performance upgrades
- reduce number of sign. figures on q-values to 2.
- integrate data.table filtering from dplyr
- add in filtering by transcript + gene name
- check that png download is available everywhere.
- fix GO break at terms
New ANOVAs calculated, ontology + SE updated
- updated ANOVAs with log2-transformed expression values
- updated gene ontology classifications
- updated master list of gene ontology terms for selectize
- revised incorrect standard error calculations for QUAD, GAS, TA
- fixed filtering to show q-values for new tissues (needed to map tissue names to their codes in
- expr_2017-04-16.rds
- allOntologyTerms.rds
- global.R (to reference new files)
- filterExpr.R (to add in Q's for new tissues)
- calculation / prep files in /prep folder
bug fixes
- switched default view to be for Myod1
- revised default expression plot
- barplot --> dotplot
- added in SE
- colored expr by tissue type (cardiac, smooth, skeletal)
- add FPKM label to axis
- adjusted y-axis label font size
- fixed zoom in PCA, volcano plots
- fixed volcano plot, comparison plot errors from ggplot2 update