The osdu-r2-resources
template is intended to deploy infrastructure necessary for the OSDU R2 Release using web apps for hosting the microservices and integrates with Elastic Cloud
This particular template creates an Azure environment with a small set of fully managed microservices backed by Azure Application Services. Our customer use-case had spatial data search requirements so Elasticsearch was an obvious choice. We had initially decided to use ECE with the intent to follow ElasticSearch cluster setup and security best practices, but moved later to ESS which is a hosted SaaS solution for Elastic Search.
Elastic Search Requirements require version 6.8.x and is currently tested against 6.8.3 with a valid SSL certificate on the endpoint.
A Servlerless Azure Function is used for our data processing layer with Azure Service Bus as our Pub/Sub Solution.
This template is an adequate solution where the service count is less than 10. For Azure customers interested with provisioning more than 10 services, we recommend using AKS and Bedrock. Reason being that with Kubernetes you can maximize cluster node CPU cores which helps minimize cloud resourcing costs. A future version anticipated with R3 will leverage AKS.
Template design specifications. Elastic design specification. Auth design specification.
Cloud administrators that's versed with Cobalt templating.
- Azure Subscription
- An available Service Principal with API Permissions granted with Admin Consent within Azure app registration. The required Azure Active Directory Graph app role is
- Terraform and Go are locally installed
- Azure Storage Account is setup to store Terraform state
- Local environment variables are setup
Azure environment cost ballpark estimate. This is subject to change and is driven from the resource pricing tiers configured when the template is deployed.
Eventually a bootstrap process will be handled by an ado terraform provider but for now this is a manual process.
This typically takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Create a new Azure DevOps (ADO) Project in your organization called
Initialise the base project repo (osdu-r2).
Create Empty Repositories (No Readme)
- osdu-infrastructure
- entitlements-azure
- legal
- indexer-queue
- storage
- indexer
- search
- delivery
Create an ADO Personal Acces Token:
In ADO click on user in top right-> "..." -> User settings -> Personal access token -> New token
Setup the Variable Group called 'Mirror Variables' necessary for the Pipeline
Variable Value ACCESS_TOKEN <your_personal_access_token> INFRASTRUCTURE_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/osdu-infrastructure ENTITLEMENTS_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/entitlements-azure LEGAL_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/legal INDEXER_QUEUE_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/indexer-queue STORAGE_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/storage INDEXER_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/indexer SEARCH_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/search DELIVERY_REPO<your_organization>/osdu-r2/_git/delivery -
Add the following file (as azure-pipelines.yml) to the osdu_r2 repository.
# Copyright © Microsoft Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Note: Pipeline uses the Swellaby Mirror Git Repository extension
# Get it here:
# Required Group Variables - `Mirror Variables`
# ACCESS_TOKEN (Personal Access Token)
batch: true
- master
- /azure-pipeline.yml
- /**/*.md
- cron: "*/10 * * * *"
displayName: Hourly Pull Schedule
- master
always: true
- group: 'Mirror Variables'
- job: mirror_sync
displayName: 'Pull Repositories'
- task: swellaby.mirror-git-repository.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task@1
displayName: 'entitlements-azure'
sourceGitRepositoryUri: ''
destinationGitRepositoryUri: '$(ENTITLEMENTS_REPO)'
destinationGitRepositoryPersonalAccessToken: $(ACCESS_TOKEN)
- task: swellaby.mirror-git-repository.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task@1
displayName: 'legal'
sourceGitRepositoryUri: ''
destinationGitRepositoryUri: '$(LEGAL_REPO)'
destinationGitRepositoryPersonalAccessToken: $(ACCESS_TOKEN)
- task: swellaby.mirror-git-repository.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task@1
displayName: 'indexer-queue'
sourceGitRepositoryUri: ''
destinationGitRepositoryUri: '$(INDEXER_QUEUE_REPO)'
destinationGitRepositoryPersonalAccessToken: $(ACCESS_TOKEN)
- task: swellaby.mirror-git-repository.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task@1
displayName: 'storage'
sourceGitRepositoryUri: ''
destinationGitRepositoryUri: '$(STORAGE_REPO)'
destinationGitRepositoryPersonalAccessToken: $(ACCESS_TOKEN)
- task: swellaby.mirror-git-repository.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task@1
displayName: 'indexer'
sourceGitRepositoryUri: ''
destinationGitRepositoryUri: '$(INDEXER_REPO)'
destinationGitRepositoryPersonalAccessToken: $(ACCESS_TOKEN)
- task: swellaby.mirror-git-repository.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task@1
displayName: 'search'
sourceGitRepositoryUri: ''
destinationGitRepositoryUri: '$(SEARCH_REPO)'
destinationGitRepositoryPersonalAccessToken: $(ACCESS_TOKEN)
- task: swellaby.mirror-git-repository.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task.mirror-git-repository-vsts-task@1
displayName: 'delivery'
sourceGitRepositoryUri: ''
destinationGitRepositoryUri: '$(DELIVERY_REPO)'
destinationGitRepositoryPersonalAccessToken: $(ACCESS_TOKEN)
Set up a Pipeline on the osdu-r2 repository with the pipeline YAML added in the previous step. There are other ways to do this, the goal is to have a pipeline that synchronises the required code.
