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Migrating Applications

Ilya Fedotov edited this page Apr 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

Migrating Applications to FW/1

This section provides guidance on migrating applications to FW/1, primarily from non-framework code. This section will be expanded to cover similarities and differences between FW/1 and other frameworks as a set of hints and tips for migrating from other frameworks to FW/1.

Non-Framework Code

Here is small bit of code that was very helpful in adding FW/1 to a big Non-Framework application.
In Application.cfc we created small method isLegacy():

public any function isLegacy() {
  return getFullyQualifiedAction() == getSubsystem() & ':' & variables.framework.defaultSection & '.' & variables.framework.defaultItem;

In setupRequest we added following:
if ( isLegacy() ) {
include cgi.script_name;

Other Frameworks





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