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This is a compilation of the libraries associated with handling audio and video in FFmpeg—libavformat, libavcodec, libavfilter, libavutil and libswresample—for WebAssembly and asm.js, and thus the web. It is compiled via emscripten. This compilation exposes the library interface of FFmpeg, not ffmpeg itself, and there is a separate project by a different author, ffmpeg.js, if what you need is ffmpeg.

In short, this is a pure JavaScript and WebAssembly system for low-level audio and video encoding, decoding, muxing, demuxing, and filtering.

FFmpeg is released under the LGPL. Therefore, if you distribute this library, you must provide sources. The sources are included in the sources/ directory of the compiled version of libav.js.

Using libav.js

Include dist/libav-version-variant.js to use libav.js. The variants are discussed below.

The simplest way to use libav.js is to include it from a CDN, but this is not recommended, as libav.js uses Web Workers by default, and Web Workers cannot be loaded from a different origin. Nonetheless, the following is a simple example of using libav.js from a CDN:

<!doctype html>
        <script type="text/javascript">LibAV = {base: ""};</script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">(async function() {
            const libav = await LibAV.LibAV({noworker: true});
            await libav.writeFile("tmp.opus", new Uint8Array(
                await (await fetch("exa.opus")).arrayBuffer()
            const [fmt_ctx, [stream]] = await libav.ff_init_demuxer_file("tmp.opus");
            const [, c, pkt, frame] = await libav.ff_init_decoder(stream.codec_id, stream.codecpar);
            const [, packets] = await libav.ff_read_multi(fmt_ctx, pkt);
            const frames = await libav.ff_decode_multi(c, pkt, frame, packets[stream.index], true);
            alert(`Got ${frames.length} audio frames!`);

Here's a better example, using libav.js locally:

<!doctype html>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="libav-"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">(async function() {
            const libav = await LibAV.LibAV();
            await libav.writeFile("tmp.opus", new Uint8Array(
                await (await fetch("exa.opus")).arrayBuffer()
            const [fmt_ctx, [stream]] = await libav.ff_init_demuxer_file("tmp.opus");
            const [, c, pkt, frame] = await libav.ff_init_decoder(stream.codec_id, stream.codecpar);
            const [, packets] = await libav.ff_read_multi(fmt_ctx, pkt);
            const frames = await libav.ff_decode_multi(c, pkt, frame, packets[stream.index], true);
            alert(`Got ${frames.length} audio frames!`);

It's also possible to use libav.js from Node.js, though this isn't a good idea, since you can presumably use a native version of FFmpeg's libraries. The Node interface is only provided for internal testing.

Use .dbg.js instead of .js for a non-minified, more debuggable version.

libav.js exposes a global variable, LibAV, for all API access. If LibAV is set before loading the library, libav.js does not replace it, but extends it. This gives you an opportunity to pass in values critical for loading. In particular, if the base directory (directory in which libav's files are located) isn't ".", then you must set LibAV.base to the correct base directory, as in the CDN example above. LibAV.base does not need to be a full URL, but should be if loading from another origin. You can set LibAV.base after loading libav.js; it's set up so that you can do it before to make it easier to avoid race conditions.

Bundlers have further concerns. To use libav.js with a bundler, see the section on bundlers below.

LibAV.LibAV is a factory function which returns a promise which resolves to a ready instance of libav. LibAV.LibAV takes an optional argument in which loading options may be provided. The loading options and their default values are:

    "noworker": false,
    "nowasm": false,
    "yesthreads": false,
    "nothreads": false,
    "nosimd": false,
    "base": LibAV.base

nowasm and nosimd affect what forms of code libav.js is allowed to load. By default it will load SIMD WebAssembly if the browser supports it, non-SIMD WebAssembly if the browser supports WebAssembly but not SIMD, and asm.js if the browser supports no WebAssembly. These are overridable here for testing purposes only.

The other no/yes options affect the execution mode of libav.js. libav.js can run in one of three modes: "direct" (synchronous), "worker", or "threads". After creating a libav.js instance, the mode can be found in libav.libavjsMode. By default, libav.js will use the "worker" mode if Web Workers are available, and "direct" otherwise. libav.js never uses the "threads" mode by default, though this may change in the future.

