diff --git a/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/default.rs b/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/default.rs
index d923017b1..e5652faf4 100644
--- a/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/default.rs
+++ b/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/default.rs
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ where
- evaluator.evaluate_lagrange_kernel_constraints_2::(
+ evaluator.evaluate_lagrange_kernel_constraints::(
diff --git a/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/lagrange.rs b/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/lagrange.rs
index 622b55f4e..ca49f2f94 100644
--- a/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/lagrange.rs
+++ b/prover/src/constraints/evaluator/lagrange.rs
@@ -36,7 +36,13 @@ impl LagrangeKernelConstraintsBatchEvaluator {
- pub fn evaluate_lagrange_kernel_constraints_2(
+ /// Evaluates the transition and boundary constraints. Specifically, the constraint evaluations
+ /// are divided by their corresponding divisors, and the resulting terms are linearly combined
+ /// using the composition coefficients.
+ ///
+ /// Returns a buffer with the same length as the CE domain, where each element contains the
+ /// constraint evaluations (as explained above) at the corresponding domain point.
+ pub fn evaluate_lagrange_kernel_constraints(
trace: &T,
lagrange_kernel_column_idx: usize,
@@ -107,146 +113,23 @@ impl LagrangeKernelConstraintsBatchEvaluator {
- /// Evaluates the transition and boundary constraints. Specifically, the constraint evaluations
- /// are divided by their corresponding divisors, and the resulting terms are linearly combined
- /// using the composition coefficients.
- ///
- /// Returns a buffer with the same length as the CE domain, where each element contains the
- /// constraint evaluations (as explained above) at the corresponding domain point.
- pub fn evaluate_lagrange_kernel_constraints(
- &self,
- num_trans_constraints: usize,
- lagrange_kernel_column_frames: Vec>,
- domain: &StarkDomain,
- ) -> Vec
- where
- A: Air,
- E: FieldElement,
- {
- let transition_constraint_combined_evaluations = self
- .evaluate_combined_transition_constraints::(
- num_trans_constraints,
- &lagrange_kernel_column_frames,
- domain,
- );
- let boundary_constraint_combined_evaluations: Vec = self
- .evaluate_combined_boundary_constraints::(&lagrange_kernel_column_frames, domain);
- // combine boundary and transition constraint combined evaluations
- transition_constraint_combined_evaluations
- .into_iter()
- .zip(boundary_constraint_combined_evaluations)
- .map(|(transitions_combined, boundaries_combined)| {
- transitions_combined + boundaries_combined
- })
- .collect()
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Evaluate the transition constraints where the divisors' evaluations are batched to reduce
- /// the number of divisions performed (which has a big effect on performance).
- ///
- /// This algorithm takes advantage of some structure in the divisors' evaluations. Recall that
- /// the divisor for the i'th transition constraint is `x^(2^i) - 1`. When substituting `x` for
- /// each value of the constraint evaluation domain, for constraints `i>0`, the divisor
- /// evaluations "wrap-around" such that some values repeat. For example,
- /// i=0: no repetitions
- /// i=1: the first half of the buffer is equal to the second half
- /// i=2: each 1/4th of the buffer are equal
- /// i=3: each 1/8th of the buffer are equal
- /// ...
- /// Therefore, we only compute the non-repeating section of the buffer in each iteration, and index
- /// into it accordingly.
- fn evaluate_combined_transition_constraints(
- &self,
- num_trans_constraints: usize,
- lagrange_kernel_column_frames: &[LagrangeKernelEvaluationFrame],
- domain: &StarkDomain,
- ) -> Vec
- where
- A: Air,
- E: FieldElement,
- {
- let mut combined_evaluations_acc = E::zeroed_vector(domain.ce_domain_size());
- let mut denominators: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(domain.ce_domain_size());
- for trans_constraint_idx in 0..num_trans_constraints {
- let num_non_repeating_denoms =
- domain.ce_domain_size() / 2_usize.pow(trans_constraint_idx as u32);
- for step in 0..num_non_repeating_denoms {
- let domain_point = domain.get_ce_x_at(step);
- let denominator = self
- .lagrange_kernel_constraints
- .transition
- .evaluate_ith_divisor(trans_constraint_idx, domain_point);
- denominators.push(denominator);
- }
- let denominators_inv = batch_inversion(&denominators);
- for step in 0..domain.ce_domain_size() {
- let numerator = self.lagrange_kernel_constraints.transition.evaluate_ith_numerator(
- &lagrange_kernel_column_frames[step],
- &self.rand_elements,
- trans_constraint_idx,
- );
- combined_evaluations_acc[step] +=
- numerator * denominators_inv[step % denominators_inv.len()];
- }
- denominators.truncate(0);
- }
- combined_evaluations_acc
- }
- /// Evaluate the boundary constraint where the divisors' evaluations are batched to reduce the
- /// number of divisions performed (which has a big effect on performance).
- fn evaluate_combined_boundary_constraints(
- &self,
- lagrange_kernel_column_frames: &[LagrangeKernelEvaluationFrame],
- domain: &StarkDomain,
- ) -> Vec
- where
- A: Air,
- E: FieldElement,
- {
- let mut boundary_numerator_evals = Vec::with_capacity(domain.ce_domain_size());
- let mut boundary_denominator_evals = Vec::with_capacity(domain.ce_domain_size());
- for (step, frame) in lagrange_kernel_column_frames.iter().enumerate() {
- let domain_point = domain.get_ce_x_at(step);
- {
- let boundary_numerator =
- self.lagrange_kernel_constraints.boundary.evaluate_numerator_at(frame);
- boundary_numerator_evals.push(boundary_numerator);
- }
- {
- let boundary_denominator = self
- .lagrange_kernel_constraints
- .boundary
- .evaluate_denominator_at(domain_point.into());
- boundary_denominator_evals.push(boundary_denominator);
- }
- }
- let boundary_denominators_inv = batch_inversion(&boundary_denominator_evals);
- boundary_numerator_evals
- .into_iter()
- .zip(boundary_denominators_inv)
- .map(|(numerator, denom_inv)| numerator * denom_inv)
- .collect()
- }
-/// Holds all the transition constraint inverse divisor evaluations over the constraint evaluation domain.
+/// Holds all the transition constraint inverse divisor evaluations over the constraint evaluation
+/// domain.
+/// [`LagrangeKernelTransitionConstraintsDivisor`] takes advantage of some structure in the
+/// divisors' evaluations. Recall that the divisor for the i'th transition constraint is `x^(2^i) -
+/// 1`. When substituting `x` for each value of the constraint evaluation domain, for constraints
+/// `i>0`, the divisor evaluations "wrap-around" such that some values repeat. For example,
+/// i=0: no repetitions
+/// i=1: the first half of the buffer is equal to the second half
+/// i=2: each 1/4th of the buffer are equal
+/// i=3: each 1/8th of the buffer are equal
+/// ...
+/// Therefore, we only compute the non-repeating section of the buffer in each iteration, and index
+/// into it accordingly.
struct LagrangeKernelTransitionConstraintsDivisor {
divisor_evals_inv: Vec,