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User module


The user module allows to ensure presence, absence, disablement, unlocking and undeletion of users.

The user module is as compatible as possible to the Ansible upstream ipa_user module, but additionally offers to preserve delete, enable, disable, unlock and undelete users.


  • User management

Supported FreeIPA Versions

FreeIPA versions 4.4.0 and up are supported by the ipauser module.



  • Ansible version: 2.14+


  • Supported FreeIPA version (see above)


Example inventory file


Example playbook to ensure a user is present:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Ensure user pinky is present
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky
      first: pinky
      last: Acme
      uid: 10001
      gid: 100
      gecos: "The Pinky"
      phone: "+555123457"
      passwordexpiration: "2023-01-19 23:59:59"
      password: "no-brain"
      update_password: on_create

  # Ensure user brain is present
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: brain
      first: brain
      last: Acme

update_password controls if a password for a user will be set in present state only on creation or every time (always).

These two ipauser module calls can be combined into one with the users variable:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Ensure users pinky and brain are present
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      - name: pinky
        first: pinky
        last: Acme
        uid: 10001
        gid: 100
        phone: "+555123457"
        passwordexpiration: "2023-01-19 23:59:59"
        password: "no-brain"
      - name: brain
        first: brain
        last: Acme
      update_password: on_create

You can also alternatively use a json file containing the users, here users_present.json:

  "users": [
      "name": "user1",
      "first": "First 1",
      "last": "Last 1"
      "name": "user2",
      "first": "First 2",
      "last": "Last 2"

And ensure the presence of the users with this example playbook:

- name: Tests
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true
  gather_facts: false

  - name: Include users_present.json
      file: users_present.json

  - name: Users present
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      users: "{{ users }}"

Ensure user pinky is present with a generated random password and print the random password:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Ensure user pinky is present with a random password
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: brain
      first: brain
      last: Acme
      random: yes
    register: ipauser

  - name: Print generated random password
      var: ipauser.user.randompassword

Ensure users pinky and brain are present with a generated random password and print the random passwords:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Ensure users pinky and brain are present with random password
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      - name: pinky
        first: pinky
        last: Acme
        uid: 10001
        gid: 100
        phone: "+555123457"
        passwordexpiration: "2023-01-19 23:59:59"
        password: "no-brain"
      - name: brain
        first: brain
        last: Acme
    register: ipauser

  - name: Print generated random password of pinky
      var: ipauser.user.pinky.randompassword

  - name: Print generated random password of brain
      var: ipauser.user.brain.randompassword

Example playbook to delete a user, but preserve it:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Remove but preserve user pinky
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky
      preserve: yes
      state: absent

This can also be done with the users variable containing only names, this can be combined into one module call:

Example playbook to delete a user, but preserve it using the users variable:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Remove but preserve user pinky
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      - name: pinky
      preserve: yes
      state: absent

This can also be done as an alternative with the users variable containing only names.

Example playbook to undelete a preserved user.

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Undelete preserved user pinky
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky
      state: undeleted

This can also be done as an alternative with the users variable containing only names.

Example playbook to disable a user:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Disable user pinky
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky
      state: disabled

This can also be done as an alternative with the users variable containing only names.

Example playbook to enable users:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Enable user pinky and brain
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky,brain
      state: enabled

This can also be done as an alternative with the users variable containing only names.

Example playbook to rename users:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Rename user pinky to reddy
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky
      rename: reddy
      state: renamed

Example playbook to unlock users:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Unlock user pinky and brain
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky,brain
      state: unlocked

Example playbook to ensure users are absent:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Ensure users pinky and brain are absent
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: pinky,brain
      state: absent

This can also be done as an alternative with the users variable containing only names.

Example playbook to ensure users are absent:

- name: Playbook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  # Ensure users pinky and brain are absent
  - ipauser:
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      - name: pinky
      - name: brain
      state: absent

When using FreeIPA 4.8.0+, SMB logon script, profile, home directory and home drive can be set for users.

In the example playbook to set SMB attributes note that smb_profile_path and smb_home_dir use paths in UNC format, which includes backslashes ('\). If the paths are quoted, the backslash needs to be escaped becoming "\\", so the path \server\dirbecomes"\\server\dir"`. If the paths are unquoted the slashes do not have to be escaped.

The YAML specification states that a colon (':') is a key separator and a dash ('-') is an item marker, only with a space after them, so using both unquoted as part of a path should not be a problem. If a space is needed after a colon or a dash, then a quoted string must be used as in "user - home". For the smb_home_drive attribute is is recomended that a quoted string is used, to improve readability.

