- Checkout
This project contains submodules. For this you have to checkout e.g. recursively:
git clone --recursive git@github.com:fau-fablab/FabLabKasse.git
Please note that currently you need a github account and attach your public SSH key to it. If this is not possible, you can manually edit .gitmodules to use https checkout.
- Dependencies
This software was mainly developed for Debian stretch, but should also work on other OSes.
If you just want to play, you can try Vagrant to automatically setup a VM (see notes in Vagrantfile).
If you have a standalone PC or VM only for FabLabKasse, you can also use FabLabKasse/scripts/install_debian.sh
, which sets up a kiosk system that autostarts FabLabKasse.
Else, you can set up a Debian or Ubuntu system and apply the section "install dependencies" of the above script.
Modem-Manager interferes with the serial port. It is highly recommended to remove it: apt-get remove modemmanager
python 2.7
SIP: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/download (entpacken,
,make install
) -
PyQt4: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download (entpacken,
,make install
) -
cd /tmp wget http://lxml.de/files/lxml-2.2.2.tgz tar -xzvf lxml-2.2.2.tgz cd lxml-2.2.2 python setup.py build --static-deps --libxml2-version=2.7.3 --libxslt-version=1.1.24 sudo python setup.py install
needed fedora packages:
dnf install python python-qt4 python-qt4-devel python-dateutil python-lxml python-crypto python-termcolor python-natsort python-qrcode python-docopt python-requests python-simplejson python-monotonic pip install -r requirements
for development: qt4-designer
for documentation: dnf: doxygen python-pygraphviz; pip: doxypy
install system packages for your OS, and python-virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages .env # create virtualenv and use system python packages source .env/bin/activate # enter the environment pip install -r requirements.txt # install python requirements using pip
you have to be "in" the virtual environment to run FabLabKasse and other programs (see your shell prompt):
source .env/bin/activate # enter the environment ./run.py # run programs ./FabLabKasse/kassenbuch.py # [...]
- Configuration
cd FabLabKasse/
cp config.ini.example config.ini
# now edit config.ini file
Please use database name "production" for the real terminal, and something else for tests and development!
Moreover for push-access of the submodules, you should execute configure_git_submodules in root directory. This sets the pushurl of submodules to the git one.
- Data import
TODO ... importProdukte.py ...
- Setting up the terminal
Please take a look at install_debian.sh, which does most of the tasks described in this section.
(Internal note for FAU FabLab: Cronjobs, mail, firewall etc are set up by FabLabKasse-interna/install.sh
which lives in a separate repo.)
You need a touchscreen (preferably USB with 1280x1024 resolution, preferably a model which does not require special calibration).
adduser kasse --disabled-password
If you want to use the reboot/shutdown option from the menu, cp tools/sudoers.d/kassenterm-reboot-shutdown /etc/sudoers.d/
Setup nodm for autologin of the 'kasse' user.
sudo -u kasse -i kasse@terminal:$ git clone ... kasse@terminal:$ ln -s FabLabKasse/scripts/xsession.sh .xsession
TODO: cronjobs setup daily cronjobs for
/home/kasse/FabLabKasse/scripts/logWatchAndCleanup.sh # mail warnings and errors in logfile, gzip and log cleanup -- without this files will be kept as uncompressed plaintext, but also deleted after 14 days
and according to your needs, set up your own backup, statistics et cetera.
Setup mail system so that you receive error messages from cronjobs.
Setup firewall as desired.
- Using
- GUI for normal users
- administrative tasks:
ssh kasse@terminal; cd FabLabKasse; ./kassenbuch.py -h
- see help output
- run
to enable tab completion