Name | Type | Description | Notes |
vaultId | string | ID of the vault account. You can get the vault account by this ID to retrieve vault properties such as its name, auto fueling, hidden on UI or customer reference ID. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
assetId | string | ID of the asset. You can get more information about this asset by using the supported assets API | [optional] [default to undefined] |
available | string | Available balance, available to use in a transaction. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
total | string | Total balance at the asset wallet, as seen at the blockchain explorers. This includes balance available, and any kind of unavailable balance such as locked, frozen, or others. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
pending | string | Pending balance. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
staked | string | Staked balance. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
frozen | string | Funds frozen due to the anti-money laundering policy at this workspace. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
lockedAmount | string | Locked balance. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
blockHeight | string | The height (number) of the block of the balance. Can by empty. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
blockHash | string | The hash of the block of the balance. Can by empty. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
creationTimestamp | string | Unix timestamp of the time the asset wallet was created. | [optional] [default to undefined] |
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