Execute the Pipeline which will then pull the required code into the ADO project repos.
This typically takes about 2 hours to complete.
Here is an Azure Virtual Developer Machine that can be used if necessary.
Procedures are tested using Ubuntu within WSL for Windows 10. (Typically MacOS works well)
The Azure Cloud Shell can also be used for this.
Clone Infrastructure
Clone the osdu-infrastructure repository to a local machine/Cloud Shell.
Execute Install Script
The script ./scripts/ will conveniently setup the common things that are necessary to execute a pipeline.
- Change directory to osdu_infrastructure.
- Run the script with your subscription ID as the first argument.
- Note the files (azure-aks-gitops-ssh-key and that have appeared in the .ssh directory. You will need these in a later step.
- Resource Group
- Storage Account
- Key Vault
- Applications for Integration Testing (2)
Elastic Search Setup
Infrastructure assumes bring your own Elastic Search Instance at a version of 6.8.3
and access information must be stored in the Common KeyVault.
(It is not possible anymore to get a new Elastic Cloud instance of version 6.8.3
Other 6.8.?
versions should work as long as you set the appropriate version in TF_VAR_elasticsearch_version below.)
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $AZURE_VAULT --name "elastic-endpoint-ado-demo" --value <your_es_endpoint>
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $AZURE_VAULT --name "elastic-username-ado-demo" --value <your_es_username>
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $AZURE_VAULT --name "elastic-password-ado-demo" --value <your_es_password>
# This command will extract all Key Vault Secrets
for i in `az keyvault secret list --vault-name $AZURE_VAULT --query [].id -otsv`
echo "export ${i##*/}=\"$(az keyvault secret show --vault-name $AZURE_VAULT --id $i --query value -otsv)\""
The Elastic endpoint provided should include
and the appropriate port number. Ahttp
endpoint will not work.
- Configure an ARM Resources Service Connection
with name
for the desired subscription.
ADO -> Project Settings -> Service Connection -> New service connection -> Azure Resource Manager -> Service principal (automatic)
Scope should be to the desired Subscription but do not apply scope to a Resource Group
Locate the Service Principal created () in Azure Active Directory and elevate the principal capability by adding in 2 API Permissions
- Azure Active Directory Graph - Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy
- Microsoft Graph - Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy
These 2 API's require
Grant Admin Consent
- In Azure Portal locate the Azure subscription used and under Access control (IAM) add an Owner Role Assignment to the principal then remove the default created Contributor role.
Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Infrastructure Pipeline Variables
Variable Value AGENT_POOL Hosted Ubuntu 1604 BUILD_ARTIFACT_NAME infra-templates SERVICE_CONNECTION_NAME osdu-infrastructure TF_VAR_elasticsearch_secrets_keyvault_name osducommon<your_unique>-kv TF_VAR_elasticsearch_secrets_keyvault_resource_group osdu-common-<your_unique> TF_VAR_remote_state_account osducommon<your_unique> TF_VAR_remote_state_container remote-state-container -
Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Infrastructure Pipeline Variables - demo
Variable Value ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID <your_subscription_id> TF_VAR_resource_group_location centralus TF_VAR_cosmosdb_replica_location eastus2 TF_VAR_elasticsearch_version 6.8.3
You can specify the desired region locations you wish. Change the Elastic version as required.
Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Infrastructure Pipeline Secrets - demo
Variable Value elastic-endpoint-ado-demo *********
elastic-username-ado-demo *********
elastic-password-ado-demo *********
This should be linked Secrets from Azure Key Vault
- Setup 2 Secure Files
- azure-aks-gitops-ssh-key
** This is future AKS work but required. Ensure the names of files uploaded have the exact names listed which will require renaming the .ssh key information created by the script.
We need to get the code into the osdu-infrastructure project. One way is to update the synchronisation script above to deal with this. Instead, here we just import this gito repo into the empty osdu_infrasctructure using ADO.
Add a Pipeline osdu-infrastructure -->
and execute it. -
Once Infrastructure is deployed grant admin_consent to the Service Principal.
Review the Readme for the template as necessary.
This typically takes about 3-4 hours to complete.
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Azure - Common
Variable | Value |
AGENT_POOL | Hosted Ubuntu 1604 |
AZURE_AD_APP_RESOURCE_ID | $(aad-client-id) |
AZURE_AD_OTHER_APP_RESOURCE_ID | $(osdu-infra-<your_unique>-test-app-id) |
AZURE_AD_OTHER_APP_RESOURCE_OID | $(osdu-infra-<your_unique>-test-app-oid) |
AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID | $(app-dev-sp-username) |
AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET | $(app-dev-sp-password) |
AZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT | $(app-dev-sp-tenant-id) |
AZURE_LEGAL_SERVICEBUS | $(sb-connection) |
DEPLOY_ENV | empty |
INTEGRATION_TESTER | $(app-dev-sp-username) |
MY_TENANT | opendes |
NO_DATA_ACCESS_TESTER | $(osdu-infra-<your_unique>-test-app-noaccess-id) |
NO_DATA_ACCESS_TESTER_SERVICEPRINCIPAL_SECRET | $(osdu-infra-<your_unique>-test-app-noaccess-key) |
PREFIX_BASE | osdu-r2 |
SERVICE_CONNECTION_NAME | osdu-infrastructure |
There is a current bug in legal that is pending being fixed the requires the
variable to be set to build legal-core and pass the unit tests.
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Azure Common Secrets
This Library is linked to the Common Key Vault
- osdu-infra-{unique}-test-app-id
- osdu-infra-{unique}-test-app-key
- osdu-infra-{unique}-test-app-oid
- osdu-infra-{unique}-test-app-noaccess-id
- osdu-infra-{unique}-test-app-noaccess-key
- ad-user-email
- ad-user-oid
- ad-guest-email
- ad-guest-oid
Note that several of these are not in the keyvault (see issue #16). To proceed, add the missing keys to the keyvault. For the ad ones, add an email adres plus the corresponding user Object Id. For osdu-infra-{unique}-test-app-oid, as the object ID of the corresponding Managed application.
