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Jenkins HA Cluster


This code creates a Kubernetes cluster with 2 worker nodes on AWS using Terraform.

Jenkis Master is deployed in the cluster and exposed using AWS LB.

Jenkins Agents are deployed from the master to run jobs using the Jenkins Kubernetes Plugins defined in the Dockerfile.

Docker image is built locally and hosted at folusomaine/jenkins-eks:1.2

Generic Setup



  • Clone the repo 😃
git clone
  • Run the commands to provision the EKS cluster from the work directory
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
  • Once the cluster is live, configure Kubetcl
aws eks --region $(terraform output -raw region) update-kubeconfig --name $(terraform output -raw cluster_name)
  • Apply jenkins deployment
kubectl apply -f jenkins-deployment.yaml
  • Generate a Self-signed Certificate using OpenSSL
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privateKey.key -out certificate.crt
  • Convert the private key and the public certificate into .pem encoded file
openssl rsa -in privateKey.key -text > private.pem
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in certificate.crt > public.pem
  • Configure AWS CLI

  • Upload the certicate via AWS IAM CLI (Ensure the file path is valid)

aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name jenkins-cert --certificate-body file://public.pem --private-key file://private.pem
# ARN of the certificate. <ARN>
  • Create the jenkins service
kubectl create -f jenkins-service.yaml
  • Obtain the jenkins url to access the jenkins master
kubectl get service

The jenkins cluster can be accessed via https://<EXTERNAL IP> address image

  • Configure jenkins agents


Add the Kubernetes service IP and jenkins URL


Configure the agents using the default jenkins slave docker images jenkinsci/jnlp-slave

Now we can run simultaneous builds that will provision multiple jenkins agents on multiple worker nodes.