.json).
- Resume inference in case of unexpected failure
Considering that calling openai API may be broken by accident (API request quote, unstable server status), we also provide "exception-resume" mechanism. You can use your unfinished result json file to resume your trajectory analysis, using
python --candidate_actions click input --use_official_openai_url True --resume_previous_running_file "<your previous result json file name>"
In our experiment, we carried out about 10 times of trajectory analysis to understand if our verification keep consistent. You can start your jupyter server locally and run report_ssr_agent_for_correcting_mobile_agent.ipynb. In the section "Final statistics: LoT Agent + Simplified Action Validation Agent", you can find the final statistics as follow:
# section 1: classification report
precision recall f1-score support
negative 0.38:0.03 0.81:0.03 0.52:0.03 47:4
positive 0.92:0.02 0.62:0.01 0.74:0.01 162:4
accuracy 0.66:0.01 209
macro avg 0.65:0.01 0.72:0.02 0.63:0.02 209
weighted avg 0.80:0.02 0.66:0.01 0.69:0.01 209
# section 2: application statistic
tp 100.20:2.04
fp 8.80:2.04
tn 38.10:2.91
fn 61.90:2.91
tpr 0.92:0.02
fpr 0.08:0.02
tnr 0.38:0.03
fnr 0.62:0.03
accuracy_v 0.66:0.01
precision_v 0.92:0.02
ecall_v 0.62:0.01
fp_failed_detect_repetition 0.00:0.00
repetition_detect_in_click 8.80:0.75
repetition_detect_in_click rate 0.44:0.04
total 209.00:0.00
All statistics have been formatted in <mean>:<standard deviation>
format. For instance, "tp 100.20:2.04" means true positive have a mean value of 100 and standard deviation 2.04 throughout all of our experiments.
For the output result, the first section of precision, recall, f1-score, support follows the same pattern of classification report in sklearn, refer to classification_report. The second section contains application statistics: tpr, fpr, tnr, fnr stands for true positive rate, false positive rate, true negative rate, false negative rate; repetition_detect_in_click, repetition_detect_in_click rate describes how many repeated actions ("execution loop" issue mentioned in the paper) has been detected and the ratio of the total actions with such issue.