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Azure Target Env - demo
Variable | Value |
ENVIRONMENT_BASE_NAME_21 | (ie: ado-demo-5xn-5xny9wvc) |
ENVIRONMENT_RG_PREFIX | (ie: ado-demo-5xny9wvc) |
ENVIRONMENT_STORAGE_PREFIX | (ie: adodemo5xn5xny9wvc) |
AZURE_DEPLOY_SUBSCRIPTION | <your_subscription_id> |
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Azure Target Env Secrets - demo
This Library is linked to the Enviroment Key Vault
- aad-client-id
- app-dev-sp-password
- app-dev-sp-username
- appinsights-key
- cosmos-connection
- cosmos-endpoint
- cosmos-primary-key
- elastic-endpoint
- elastic-password
- elastic-username
- entitlement-key
- sb-connection
- storage-account-key
- app-dev-sp-tenant-id
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Azure Service Release - entitlements
Variable | Value |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_GOALS | azure-webapp:deploy |
MAVEN_INTEGRATION_TEST_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/deploy/integration-tests |
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library
Azure Service Release - legal
Variable | Value |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_GOALS | azure-webapp:deploy |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_OPTIONS | --settings $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/provider/legal-azure/maven/settings.xml -DAZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET) -Dazure.appservice.resourcegroup=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_RESOURCE_GROUP) -Dazure.appservice.plan=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_APPSERVICE_PLAN) -Dazure.appservice.appname=$(AZURE_LEGAL_SERVICE_NAME) -Dazure.appservice.subscription=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_SUBSCRIPTION) |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/provider/legal-azure |
MAVEN_INTEGRATION_TEST_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/deploy/testing/legal-test-azure/pom.xml |
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library Azure Service Release - storage
Variable | Value |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_GOALS | azure-webapp:deploy |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_OPTIONS | --settings $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/provider/storage-azure/maven/settings.xml -DAZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET) -Dazure.appservice.resourcegroup=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_RESOURCE_GROUP) -Dazure.appservice.plan=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_APPSERVICE_PLAN) -Dazure.appservice.appname=$(AZURE_STORAGE_SERVICE_NAME) -Dazure.appservice.subscription=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_SUBSCRIPTION) |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/provider/storage-azure |
MAVEN_INTEGRATION_TEST_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/deploy/testing/storage-test-azure |
` |
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library Azure Service Release - indexer
Variable | Value |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_GOALS | azure-webapp:deploy |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_OPTIONS | --settings $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/provider/indexer-azure/maven/settings.xml -DAZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET) -Dazure.appservice.resourcegroup=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_RESOURCE_GROUP) -Dazure.appservice.plan=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_APPSERVICE_PLAN) -Dazure.appservice.appname=$(AZURE_INDEXER_SERVICE_NAME) -Dazure.appservice.subscription=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_SUBSCRIPTION) -DELASTIC_USER_NAME=$(elastic-username) -DELASTIC_PASSWORD=$(elastic-password) -DELASTIC_HOST=$(elastic-host) -DELASTIC_PORT=$(elastic-port) |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/provider/indexer-azure |
MAVEN_INTEGRATION_TEST_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/deploy/testing/indexer-test-azure |
- Setup and Configure the ADO Library Azure Service Release - search
Variable | Value |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_GOALS | azure-webapp:deploy |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_OPTIONS | --settings $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/provider/search-azure/maven/settings.xml -DAZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_TENANT) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_ID) -DAZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_CLIENT_SECRET) -Dazure.appservice.resourcegroup=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_RESOURCE_GROUP) -Dazure.appservice.plan=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_APPSERVICE_PLAN) -Dazure.appservice.appname=$(AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE_NAME) -Dazure.appservice.subscription=$(AZURE_DEPLOY_SUBSCRIPTION) |
MAVEN_DEPLOY_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/provider/search-azure |
MAVEN_INTEGRATION_TEST_POM_FILE_PATH | drop/deploy/testing/integration-tests/search-test-azure |
The following data items are used for integration testing of the services.
They can be found in the osdu-infrastructure repository osdu-infrastructure/docs/osdu/integration-test-data/
They should be manually loaded into the CosmosDB in use by OSDU, for example using the CosmosDB Data Explorer
available in the Azure Portal. Each should be put in the section based on the name (e.g. tenant_info_1.json in TenantInfo).
The data items are:
- tenant_info_1.json
- tenant_info_2.json
- user_info_1.json
- user_info_2.json
- legal_tag_1.json
- legal_tag_2.json
- legal_tag_3.json
- storage_schema_1.json
- storage_schema_2.json
- storage_schema_3.json
- storage_schema_4.json
- storage_schema_5.json
- storage_schema_6.json
- storage_schema_7.json
- storage_schema_8.json
- storage_schema_9.json
- storage_schema_10.json
- storage_schema_11.json
Replace all occurrences of "variables" with environment specific information as follows:
- $TENANT: opendes
- $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID: Application ID of ado-demo--osdu-r2-ad-app-management
- $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_OBJECT_ID: Managed application object ID of ado-demo--osdu-r2-ad-app-management
- $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NO_ACCESS_APP_ID: Managed application object ID of osdu-infra--test-app-noaccess (not sure if this is what is intended)
Create the pipelines and run things in this exact order.
