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The Bounding Volume Hierarchy Data Structure

A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) is implemented as a tree structure, where each node corresponds to a bounded volume. If a node contains geometry as well then it is denoted as a annotated bounding volume node. Usually only leaf nodes are annotated with geometry.

You gain access to the BVH data structure by including the header file:


The idea behind a bounding volume hierarchy is to do a space partitioning of an object. Thus a node corresponds to a partition of the objects geometry. Children of a node corresponds to sub-partitions of the geometry of the node.

To work probably for collision queries the bounded volume of a node, must enclose the geometry represented by the children of that node. Sometimes this requirement is eased and the bounded volume is required to only enclose the bounded volumes of the children. Thus creating a looser fitting bounded volume.

A bounding volume hierarchy of a point distribution using OBBs could be created by writing:

typedef OBB volume_type;
typedef vector3<double> geometry_type;
typedef BVH<volume_type,geometry_type> bvh_type;

bvh_type bvh;

In general the geometry type could be anything. In some cases one would want to store pointers to faces in a polygonal mesh. In which case it would be more appropriate to write:

typedef OBB volume_type;
typedef polymesh_type::face_type * geometry_type;
typedef BVH<volume_type,geometry_type> bvh_type;

bvh_type bvh;

In this case the annotated bounding volume nodes holds a pointer to a mesh face. This mean that you decide what volume type and geometry type should be. You can pretty much pick any type you want. Just remember that a BVH makes it own copy of whatever geometry type you give it. What does this mean? Well, consider the case of the point distribution here the actual points are stored inside the annotated bounding volume nodes. In case of the polygonal mesh if we have used

typedef polymesh_type::face_type geometry_type;

the annotated bounding volumes would store faces instead of points.

Once the BVH have been created it is possible to iterate the nodes using a bv_traversal_iterator, that is

bvh_type::bv_traversal_iterator node = bvh.begin();
bvh_type::bv_traversal_iterator end  = bvh.end();

The nodes will be processed in a breadth-first manner. A pointer to the root bounding volume can be obtained by writing

bvh_type::bv_ptr_type root = bvh.root();

Observe that a bounding volume node pointer type have been defined in the BVH type. This hides the fact that the BVH class manages it's memory allocation using boost::shared_ptr. The bv_ptr_type can be used in very much the same way as if one had written

bvh_type::bv_type * root = .....

If the total number of nodes is wanted the bounding volume hierarchy proves a size-member for this

unsigned int n = bvh.size();

Likewise an empty-member is provided for testing whether a BVH contains any nodes at all.

bool empty = bvh.empty();

When creating nodes in a bounding volume hierarchy it can happen in one of two ways:

  • Either a node is created as a child of a specified parent node.
  • Or a node is created as the parent of a specified collection of nodes, which becomes the children nodes of the newly created node.

The first way is used when constructing a bounding volume hierarchy in a top-down manner, whereas the later is used in bottom-up methods. The first way is done using

bv_ptr_type parent = ....
bool annotated = ....
bv_ptr_type bv =  bvh.insert(parent,annotated);

The boolean flag indicates whether an annotated bounding volume node is created or not. Observe that a bounding volume node is a base class of the annotated bounding volume node.

Given a base pointer to any bounding volume node, one can test whether it is an annotated bounding volume node or not by using the has_geometry()-method. That is

bv_ptr_type some_bv = ...
  annotated_bv_ptr_type annotated = boost::static_pointer_cast<annotated_bv_type>(some_bv);

Only annotated bounding volumes will return the value true when invoking the has_geometry() method.

The code for creating a node in a bottom-up manner is as follows

bv_ptr_container children = .....
bool annotated = ....
bv_ptr_type bv =  bvh.insert(children,annotated);

If a bounding volume node has no children then it can be deleted by invoking

bv_ptr_type target = ....
bool success = bvh.remove(target);

The return value indicates whether the node was removed or not. To remove all nodes at once just invoke the clear method on the bounding volume hierarchy class.


