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101 lines (68 loc) · 3.78 KB

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101 lines (68 loc) · 3.78 KB
 *                       _     _
 *      /\/\   ___  _ __| |__ (_)_   _ ___
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 *     _____ _                  _              _           ___                      _
 *    /__   \ |__   ___   /\ /\| |_ ___  _ __ (_) __ _    / __\___  _ __  ___ _ __ (_)_ __ __ _  ___ _   _
 *      / /\/ '_ \ / _ \ / / \ \ __/ _ \| '_ \| |/ _` |  / /  / _ \| '_ \/ __| '_ \| | '__/ _` |/ __| | | |
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 *     \/   |_| |_|\___|  \___/ \__\___/| .__/|_|\__,_| \____/\___/|_| |_|___/ .__/|_|_|  \__,_|\___|\__, |
 *                                      |_|                                  |_|                     |___/
 *                                                                                 v2.0 Unity WebGL edition

Mike Morbius is facing a brand new detective adventure taking place in the LOTTERVERSE of Frankfurt/M. Beware! This time we stick to the language of the location: German. You don't speak German? Sorry about that.

How to play

  • Left Mouse Button - walk / investigate / item interaction
  • Esc - Menu


About Unity Version

This port is developed to come very close to the look and feel of the original game. Gameplay mechanics were left untouched, only menus and title screen were modified. Savegame feature was added.

Dance game was not ported due to the challenging code base of the original game.

Unity vs Acknex

So which engine is more efficient?

As developer of the Unity port I cannot answer this. As this project was not done as part of a game jam, the time invested into this task was spent in a very different way. The main scope of this project was trying to import Acknex assets into Unity, progressing in Unity skills and perform some utilization of design patterns. Throughout the progress of this project there were many lessons learned, several parts of the code base were refactored, discarded, reimplemented.

By no means the end result is perfect. Some approaches turned out to be not the optimum solution, other implementations appear to be over-engineered for this project. After testing the final game, I decided to leave the code base as is.

In the end, the code base of this port is cleaner, better abstracted and more modular than the original Acknex code. The time invested was a lot more, though.

Take it, learn from it, modify it, use it as a base for new projects. If you can make good use of it and create something new out of it, my task was successful.


Unity Port

Copyright (c) 2020 - Robert Jäger (Firoball)

Original Game

Copyright (c) 2015 - AckCon'15 Team, as follows:

  • Christian Behrenberg (HeelX)
  • Jonas Freiknecht (PadMalcolm)
  • Kitsune Horstmann (Kitsu)
  • Robert Jäger (Firoball)
  • Marius Kappes (mk.1)
  • Korbinian Kaulfuß
  • Felix Pohl (Superku)
  • Felix Queißner (MasterQ32)
  • Andreas Schmidt (Lemming)
  • Michael Schwarz (Michael_Schwarz)
  • Simon Trümpler
  • Ali Yüklet (Alibaba)

Game is loosely based on the books "Meister des Feuers" and "Downtown", written by J. C. Lotter and R. Wissdorf

Reference to characters appearing in these books was generously granted by J. C. Lotter.


Please respect license.txt (MIT and additional 3rd party licenses)


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