Add a Pipeline entitlements-azure --> Repo: entitlements-azure Path:
and execute it.- This pipeline will have to be run twice for integration tests to pass due to a preload data issue.
Add a Pipeline legal --> Repo: legal Path:
and execute it. -
Add a Pipeline indexer-queue --> Repo: indexer-queue Path:
and execute it.Note: This is a manual deploy at the moment. -
Add a Pipeline storage --> Repo: storage Path:
and execute it.Note: The integration tests will fail due to delivery being part of storage which requires indexer and search. Ignore the error and proceed.
Add a Pipeline indexer --> Repo: indexer Path:
and execute it. -
Add a Pipeline search --> Repo: search Path:
and execute it. -
Rerun the Pipeline for storage so that tests now pass.
To access the system, you will need a client ID and secret. Find the ado-demo--osdu-r2-ad-app "App registration" in Azure Portal.
- CLIENT_ID: Application ID of this App registration.
- CLIENT_SECRET: In "Certificates & Secrets", make a new Client secret.
- In "Authentication", make sure you have the following redirect URI's: "http://localhost:8080" and "http://localhost:8080/auth/callback"
- In "API permissions", make sure it has the Microsoft Graph User.Read permission, and that it is granted Admin Consent.
To allow a user to access the system, you will need to add the user to OSDU UserInfo. At least for the first user, do this by adding an Item directly into the CosmosDB UserInfo section:
"uid": "$USER_EMAIL",
"tenants": [
"name": "common",
"groups": [
"name": "opendes",
"groups": [
The environment should now be ready for loading data please refer to the OSDU Data Loading Process for instructions on how to load data into an environment.
This typically takes about 15-20 hours to complete.
- Execute the following commands to set up your local environment variables:
We recommend running direnv for sourcing your environment variables.
Note for Windows Users using WSL: We recommend running dos2unix utility on the environment file via dos2unix .env
prior to sourcing your environment variables to chop trailing newline and carriage return characters.
# these commands setup all the environment variables needed to run this template
DOT_ENV=<path to your .env file>
export $(cat $DOT_ENV | xargs)
- Execute the following command to configure your local Azure CLI.
# This logs your local Azure CLI in using the configured service principal.
az login --service-principal -u $ARM_CLIENT_ID -p $ARM_CLIENT_SECRET --tenant $ARM_TENANT_ID
- Execute the following commands to set up your terraform workspace.
# This configures terraform to leverage a remote backend that will help you and your
# team keep consistent state
terraform init -backend-config "storage_account_name=${TF_VAR_remote_state_account}" -backend-config "container_name=${TF_VAR_remote_state_container}"
# This command configures terraform to use a workspace unique to you. This allows you to work
# without stepping over your teammate's deployments
terraform workspace new $TF_WORKSPACE || terraform workspace select $TF_WORKSPACE
- Execute the following commands to orchestrate a deployment.
# See what terraform will try to deploy without actually deploying
terraform plan
# Execute a deployment
terraform apply
NOTE: This is a required Manual Step.
The deployment by default creates a Service Prinicpal with the naming convention <env_unique>.osdu-r2-ad-app-management. This service principal requires the ability to access the Microsoft Graph API and a final manual step is required for an admin to grant-consent as described in the Azure AD Application Management Documentation.
Navigate to the template folder infra/templates/osdu-r2-resources
. Unit tests can be run using the following command:
go test -v $(go list ./... | grep "unit")
Please confirm that you've completed the terraform apply
step before running the integration tests as we're validating the active terraform workspace.
Integration tests can be run using the following command:
go test -v $(go list ./... | grep "integration")
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.