Goto the location where you want to install the boost bindings, and enter the following commands
svn co boost/numeric/bindings
svn co libs/numeric/bindings
When you run CMake specify the BOOST_BINDING_PATH cache variable if CMake can not detected the setting itself.
That is it!
For windows users OpenTissue provides a bat-file
- third_party/include/install_boost_bindings.bat
One can use this to install Boost Bindings into a default location in the OpenTissue third party folder structure.
Also, you compiler might complain that the includes cblas.h and clapack.h cannot be found. In this case, edit the files
- boost/numeric/bindings/atlas/cblas_inc.h
- boost/numeric/bindings/atlas/clapack_inc.h
such that the lines
#include <cblas.h>
#include <clapack.h>
#include <atlas/cblas.h>
#include <atlas/clapack.h>
See footnote [2.1] in libs/numeric/bindings/atlas/doc/index.html for more information.