- Disabled M1 support for the Simulator in Xcode 13 (to make it build with Carthage)
- Minimum deployment target changed to 12.0.
- Disabled M1 support for the Simulator (to make it build with Carthage).
- Worked around a compiler bug under Xcode 12.5
- Swift version is changed to 5.
- Xcode versions lower than 10.2 are no longer supported.
- Fixed compiler deprecation warnings.
- Changed the name of the framework/module on MacOS to avoid conflicts in the Xcode new build system.
- Updated for Xcode 10.2
- Swift version was changed to 4.2
- Coders now support extra info.
- Removed old deprecations.
- Added initializer that takes an array of bytes.
- Added extra convenience methods.
- Removed unsafe methods (which were not used anyway).
- Specified Swift version in the podspec.
- Fixed compiler warnings.
- Added MacOS support.
- Added .swift-version
- Internal improvements.
- First version.