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❄️ My Personal Neovim Setup ❄️

My Nix-based Neovim configuration. For when you have an unhealthy obsession for declarativity and configurability.



Option 1: Clone and run

git clone
nix run .#

Option 2: Run directly

nix run github:fred-drake/neovim#


The default configuration performs editing without settings for any particular language or technology. The following configurations allow for CMP, LSP, Tree-Sitter and DAP in their respective language or technology stack:

  • Rust nix run github:fred-drake/neovim#rust
  • C# nix run github:fred-drake/neovim#csharp
  • Go nix run github:fred-drake/neovim#golang
  • Python nix run github:fred-drake/neovim#python
  • Javascript nix run github:fred-drake/neovim#javascript
  • Infrastructure as Code nix run github:fred-drake/neovim#iac

Install Multiple Configurations

You can have multiple neovim configurations (nvim, nvim-rust, nvim-golang, etc). Take a look at my system configuration flake to see how I do this, but here's the gist:

Create a function that creates neovim links with unique configuration names:

mkNeovimPackages = pkgs: neovimPkgs: let
    mkNeovimAlias = name: pkg:
    pkgs.runCommand "neovim-${name}" {} ''
        mkdir -p $out/bin
        ln -s ${pkg}/bin/nvim $out/bin/nvim-${name}

And add it to your home-manager imports:

({pkgs, ...}: {
    home.packages =
    (builtins.attrValues (mkNeovimPackages pkgs inputs.neovim.packages.${pkgs.system}))
    ++ [inputs.neovim.packages.${pkgs.system}.default];

Technology Support

Technology Formatter Language Server Debugger Nix Configuration
Nix alejandra nil_ls, nixd default
Just just default
SQL sqlformat default
Lua stylua default
YAML yamlfmt yamllint, yamlls default
CSS prettier default
HTML prettier default
Javascript prettier javascript
Typescript prettier javascript
JSON prettier jsonls default
Markdown prettier marksman default
Ruby rubyfmt default
Terraform tofu_fmt default
TOML taplo taplo default
C# csharpier csharp-ls netcoredbg csharp
Go golines gopls delve golang
Python black, isort flake8, jedi, pylint, rope, mccabe dap-python python
Rust rustfmt clippy lldb rust
Node prettier tsserver vscode-js-debug javascript
Ansible yamlfmt ansiblels iac
Terraform tofu_fmt terraformls iac
Nginx nginx-language-server iac
Helm helm-ls iac
Dockerfile dockerls iac