If noworker is set or Web Workers are not available, Web Workers will be disabled, so libav.js will run in the main thread (i.e., will run in "direct" mode). This is synchronous, so usually undesirable. Note that if you're loading libav.js in a worker, it may be reasonable to set noworker, and make libav.js synchronous with your worker thread. However, in that case, you must set LibAV.nolibavworker = true before loading; this tells the loading code of libav.js that it is not running in a worker that it created, and so should not load its own worker code. Otherwise, loading it noworker in a worker is likely to fail, as it will interfere with your own worker's message handling.

If yesthreads is set (and nothreads is not set) and threads are supported (see ), then a threaded version of libav.js will be loaded. This will significantly improve the performance of some encoders and decoders. However, threads are disabled by default, as their benefit or otherwise depends on the precise behavior of your code, and some browsers have a fairly low limit to the number of worker threads an entire page is allowed to have. Note that separate instances of libav.js, created by separate calls to LibAV.LibAV, will be in separate threads as long as workers are used, regardless of the value of yesthreads, and thus yesthreads is only needed if you need concurrency within a libav.js instance.

libav.js automatically detects which WebAssembly features are available, so even if you set yesthreads to true and don't set nosimd, a version with neither feature may be loaded. To know which version will be loaded, call It will return "asm" if only asm.js is used, "wasm" for baseline, or "thr", "simd", or "thrsimd" for versions with extensions activated. These strings correspond to the filenames to be loaded, so you can use them to preload and cache the large WebAssembly files. takes the same optional argument as LibAV.LibAV.

The base option can be used in these options in place of LibAV.base, and will override LibAV.base if set.

The tests used to determine which features are available are also exported, as LibAV.isWebAssemblySupported, LibAV.isThreadingSupported, and LibAV.isSIMDSupported.

Which files do I need?

You need the main entry file and at least one target, for a minimum of three files, but you should probably include several others.

The main entry file is named as follows: libav-<version>-<variant>.js. You only need the variant you intend to use. The debug version is named libav-<version>-<variant>.dbg.js, and you can use that in place of the original, but it is not required.

That entry file will load a target based on the environment it's loaded in and the options used to load it, as described above. The supported targets are asm.js, plain WebAssembly, SIMD WebAssembly, threaded WebAssembly, and threaded+SIMD WebAssembly. It is harmless to include all of them, as users will not download all of them, only the ones they use. But, you may also include only those you intend to use. In every case, there is a .dbg.js equivalent which is only needed if you intend to use debug mode.

  • asm.js: Named libav-<version>-<variant>.asm.js. No modern browser excludes support for WebAssembly, so this is probably not necessary.

  • Plain WebAssembly: Named libav-<version>-<variant>.wasm.js and libav-<version>-<variant>.wasm.wasm. Since most browsers support SIMD, this is actually rarely used in practice, but if you want to reduce the number of builds, it's better to set nosimd and only use this version.

  • SIMD WebAssembly: Named libav-<version>-<variant>.simd.js (and .simd.wasm). Used in most situations.

  • Threaded WebAssembly: Named libav-<version>-<variant>.thr.js (and .thr.wasm). Used only when threading is supported by the browser and yesthreads is set. If you don't intend to use threads (set yesthreads), it is safe to exclude this. Like with unthreaded WebAssembly, most real browsers will load the SIMD version, but you can set nosimd to always load this version and thus reduce the number of files you need to distribute.

  • Threaded+SIMD WebAssembly: Named libav-<version>-<variant>.thrsimd.js (and .thrsimd.wasm). Used in most threaded situations.

At a minimum, it is usually sufficient to include only the .js, .wasm.js, and .wasm.wasm files, if you always set nosimd. To include SIMD support, you must also include .simd.js and .simd.wasm. Similarly, to include threads, you must include .thr.js and .thr.wasm, and to include both, .thrsimd.js, .thrsimd.wasm.

The file libav.types.d.ts is a TypeScript types definition file, and is only needed to compile TypeScript code with support for libav.js's types. It should never be necessary to distribute.

Note that, independently of what files are available to end users, you are contractually obligated to release the source code of libav.js and all of its dependencies if you provide the compiled version. If you are using a compiled, released version, it is sufficient to provide the sources directory.