The Nodes

A bounding volume node provides access to the bounding volume hierarchy which it belongs to

bv_ptr_type bv = ....
bvh_ptr_type owner = bv->owner();

Also it provides access to root node and parent node

bv_ptr_type root = bv->root()
bv_ptr_type parent = bv->parent()

One can obtain the number of children nodes by invoking the method

unsigned int n = bv->size();

or the acronym bv->degree(). This also often termed the cardinality or branching factor in literature. A node stores a volume and one can gain access to the volume using the method

volume_type & volume = bv->volume();

To make the code more readable the bounding volume node is supplemented with a few query methods

bool leaf = bv->is_leaf();
bool root = bv->is_root();
bool has_geometry = bv->has_geometry()

These makes it easy to investigate local topology of any given node. Note that the has_geometry() method can be used to determine whether a node is annotated or not (as explained in the previous section). Finally the bounding volume node provides iterators to iterate over all its children nodes.

bv_iterator child = bv->child_begin();
bv_iterator end   = bv->child_end():
for(;child != end;++child)

The annotated bounding volume node is inherited from the bounding volume node and provides a few extra functionalities. For instance on can insert the annotated geometry one-by-one using

annotated_bv_ptr_type  bv = .....
geometry_type G = ....
bv->insert( G );

Or a whole bunch of geometry at once using

annotated_bv_ptr_type  bv = .....
geometry_container G = ....
bv->insert( G );

Also one can iterate over the stored geometry using iterators

geometry_iterator geometry = bv->geometry_begin();
geometry_iterator end      = bv->geometry_end();


All utilities can be accessed by including a single header file


Of course one can also include header-files of the individual utilities that are used. This approach is taken in the following sections.

Query Sets of Nodes

The include header


contains a template function for extracting all nodes of a BVH into a container, like this

bvh_type::bv_ptr_container nodes;

In a similar fashion other queries can be performed, such as


unsigned int height = 2;

unsigned int depth = 2;



Constructing bounding volume hierarchies

Currently there exist two ways for creating BVHs, either top-down or bottom-up. In both cases you have to supply a constructor policy implementing specific steps of the desired construction method. For a top-down construction you would have to make a policy similar to this

template<typename bvh_type>

class top_down_policy

  class partition_type

    bool annotated() const { ... }
    unsigned int size() const { ... }
    bool empty() { ... }
    void split() { ... }
    partition_iterator sub_partition_begin() { ... }
    partition_iterator sub_partition_end() { ... }

    void fit(bv_ptr bv) { ... }


    partition_type all() { ... }

    template<typename iterator>
    void init(iterator begin,iterator end){ ... }

Then you can create your top down algorithm type like this

#include <OpenTissue/collision/bvh/util/top_down_constructor/bvh_top_down_constructor.h>
typedef BVHTopDownConstructor< bvh_type, top_down_policy<bvh_type> >   constructor_algorithm;

And finally you can build a bvh like this

constructor_algorithm  constructor;,geometry.end,m_bvh);

Bottom-up construction works in a similar fashion, except that the bottom-up policy must define other types and methods.

Refitting a bounding volume hierarchy

Working with deformable objects, requires refitting of the BVH before a collision query can be performed. Again this functionality is provided with the help of policies.

template<typename bvh_type_>
class refitter_policy

  void refit(bv_ptr bv)  { ...  }

Now the policy can be put to use as follows

#include <OpenTissue/collision/bvh/util/bvh_bottom_up_refitter.h>

typedef OpenTissue::BVHBottomUpRefitter< refitter_policy<bvh_type> >  refitter_algorithm;
refitter_algorithm refitter;;

Collision Queries with bounding volume hierarchies

The mechanism of collision queries is no different than construction or refitting. A policy must be defined for how the specific details of bounding volume overlaps etc.. should be done.

template<typename bvh_type_ >

class collision_policy

  template<typename result_container>
  void reset(result_container & results)    { ...   }

  bool overlap(coordsys_type const & A2B, bv_ptr bvA, bv_ptr bvB)    { ...  }

And next

#include <OpenTissue/collision/bvh/util/bvh_model_collision_query.h>
typedef BVHModelCollisionQuery< collision_policy<bvh_type> > collision_query_algorithm;
collision_query_algorithm   query;,bvhA,bvhB,results);

Outstanding Issues

The bottom-up framework could be improved in three ways

  • A better graph data structure (possible boost graph library).
  • A better heap data structure (currently sorted lists are used).
  • Allowing bottom-up policies to extend graph with dynamic/static properties needed to the given policy.

Planned Future Extensions

The Packed BVH Library.

The current BVH library is very generic and great for working with the BVH topology in a dynamic way. However, once the BVH of an object have been built it can be packed into a more efficient storage scheme using arrays. Thus, the packed BVH library will contain methods for converting a ordinary (i.e. unpacked) BVH into a packed BVH. However, it will not contain any methods, like the top-down or bottom-up construction methods, for building a packed BVH.

