Read about the program, its output, and follow instructions for setup in the mapDamaga's main page
Download mapDamage from git into desired directory
git clone
In my current working station, I would then get a working node
Load mapDamage according to your system. Example using a container:
module load container_env mapdamage2
mapDamage creates plots using R, which you should make sure to install and load in your current version before running mapDamage
Load required R libraries in your current session
crun R # Accessing R inside the container in my system
R # without a container
# Load required libraries
You can check that they were loaded by
Quit R and save the session
Run mapDamage (don't use crun
if not using a container) while specifying a BAM (or SAM) file and the corresponding reference in fasta format using the -i
and -r
flags, respectively. Example:
crun mapDamage -i ../../files -r ../../reference.fasta
Use relative paths as necessary
This creates a directory with results named: results<name_of_bam_file>
A successful run delivers a message similar to this:
Started with the command: /opt/mapdamage2/bin/mapDamage -i ../../PIRE2019-Ssp-A-Atu_010-Plate1Pool5Seq1-1E-L4.5.5-RAW.bam -r ../../reference.5.5.fasta
WARNING: Alignment contains a large number of reference sequences (28525)!
This may lead to excessive memory/disk usage.
Consider using --merge-reference-sequences
Reading from '../../PIRE2019-Ssp-A-Atu_010-Plate1Pool5Seq1-1E-L4.5.5-RAW.bam'
Writing results to 'results_PIRE2019-Ssp-A-Atu_010-Plate1Pool5Seq1-1E-L4.5.5-RAW/'
pdf results_PIRE2019-Ssp-A-Atu_010-Plate1Pool5Seq1-1E-L4.5.5-RAW/Fragmisincorporation_plot.pdf generated
No length distributions are available, plotting length distribution only works for single-end reads
Warning: DNA damage levels are too low, the Bayesian computation should not be performed (0.001559 < 0.01)
Performing Bayesian estimates
Warning, To few substitutions to assess the nick frequency, using constant nick frequency instead
Starting grid search, starting from random values
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 1
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 2
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 3
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 4
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 5
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 6
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 7
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 8
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 9
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 10
Done burning, starting the iterations
Done with the iterations, finishing up
Writing and plotting to files
Warning messages:
1: package ‘inline’ was built under R version 4.0.2
2: package ‘gam’ was built under R version 4.0.2
Successful run
You can then created a sbatch script to run all albatross files in parallel. For example,
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=mapDamage
#SBATCH -o mapDamage-%j.out
#SBATCH -p main
#SBATCH -c 4
#SBATCH --mail-user=youremail
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
module load container_env mapdamage2
ls ../../PIRE2019-Ssp-A*bam | parallel --no-notice -kj40 "crun mapDamage -i{} -r ../../reference.5.5.fasta"
# Running a few jobs with contemporary files for comparisons as well
crun mapDamage -i../../PIRE2019-Ssp-C-Gub_002-Plate1Pool3Seq1-2D-L4.5.5-RAW.bam -r ../../reference.5.5.fasta
crun mapDamage -i../../PIRE2019-Ssp-C-Gub_005-Plate1Pool12Seq1-3E-L4.5.5-RAW.bam -r ../../reference.5.5.fasta
Don't forget you load R and required libraries before running a script like this
out message
crun mapDamage -i../../PIRE2019-Ssp-C-Gub_005-Plate1Pool12Seq1-3E-L4.5.5-RAW.bam -r ../../reference.5.5.fasta
Started with the command: /opt/mapdamage2/bin/mapDamage -i../../PIRE2019-Ssp-C-Gub_005-Plate1Pool12Seq1-3E-L4.5.5-RAW.bam -r ../../reference.5.5.fasta
WARNING: Alignment contains a large number of reference sequences (28525)!
This may lead to excessive memory/disk usage.
Consider using --merge-reference-sequences
Reading from '../../PIRE2019-Ssp-C-Gub_005-Plate1Pool12Seq1-3E-L4.5.5-RAW.bam'
Writing results to 'results_PIRE2019-Ssp-C-Gub_005-Plate1Pool12Seq1-3E-L4.5.5-RAW/'
pdf results_PIRE2019-Ssp-C-Gub_005-Plate1Pool12Seq1-3E-L4.5.5-RAW/Fragmisincorporation_plot.pdf generated
No length distributions are available, plotting length distribution only works for single-end reads
Warning: DNA damage levels are too low, the Bayesian computation should not be performed (0.005677 < 0.01)
Performing Bayesian estimates
Warning, To few substitutions to assess the nick frequency, using constant nick frequency instead
Starting grid search, starting from random values
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 1
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 2
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 3
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 4
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 5
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 6
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 7
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 8
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 9
Adjusting the proposal variance iteration 10
Done burning, starting the iterations
Done with the iterations, finishing up
Writing and plotting to files
Warning messages:
1: package ‘inline’ was built under R version 4.0.2
2: package ‘gam’ was built under R version 4.0.2
Successful run