This repository contain;
Datasets- A folder with all the datasets I have used for training in this proyect.
Training&Tests- Which contains diferent scripts to evaluate different parameters of the perceptro.
Main folder- The script for the perceptron, also is a script to obtain the weights matrix, is a script to calculate the error, and lastly is a script to show the images that containc the OCR dataset.
Test of Perceptron with diferent parameters->
a b E k Ete Ete(%) Ite(%)
0.1 0.1 0 58 216 14.4 [12.6, 16.2]
1.0 0.1 0 81 204 13.6 [11.9, 15.3]
10.0 0.1 0 76 212 14.1 [12.4, 15.9]
100.0 0.1 0 76 212 14.1 [12.4, 15.9]
1000.0 0.1 0 76 212 14.1 [12.4, 15.9]
10000.0 0.1 0 76 212 14.1 [12.4, 15.9]
Test of Perceptron with diferent datasets->