Contributors: | |
Francesco Cassini | |
Lorenzo Leschiera | |
Matteo Ginesi | |
If pre-existent data are present, please reset dragino:
- Press toggle button while dragino is running for about 30 seconds.
Connect to dragino access point with any device (pc suggested).
Open on your browser at link: or via url: dragino-<same code of WiFi Access Point>
Login | |
user: | root |
pass: | dragino |
- Network > Internet Access
- Select WiFi connection
- Set WiFi password and SSID
- Set a page for ping test (like
- Save
- Network > Access Point
- Disable WiFi AP
- Save
- Unsaved changes
- Save & Apply
- Wait for about 2 minutes and reboot.
- Network > Internet Access
- Select WLAN connection
- Unsaved changes
- Save & Apply
- Wait for about 2 minutes and reboot.
- Open TheThingsNetwork and go to Gateways settings.
- Register a new Gateway with legacy packed forwarder
- Copy the address on the back of the dragino and add a number like between (00 00) and (FF FF).
- Add a description.
- Set Frequency Plan
- Register your gateway.
Open on your browser dragino IP (based on your network).
- Sensor > LoraWAN
- Server address: (example)
- Save & Apply
- Sensor > IOT Server
- IoT Server: LoRaWAN
- Save & Apply
All the comunication system is based on LoRaWAN stack protocol managed by STM32 microcontroller board DISCO-L072CZ
, programmed by Mbed
( Firmware uses Mbed OS 5
to provide drivers and pre-built code for:
- LoRaWAN radio module: SX1276
- Analog Input/Output
- Digital GPIOs
- Debug and tracing
- RS232 over USB stack
Code is divided in two main blocks:
- System initialization:
- mbed-os configuration (LoRaWAN login):
In the main.cpp
file, there are all the functions/declarations needed to deploy the send data function.
The user has to change the ID
constant in the file, as a hexadecimal value of 16 bit (uint16_t
#define ID 0xAAFF
Sensor, for the board used in the project, is addressed on pin analog 1 (A1
). Change it in case of need. Pin A0
can't be used.
AnalogIn sensor(A1);
In the send_data()
function the user can set any kind of encoding of transmitted data, writing the correct message into the tx_buffer
and settings the correct dimension value of it, into packet_len
static void send_message()
uint16_t packet_len;
int16_t retcode;
Reading sensor data (unsigned int 16 bit)
Writing ID and sensor data into transmission buffer
Sending data to Gateway by LoRaWAN stack
uint16_t data = sensor.read_u16();
packet_len = sprintf(
(char *) tx_buffer, "%4X%u", ID, data);
printf("\r\ndata sent: %s\r\n", tx_buffer);
In the mbed_app.json
file, each user NEED TO CONFIGURE their own TheTingsNetwork credential to their proper application.
This code works only for
protocol. TheOOTA
way isn't verificated yet. For all information about TheTingsNetwork procedures, please refer to
In order to change radio module, set the proper value in:
"config": {
"lora-radio": {
"help": "Which radio to use (options: SX1272,SX1276)",
"value": "SX1276"
For TheThingsNetwork credentials, change:
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"lora.appskey": "{C-STYLE HEX App Session Key}",
"lora.nwkskey": "{C-STYLE HEX Network Session Key}",
"lora.device-address": "0x<HEX DATA OF device address>"