Anatomy of the IDE
- Your IDE screen: Once logged into Ethereum Studio, you can adjust the screen colors to suit your visual comfort via the Cloud9 menu -preferences-themes.
- Unix terminal Bourne Shell (BASH), with npm and basic Unix commands. The Studio IDE is running on a remote Ubuntu computer. It's your Linux computer accessible from any browser. You can issue standard Unix commands, install npm node.js modules and sync with github repositories.
- Configurable tabbed editor screen compatible with standard code editors. Features full syntax highlighting (Solidity, javascript and all popular languages).
- Click to open a new terminal console, new file, new run configuration or new window.
- Your workspace directories. Here we see two separate projects. You can have multiple projects in your workspace. Just change directories (cd ~/[project directory name]
- Run all contracts/run active contracts buttons: use to run all your contracts in your current directory. Or use 'run active contracts' to run only the opened contracts .sol code in the text editor [3.]
- Mocha testing button. (see testing section later).