- --install // -i *.deb
- --remove // -r *.deb
- --purge // -P *.deb **also remove config files
- --force-depends *.deb
- --info
- --status // -s **abbreviated form of info
- --list // -l **(installed files)
- --list-files // -L **(files from installed packages)
- --search // -S **(installed packages)
- dpkg-reconfigure *.deb
- apt-get install
- apt-get update **update info at repositories
- apt-get --only-upgrade **upgrade only if installed
- apt-get [dist-]upgrade **upgrade *all*
- apt-get remove **same as above
- apt-get purge **same as above
- apt-cache search * **package existent in repositories?
- apt-cache show * **package information
- apt-cache showpkg * **technical information
- repositories: /etc/apt/sources.list
- files: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ** deb = binary ** deb-src = source
- --install // -ivh ****i**nstall, verbosely, with hashmarks
- --nodeps **ignore dependent packages
- --replacefiles **duplicate files
- --force **truly forced
- --rebuilddb **see below
- --checksig // -K *.rpm
- --import *site* **get gpg key
- --verify // -Va ****V**erify allInstalled
- --upgrade // -U
- --freshen // -F
- --erase // -e pkg[.rpm] **[--allmatches] [--nodeps]
- -q[i][l][p] [--changelog] ****q**uery info listItsFiles packageOnDisk **show revision history, not database
- -qc **show only configuration files
- -qRp ****q**uery Requirements of packagesOnDisk
- -qf ****q**uery package owning file
- [-y] install **[skip confirmation]
- install --download only **do not install
- yumdownloader --source --urls **yum install --resolve --destdir
- [check-]update [*] // upgrade [*]
- list [package] **search repositories
- search *string* **in package info
- /etc/yum.conf
- /var/cache/yum
- /var/log/yum.log
- /etc/yum.repos.d/
- --enablerepo *reponame*