Generally speaking, because libav.js needs to adjust its loading procedure based on the environment it's being loaded in, it's not a good idea to bundle libav.js. However, if you have to bundle it, it can be done if necessary. Bundlers such as WebPack, esbuild, Vite, Rollup, etc., may change the names and location of the LibAV's JavaScript and WebAssembly files or even turn them into modules. In these cases, the location of the JavaScript and WebAssembly file of a LibAV variant can be overridden by options set on the LibAV object after loading libav.js, similar to LibAV.base. LibAV.toImport and LibAV.wasmurl override the URL of the used JavaScript and WebAssembly file respectively. These are usually located in the libav.js directory and follow the scheme libav-VER-CONFIGDBG.TARGET.js and libav-VER-CONFIGDBG.TARGET.wasm, respectively. The version (VER), variant (CONFIG) and debug (DBG) string are exposed as LibAV.VER, LibAV.CONFIG and LibAV.DBG respectively after loading LibAV. However, you can generally successfully load a different variant or debuggability level, so these are provided to allow you to verify what your bundler actually bundled. The target corresponds to the browser features available, and can vary between different browsers or other environments. As such, it should be determined at runtime, which can be done by calling For instance, a possible way to retrieve the URL in a module can be new URL(`node_modules/libav.js/libav-${globalThis.LibAV.VER}-opus.${target}.wasm`, import.meta.url).href, but be sure to consult the documentation of your bundler. Note the variant opus is hard-coded in this case to prevent the bundler from including all variants.

Some bundlers turn LibAV code from a CommonJS module to an ECMAScript 6 module, which will if loaded in a worker interfere with LibAV's loading code. In this case, LibAV's JavaScript code needs to be imported manually before calling the factory function of the LibAV instance: await import(`../node_modules/libav.js/libav-${globalThis.LibAV.VER}-opus.${target}.js`). Note that dynamically importing ECMAScript 6 modules is supported by all major browsers, but at the time of this wriging, on Firefox, is protected by a flag that most users will not have enabled.


The API exposed by libav.js is more-or-less exactly the functions exposed by the libav libraries, using promises. Because of the promise-based design, the interface is identical whether Web Workers are used or not.

For an exact list of the functions, see funcs.json or libav.types.d.ts.

Most structs are exposed as raw pointers (numbers), and their parts can be accessed using accessor functions named Struct_member and Struct_member_s. For instance, to read frame_size from an AVCodecContext, use await AVCodecContext_frame_size(ctx), and to write it, use await AVCodecContext_frame_size_s(ctx, frame_size). There are also libav.js-specific JavaScript objects for many of them, documented in libav.types.d.ts.

Some libav functions take double-pointers so that they can return both an allocated pointer value and (if applicable) an error code, and where possible these are wrapped in _js versions which simply return a pointer. For instance, avfilter_graph_create_filter, which takes an AVFilterContext ** as its first argument, is exposed as avfilter_graph_create_filter_js, which elides the first argument and returns an AVFilterContext *.

Some common sequences of functions are combined into ff_ metafunctions. See for how to use them.

Further examples are available in the samples directory of , which uses libav.js along with WebCodecs (or its own polyfill of WebCodecs), so shows how to marry these two technologies.

In order to reduce license-header Hell, the small amount of wrapper functions provided by libav.js are all released under the so-called “0-clause BSD” license, which does not require that the license text itself appear in derivative works. Built libraries have their correct license headers.

Devices and asynchrony

Emscripten's implementation of an in-memory filesystem has severe limitations. You're recommended to use virtual devices, implemented by libav.js, for most I/O.

ffmpeg was never designed to work asynchronously, and was only designed to work with blocking I/O. Still, it's possible to use libav.js with asynchronous input through devices.

The mkreaderdev function creates a reader device, which simply acts as a pipe. That device can be used as a file for reading.

Initializing a demuxer is particularly troublesome: you must start initializing and save the promise aside, then so long as something is waiting on the device, feed it data. See tests/test-demuxing-device.js for an example.

Output through writer devices is also possible. See tests/test-muxing-device.js for an example.


