With Mike Costanzo
A look at Rangle.io’s project process. The goal is to guide your clients to experiences that make them feel grounded and in control.
Design is more than how it looks
Fear is the mind-killer (and why they’re important to manage)
Fear and loathing on the project kickoff (why starting an agile project right, with clarity and alignment is important)
Lose them at the beginning, you’ve lost them for good (making stakeholders feel comfortable and in control by applying a repeatable framework)
The Clarity Canvas
Design is more than how it looks
Why design the stakeholder experience?
NOTE: Web design and app design are radically different
Most people don’t know what application designers do
The shift from websites to web apps is so subtle that most people don’t know the difference
Design is more than how it looks. It’s about how it works
We can design the ecosystems we use to make these work
"Designers make things look pretty"
"It was mostly our fault that people think of designers this way" - Mike Costanzo
Early on, design was all about translating and selling meaning to someone (a very advertising mentality)
- Early web and print design had a lot in common, but not a lot of interactivity just yet
Software is much more complex than print design
The classical ad agency model (e.g. packaging, print design, marketing design) struggles to effectively transition and design for the WWW
Selling your work
"In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create" - David Ogilvy
This need for business-driven design forces you to design WITH people (vs. designing FOR people):
You start partnering with them to demonstrate value
Generate empathy + attention to detail
The first experience you design is for the stakeholders
Fear is the Mind Killer
Agile transformations take time
Fear and anxiety are basic, primordial responses to our environment. Resistance is futile. so manage it!
Part of your job is to help them understand that agile transformations take time and incremental improvement (your stakeholders might be associating agile wth a broken process)
Fear = external danger; Anxiety = internal concern
The unknown and uncertain trigger anxiety
You can’t beat biology. Never underestimate the effects of fear and anxiety in decision-making
- Agile inspires this fear: Agile feels too different and too unstructured to even be trusted.
Fear and Loathing in the Project Kickoff
Clarity and alignment is important. Shared context is vital (because you’re moving so quickly in an agile project):
Quick communication channels and faster decision-making is an agile goal
Set clarity of vision
Alignment of goals
Starting from the same point (in space and time)
When you start with the same context, your divergences will not be too far off (POINT: Divergences will happen; you don’t want them to be too divergent/disparate)
Towards a better kickoff:
Start with a clear vision that is agreed upon. Get the right people in the room.
Align on goals so you know where you need what you need to achieve and how to get there becomes clearer
Starting with shared context and alignment will make the project run smoother and the team more effective.
The Clarity Canvas: A Repeatable Framework
Drop your ego
- Your ego won’t help you build a great stakeholder experience. It’ll just make life difficult for you.
Understand their perspective
- They’re the expert about their product, company, industry. This makes them a valuable partner to you.
Align on their outcomes
Build trust
You don’t want them to on command and control mode - it’s a self-preservation mechanism
Show them that you’re committed to the same outcomes as they are
Stakeholders aren’t approval machines. Build empathy for them, just as you would for end-users
Techniques at Rangle.io
The Clarity Canvas (blog.rangle.io/clarity-canvas)
Project Focus; Pre-Sales Assesment
Market Driven (P/M fit)
Usability Driven (Ease of Use)
Quality Driven (Accurate and Reliable)
Project Goals
- Outcomes you want to see in this project
Target Users/Key Stakeholders
- Whose goals and concerns do we need to address to make this project successful?
Usr Journey
Risks and Assumptions
Should be identified sooner than later
Riskier assumptions = faster derailing possibility
User Story Mapping (Product Planning)
Takes the User Journey and maps that over time
User Activities (Backbone)
User Tasks (Walking skeleton)
User Stories (slices as releases)
- These User Stories is the project management piece