- The official Tails documentation is less wrong than this repository.
- The official Tails documentation and usage with friendly GUIs instead
of kung-fu scripting is likely to be less complex than use this repository
- Do not blame Tails because this repository seems make things hard.
- Most warnings when using Tails that you will see are there for an reason
and are directed for their end users.
- You may not care because of your threat model or because you are just testing an OS to run on untrusted hardware, not-so-friendly internet or to deal with offline cryptographic operations
- Tails can run from crappy cheap USB sticks resonable fine compared to
most live Linux Distros
- As reference, the tests made by the initial author where made on a 4 USD dolar, 64GB USB stick (around 25MB/s read, 5-7MB/s write) from Aliexpress. (free shipping)
- Take this as reference (an consider that the initial author intentionally was doing stress tests and trying to break things) before blame Tails.
- Tails, if have to fail, is likely to in ways that actually protect
security and privacy
- User don't have option to create non-encrypted persistance. Tails itself may be singe 1.2GB file unencrypted, but near everyting else user create would be either on RAM or encrypted.
- Crappy cheap USB sticks can fail. But if they do, is likely to be on
writte operations but is more likely than not possible to recover
- If you is implementing custom software, consider running from RAM
and rsync back to disc from time to time. This not only will be
faster but make your USB lasts longer.
- Not all sofware use /tmp. For example
freeze sometimes if running not from RAM.
- Not all sofware use /tmp. For example
- If you is implementing custom software, consider running from RAM
and rsync back to disc from time to time. This not only will be
faster but make your USB lasts longer.