The Jasypt Maven Plugin is here to make life a little easier when dealing with encrypted property files.
It provides the jasypt:read-project-properties
goal to read properties from files and URLs and store the properties as
project properties. Encrypted properties will be automatically decrypted.
A value is considered "encrypted" when it appears surrounded by ENC(...).
If you have a properties file called
with this content:
and invoke the jasypt:read-project-properties
goal, it would be the same as declaring the following in your pom.xml:
The jasypt:read-project-properties
goal is based on the goal of the same name from the Properties Maven Plugin.
Reads property files or properties from URLs as Project properties.jasypt:encrypt
Encrypt a single property and print it.jasypt:decrypt
Decrypt a single property and print it.
The jasypt:read-project-properties
goal reads property files or URLs and stores them as project properties.
or alternatively
You can also modify the encryptor configuration.
The default values can be found here.
$ mvn jasypt:encrypt -DjasyptEncryptorPassword="passw0rd" -DdecryptedValue="my-secret"
or as standalone (without a Maven project):
$ mvn dev.haeusler:jasypt-maven-plugin:1.0:encrypt -DjasyptEncryptorPassword="passw0rd" -DdecryptedValue="my-secret"
$ mvn jasypt:decrypt -DjasyptEncryptorPassword="passw0rd" -DencryptedValue="ENC(eQ7ox25GWN4bO4Q4oMfyXnk6Y1VZjMuq/k4bEByOjXsUT8nXUE03zHwlnUEgBGNh)"
or as standalone (without a Maven project):
$ mvn dev.haeusler:jasypt-maven-plugin:1.0:decrypt -DjasyptEncryptorPassword="passw0rd" -DencryptedValue="ENC(BOHWcke3H8avQefTzQLFtpIR2lYYhL5M2Ohm/1ZQo3I6VddX6Ie8OjicBIcSjLIT)"