The packed BVH will essentially be a fixed size array implementation, like this

|                                                              |
|  node_array:                                                 |
|  +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
|  |   |         |   |                                      |  |
|  |   |   ...   |   |                ........              |  |
|  |   |         |   |                                      |  |
|  +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|  geometry_array:                                             |
|  +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
|  |   |         |   |                                      |  |
|  |   |   ...   |   |                ........              |  |
|  |   |         |   |                                      |  |
|  +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                              |

The geometry array simply stores all the geometry. The node array stores the bounding volume nodes, and these will have the following layout:


|                 traits                  |  user specified
|         cached volume_type (optional)   |  user specified
|              volume_type                |  user specified
|           query_time_stamp              |  long
|           parent_node_idx               |  unsigned int
| left_node_idx     |  right_node_idx     |  unsigned int
| left_geometry_idx |  right_geometry_idx |  unsigned int

Currently there is no plan to store BVH owner information, nor node idx information.

The time stamp is intended to be used for caching optimizations in collision queries. Thus, avoiding unnecessary model update transformations on already transformed volume types.

The index members must always be set such that

node_idx < left_node_idx <= right_node_idx
left_geometry_idx <= right_geometry_idx

Here node_idx corresponds to the node_array entry of the node. The node indices indicate the children nodes, and the geometry indices indicate the geometry coverage of the node.

Note that the ranges given by these indices forms consecutive sub-arrays. The storage layout corresponds to a pre-order lay-down of the data in a BVH.

unpacked_bvh2packed_bvh(unpacked_bvh_type U, packed_bvh_type P)

  bv_ptr_type bv, idx_type idx,idx_type & nxt_free_node,idx_type & nxt_free_geometry)
    node_array[idx] = bv
    if bv is leaf then
      geometry_array[nxt_free_geometry] = bv.geometry
      bv.left_geometry_idx  = nxt_free_geometry
      bv.right_geometry_idx = nxt_free_geometry
      nxt_free_geometry = nxt_free_geometry +1
    end if

    n = number of children of bv
    bv.left_node_idx  = nxt_free_node + 1
    bv.right_node_idx = nxt_free_node + n
    next_free_node += n
    for i=0, i < n
    next i

Afterwards, the geometry coverage is propagated from leaves to the root node. It is implicitly assumed that only leaves contains geometry and each leaf contain exactly one geometry (If you need something else use the unpacked BVH library). Keeping track of geometry coverage of non-leaf nodes is an advantage for top-down refitting of a packed BVH. Note that the node in the 0'th entry is always the root node.

The collision queries of a packed BVH is similar to the ones from the unpacked BVH library. However they are different in two respects.

  • They do not use dynamic data structures (queues) for the traversal, they used fixed-size arrays which is re-allocated using a lazy memory allocation strategy, whenever the traversal depth exceed the current array capacity.
  • They have the optional inbuilt capability to support caching of model update transforms.

Note (2) can be done with the unpacked BVH library as well. But, an end-user have to implement it by him self using the bounding volume traits. The packed model collision query will look something like:

void model_collision_query(A2B,bvhA,bvhB,results)
  static long query_time_stamp = 0;

  idx_type work[N];
  idx_type cur = 0;
  work[cur++] = 0
  work[cur++] = 0
    node_type A = bvhA.node_array[ work[ cur--] ]
    node_type B = bvhB.node_array[ work[ cur--] ]

    //--- Caching exploit
    bool test = false;
    if A.query_time_stamp = query_time_stamp
      test = overlap(A.cached_volume,B.volume)
      A.cached_volume = A.volume
      test = overlap(A2B,A.cached_volume,B.volume);
      A.query_time_stamp = query_time_stamp
    end if

  end if

  if(leaf A and leaf B)
  end if

  //--- Lazy allocation
  m = A.right_node_idx - A.left_node_idx + B.right_node_idx - B.left_node_idx +  2
  if cur + m > N
    reallocate work[N]

  for (i = A.left_node_idx;i < A.right_node_idx)
    work[cur++] = i
  for (i = B.left_node_idx;i < B.right_node_idx)
    work[cur++] = i

Similar for other types of queries.

The packed BVH is designed to keep memory allocation at a minimum, re-use computations if possible and exploit data locality. The unpacked BVH allocates nodes on the heap, which means that siblings can be scattered in memory. The packed BVH keeps siblings packed close together in memory and tries to look them up in a consecutive sequence only.

Advanced Topics

Implementing efficient contact determination of polygonal meshes. How should one implement the report method in a collision query policy? This is the question we will address in this section.