With Anne Thomas
People don’t often think about site optimization, but it is crucial to keeping visitors on your site.
Why All The Fuss?
People want information NOW/can’t wait (case in point: loader bars turn people off)
There are business reasons for this!
It’s good for business - conversion/sell all the things!
Instantaneous response time (to add items to cart)
Bounce rates (high bounce rates are bad!)
Google likes fast sites
- MYTH: People are more forgiving of desktop sites than those on mobile. In reality, desktop users are just as impatient as mobile users.
Ground Rules
Do no harm to data plans
Embrace the new and progressive (e.g. check your site with PHP tools)
Listen to your townsfolk and your stats
Always be optimizing
Optimization Culprits
Huge, full-width images
Thing is, conversion is 98% higher with images
Tradeoffs needed!
PRO TIP: Set a performance budget with your client, e.g. Set expectations as to what can and can’t go on the site in the name of performance
Use SVGs and responsive images whenever possible
Multiple server requests/large files (combine CSS files, don’t separate them)
Third-party JS
Uncached files (use CDNs to address this)
Render-blocking JS/CSS
Crummy webhosts
- <200ms = ideal server response time
Page reloads
- Use AJAX whenever you can to simply target the asset that needs to reload/update (thereby doing away with reloading the ENTIRE site)
Responsive images (srcset and sizes attribute)
- WP has implemented responsive images
Lazy loading and dynamic content
Minify CSS, HTML, and JS
The Future
Client hints
Service workers
AMP pages
Tools of the Trade
Speed Testing (webpagetest, google page speed, vary, GTMetrix, Chrome dev tools)
Speed index
Time to first byte
Response time vs load time
Perception of loading
Groups and resources
Webperf meetups
User testing
Lynda.com (free to Toronto Public Library users)
Velocity Conference