Type definitions for libav.js are provided by libav.types.d.ts. You can either copy this file and import it:

import type LibAVJS from "./libav.types";
declare let LibAV: LibAVJS.LibAVWrapper;

or import it from the npm package:

import type LibAVJS from "libav.js";
declare let LibAV: LibAVJS.LibAVWrapper;


With all of its bells and whistles enabled, FFmpeg is pretty large. So, I disable most bells and most whistles and build specific versions with specific features.

The default build, libav-version-default.js, includes supports for all of the most important audio formats for the web: Opus in WebM or ogg containers, AAC in the M4A container, and FLAC and 16- or 24-bit wav in their respective containers. Also supported are all valid combinations of those formats and containers, e.g. any codec in Matroska (since WebM is Matroska), FLAC in ogg, etc.

Built-in variants are created by combining “configuration fragments”. You can find more on configuration fragments or making your own variants in

Use make build-variant, replacing variant with the variant name, to build another variant.

libav.js includes several other variants:

The “lite” variant removes, relative to the default variant, AAC, and the M4A and WebM/Matroska containers.

The “fat” variant adds, relative to the default variant, Vorbis, wavpack and its container, and ALAC.

The “obsolete” variant adds, relative to the default variant, two obsolete but still commonly found audio formats, namely Vorbis in the ogg container and MP3 in its own container. Note that while Vorbis has been formally replaced by Opus, at the time of this writing, Opus still has lackluster support in audio software, so Vorbis is still useful. MP3, on the other hand, is completely worthless, and is only supplied in case your end users are idiots. Friends don't let friends use MP3.

The “opus”, “flac”, and “opus-flac” variants are intended just for encoding or decoding Opus and/or FLAC. They include only their named format(s), the appropriate container(s), and the aresample filter; in particular, no other filters are provided whatsoever. With Opus in particular, this is a better option than a simple conversion of libopus to JavaScript, because Opus mandates a limited range of audio sample rates, so having a resampler is beneficial.

The “webm” variant, relative to the default variant, includes support for VP8 video. The “webm-opus-flac” variant, relative to “opus-flac”, includes support for VP8 video, as “webm”, but excludes all filters except aresample. The “mediarecorder-transcoder” variant, relative to “webm-opus-flac”, adds MPEG-4 AAC and H.264, making it sufficient for transcoding formats that MediaRecorder can produce on all platforms. Note that support is not included for encoding MPEG-4 video, only decoding.

Finally, the “mediarecorder-openh264” variant, relative to “mediarecorder-transcoder”, adds H.264 encoding support, through libopenh264. Note that H.264 is under patent until at least 2024, and the use of the libopenh264 encoder in this context before that time opens you to the possibility of patent litigation, unless you have patent rights. For this reason, this variant is not provided pre-built in releases, and you must build it yourself if you want it. Cisco, who authors libopenh264, grants a patent license to its users, but this license applies only to users of the precompiled version compiled by Cisco, and no such version is provided in WebAssembly, so it does not apply to use in libav.js.

To create a variant from configuration fragments, run ./mkconfig.js in the configs directory. The first argument is the name of the variant to make, and the second argument is the JSON array of fragments to include.

To create other variants, simply create the configuration for them in subdirectories of configs and, if necessary, add Makefile fragments to mk.

This is intentionally designed so that you can add new configurations without needing to patch anything that already exists. See the existing variants' configuration files in config and the existing fragments in mk to understand how.


FFmpeg is big, so libav.js is big. But, it's not ludicrous; the WebAssembly is usually between 1.5 and 3 MiB for fairly complete builds, and the asm.js is about double that.

You can estimate the size of variants based on the size of the constituent fragments. As of version, an empty build is approximately 540KiB (WebAssembly), and the fragments add the following:

Fragment Size (KiB)
ogg 68
webm 164
ipod 376
opus 284
aac 272
vorbis 452
lame 276
flac 84
wav 52
wavpack 108
alac 28
vpx+vp8 344
vpx+vp9 748
vpx+vp8+vp9 1044
av1 3500
h263p 660
h264 500
openh264 832
audio-filters 260
swscale 412

The asm.js versions are much bigger, but will not be loaded on WebAssembly-capable clients.

The wrapper (“glue”) code is about 292KiB, but is highly compressible.