With Jason Pamental
"When words were the experience and letters were your voice"
Typography and UX
Typography has to do two things in order to be successful - communicate an idea and influence behaviour (this is the thing that separates art from design)
How people perceive type influences the user’s experience. It’s the bridge between the viewer and the viewed.
It’s the material, method and typefaces that forms the foundation of the user experience and the relationship among these elements that’s changing.
Some examples:
The Ten Commandments - the type and where it is carved (in stone) communicates the importance and weight of the content
The Hobbit cover - There is an experience that is imparted with the way this (book) was physically made (e.g. texture, paper type, cover material, etc.)
The Underground font - this font face communicates that you are in the subway system
The Times paper - stable serifs and bold contrasts communicate and reinforce authority and force
From Then to Now
Today: Millions and millions of Arial.
Result: A loss of (perceived) authority on web and mobile interfaces
Example: Small type for time (in-car interface)
Jason Pamental: "Tell me, what time is it… CRASH! BOOM! … By the time you find it, you’ve already hit the bus"
POINT: The lack of visual emphasis for something as vital as time (on car interfaces) makes unnoticeable and unfindable. "By the time you find it, you’ve already hit the bus"
A change in how we practice typography is happening
- We’ve moved from rendered (experiences) to dynamic - this introduces constraints to the presentation of content (and hence, perception/experience)
A Way Forward
Web-safe fonts give you very limited control
WOFF - includes OpenType features, 92% support
WOFF2 - delivers 25% file size reduction, 64% supported
The New Typography
Designing systems that can adapt to changing contexts and environments and devices
Responsive typography
It’s really important that we think through these things. But we’re really constrained.
We need to reconcile web performance and the language of design
Our desire to create more typographic expression gets really constrained by flaky internet connections/networks
With limited fonts, our vocal range is curtailed
- Type is the voice of our words
BIGGEST CLAIM: Variable fonts may be the biggest leap forward in web design since Responsive Web Design itself