Every Day we start with a check-in question as a way to start the day with a laugh, and learn some interesting facts about each other! Feel free to add to the list of potential check-in (or check-out) questions:
- What is a food that everyone seems to love but you dislike?
- Longest you have ever kept a plant alive?
- Your favorite “life hack.”
- When you cook for yourself, what is your go-to?
- What is the least interesting thing about you?
- If you had to be on a reality/game show, which would it be?
- Your life is made into a movie, name one song/artist that will be on the soundtrack.
- A new food you tried recently—and your thoughts on it.
- Something you've always wanted to learn how to do?
- If you were stuck on a desert island and could only take ONE book and ONE movie, what would they be? (Dom)
- What’s been one of your favourite or most absolutely detestable (or both) museum/gallery/exhibition experiences? 🏛️ 🖼️ 🏷️ (Georgia)
- What is your favourite superstition | urban legend | mythical creature ? (Alphonso)
- What musician/band have you started listening to recently that is either new/up and coming or one that is old but you've been living under a rock and only started appreciating now. (Cameo)
- Which historical figure would you pick to help you get out of a zombie apocalypse? (Konstantina)
- If you were to bring back an animal from extinction which would it be and why? (Iman)
- If you were stuck on an island for 6 months what would your final meal be? (Elisabeth)
- If you could have any super power what would it be? (Mark)
- If you were given the chance to become a different animal, which one would you choose, and why? (Karol)
- If you could live in any fictional world/ universe, which would you choose? (Laura)
- If you were on Come Dine With Me, what dish or dishes would you serve? and what would your entertainment be? (Simon)
- If you could be granted Olympic-level skill in any sport, which one would you choose? (Taha)
- What is the worst career decision you’ve ever made? (Natalia)
- What is the worst meal choice or home made recipe decision you've ever made? (Gal)
- What is/are the most important thing/s to you in your life? (Thomas)
- What is something from your childhood that you regret/feel guilty about? (Zack)
- If you could go back to any moment or period in time, when would it be and why? (Neville)
- What would be your ideal way to spend a long weekend? (Neville)
- What is a toxic personality trait(s) of yours? What is something most people hate, but you love?(Alphonso)
- Who would you want to play you in a movie? Who would * actually * play you in a movie? (Cameo)
- If you could instantly become an expert in any field, which one would you choose? (Ivan)
- When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up and what stopped you from following that career path? (Niete)
- What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you? (Elisabeth)
- Tell us a joke that brings a smile to your face. (Mark)
- If you could go on an all-expenses-paid world tour, what 3 countries would you visit and why? (Simon)
- What is something that not many people know about you? What meal do you have as comfort food? (Taha)
- What nugget of information would you pass down to the next generation? (Thomas)
- Is there a song that always puts you in a good mood? Which one is it and why? (Zak)
- What is something positive that someone has said that has stuck with you (Alphonso)
- What is one thing that you indulge on? (Ie. probably overspend or pay above and beyond to get the ‘best’ of) (Cameo)
- If you were giving someone a tour of London for their first EVER visit (second visit is unscheduled and might possibly never happen), what 3(ish) places would you take them to? (Elisabeth)
- If you could try anything without any consequences, what would you try? (Mark)
- Tell us one thing about you that no one in the cohort knows (Simon)
- What's a weird thing that happened to you while on holiday/travelling? (Taha)
- If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality or legality, which animal would you choose and what would you name it? (Zak)
- What's a silly/nonsense habit or ritual you keep with a friend/partner/family member?" (could be a game you play, joke you repeat, nice gestures or vicious spirals of revenge - whatever you want) (Alphonso)
- What is a conspiracy theory you truly believe in? Nb. UFOs don’t count (Cameo)
- What are your 3 most used/ favourite emojis? (Elisabeth)
- If you could magic out of existence one everyday thing from the world, what would it be and why? (Mark)
- Tell us about 3 songs which relate to a phase in your life and explain their significance. (Simon)
- Show us an object and tell us a short and non-traumatic story about it. (Taha)
- What is your 3 go to music artists or songs to help you relax? (Thomas)
- Tell us a favourite saying or a phrase of wisdom you abide by (Zak)
- What are 3 items of clothing or fashion trends you judge people on? (Alphonso)
- The world is now a bleak dystopia - there is no individuality or advertising - everything has the same label, only beige persists. There are NO branded goods in the world. No marmite. No ketchup. No converse. No adidas tracksuits. No yorkshire tea...But you're allowed to keep one thing around... What is the one branded good that you would never give up? (Cameo)
- What has been your highlight and lowlight of your past 12 weeks at FAC? (Beth)
- What would be your ideal future tech role (N.B. I didn't say 'job' @Alphonso )? 2. We've all got so much from the last 6 months at FAC, how do you plan to pay it forward? (Mark)
- Bonus: Cameo brought in Kinder Eggs, using the toy inside talk about how it relates to your experience for the previous 12 weeks