All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.5 (2023-07-04)
- remove keymap option for gitsigns (d3012fc)
- use fidget legacy branch to avoid breaking changes (4e47dbf)
- update neogit new repo name in deps (fba9b13)
0.2.4 (2023-05-01)
0.2.3 (2023-03-06)
- add install dir check in setup script (7c8e234)
- add missing rustfmt formatter in null-ls config (f09e1f8)
0.2.2 (2023-02-12)
- resolve error after sumneko_lua moved to lua_ls (7b629ed)
0.2.1 (2023-02-01)
0.2.0 (2023-01-29)
- remove tab key conflicts between cmp and copilot (8ceee58)
- add release workflow (a289fc6)
- add autoinstall plugin function for packer (b9d7e92)
- add base dir setup for modules (56442f6)
- add dual mode for copilot (default and cmp) (eaf1b4d)
- add exec wrapper func with plenary (66b1459)
- add icons for git and diff (25cd90e)
- add installer script (d7271a9)
- add node version check to setup script (55c7e4a)
- add util functions (935d1e5)
- added fzf-native extension to telescope and updated requirements (87a349d)
- added html and css ftplugin conf (43165c0)
- added impatient (51b137d)
- added keybindings for both core and plugins (8e0a6e9)
- added keymap for telescope notify integration (0067ec6)
- added neogit and diffview to git integration plugins (99c5b42)
- added notify for toast notifications (018599f)
- added nvim-scrollbar (7565613)
- added oxocarbon and catppuccin colorschemes (cbde38e)
- added prettier as html formatter (02d46b7)
- added support for clangd-format (ccb2d24)
- added support for colorschemes with styles (63d5ad3)
- added windows package to maximize windows (40727a1)
- autosessions: added hooks close/re-open nvimtree (3808985)
- integrated copilot and added it as cmp source (6f1d7c4)
- lsp: added cssl to lsp servers (a74b63b)
- lsp: added ltex server for markdown and txt files (fdfcbea)
- lsp: added tsserver as ts/js files lang server (5207038)
- lsp: improved cmp suggestions (935ba3a)
- scrollbar: added custom options for scrollbar (cd26ad1)
- treesitter: disabled highlight for big files and en (5e4a1e5)
- add DiagnosticsSign icons lost with refactor (4844a49)
- add guard to impatient setup in init file (c52427c)
- add missing termguicolors option (ea6e62e)
- added missing import for mason-config plugin (1a952ac)
- args checks in launcher template (9cda9f6)
- changed on_attach keymappings to minimize conflicts with other mappings (0776ff7)
- correct command in windows maximize mapping (b6ef3d8)
- disable ts indentation for py and yaml (366f856)
- fixed gitsigns plugin import for nvim 0.8.x (86a4e94)
- fixed typo in indent-blankline config to exclude nvimtree windows (cb511f8)
- increase sessions pane height (c85c7e6)
- inverted keymap for block indentation (de2c5d6)
- plugins: fixed pcalls for blankline and lspkind (c023819)
- remove duplicate call left in util function (945e7f1)
- remove mapping and imports that could error (684e909)
- removed optimization import from entrypoint file (04eacdf)
- removed unused var in hvim init (1207aef)
- replaced deprecated lsp function with updated one (515f43f)
- return types and errors check in util functions (a8d3f9f)
- telescope: added missing node_modules dir in exclude paths (6ddf5e3)
- updated tokyonight config structure and custom colors (fa751a7)