Example playbook to set SMB attributes:

- name: Plabook to handle users
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: false

  - name: Ensure user 'smbuser' is present with smb attributes
      ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
      name: smbuser
      first: SMB
      last: User
      smb_logon_script: N:\logonscripts\startup
      smb_profile_path: \\server\profiles\some_profile
      smb_home_dir: \\users\home\smbuser
      smb_home_drive: "U:"


General Variables:

Variable Description Required
ipaadmin_principal The admin principal is a string and defaults to admin no
ipaadmin_password The admin password is a string and is required if there is no admin ticket available on the node no
ipaapi_context The context in which the module will execute. Executing in a server context is preferred. If not provided context will be determined by the execution environment. Valid values are server and client. no
ipaapi_ldap_cache Use LDAP cache for IPA connection. The bool setting defaults to yes. (bool) no
name The list of user name strings. name with user variables or users containing user variables need to be used. no
User variables Only used with name variable in the first level. no
users The list of user dicts. Each users dict entry can contain user variables.
There is one required option in the users dict:
  name - The user name string of the entry. yes
  User variables no
preserve Delete a user, keeping the entry available for future use. (bool) no
update_password Set password for a user in present state only on creation or always. It can be one of always or on_create and defaults to always. no
preserve Delete a user, keeping the entry available for future use. (bool) no
action Work on user or member level. It can be on of member or user and defaults to user. no
state The state to ensure. It can be one of present, absent, enabled, disabled, renamed, unlocked or undeleted, default: present. Only names or users with only name set are allowed if state is not present. yes

User Variables:

Variable Description Required
first | givenname The first name string. Required if user does not exist. no
last | sn The last name string. Required if user does not exist. no
fullname | cn The full name string. no
displayname The display name string. no
homedir The home directory string. no
shell | loginshell The login shell string. no
email List of email address strings. no
principal | principalnam | krbprincipalname The kerberos principal sptring. no
principalexpiration | krbprincipalexpiration The kerberos principal expiration date. Possible formats: YYYYMMddHHmmssZ, YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mmZ, YYYY-MM-ddZ, YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ or YYYY-MM-dd HH:mmZ. The trailing 'Z' can be skipped. no
passwordexpiration | krbpasswordexpiration The kerberos password expiration date. Possible formats: YYYYMMddHHmmssZ, YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mmZ, YYYY-MM-ddZ, YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ or YYYY-MM-dd HH:mmZ. The trailing 'Z' can be skipped. Only usable with IPA versions 4.7 and up. no
password The user password string. no
random Generate a random user password no
uid | uidnumber User ID Number (system will assign one if not provided). no
gid | gidnumber Group ID Number. no
gecos GECOS no
street Street address no
city City no
userstate | st State/Province no
postalcode | zip Postalcode/ZIP no
phone | telephonenumber List of telephone number strings, no
mobile List of mobile telephone number strings. no
pager List of pager number strings. no
fax | facsimiletelephonenumber List of fax number strings. no
orgunit The Organisation unit. no
title The job title string. no
manager List of manager user names. no
carlicense List of car licenses. no
sshpubkey | ipasshpubkey List of SSH public keys. no
userauthtype | ipauserauthtype List of supported user authentication types. Choices: password, radius, otp, pkinit, hardened, idp and "". An additional check ensures that only types can be used that are supported by the IPA version. Use empty string to reset userauthtype to the initial value. no
userclass User category. (semantics placed on this attribute are for local interpretation). no
radius RADIUS proxy configuration no
radiususer RADIUS proxy username no
departmentnumber Department Number no
employeenumber Employee Number no
employeetype Employee Type no
preferredlanguage Preferred Language no
idp | ipaidpconfiglink External IdP configuration no
idp_user_id | ipaidpsub A string that identifies the user at external IdP no
certificate List of base-64 encoded user certificates. no
certmapdata List of certificate mappings. Either data or certificate or issuer together with subject need to be specified. Only usable with IPA versions 4.5 and up.
  certificate - Base-64 encoded user certificate, not usable with other certmapdata options. no
  issuer - Issuer of the certificate, only usable together with usbject option. no
  subject - Subject of the certificate, only usable together with issuer option. no
  data - Certmap data, not usable with other certmapdata options. no
noprivate Do not create user private group. (bool) no
smb_logon_script | ipantlogonscript SMB logon script path. Requires FreeIPA version 4.8.0+. no
smb_profile_path: | ipantprofilepath SMB profile path, in UNC format. Requires FreeIPA version 4.8.0+. no
smb_home_dir | ipanthomedirectory SMB Home Directory, in UNC format. Requires FreeIPA version 4.8.0+. no
smb_home_drive | ipanthomedirectorydrive SMB Home Directory Drive, a single upercase letter (A-Z) followed by a colon (:), for example "U:". Requires FreeIPA version 4.8.0+. no
rename | new_name Rename the user object to the new name string. Only usable with state: renamed. no
nomembers Suppress processing of membership attributes. (bool) no

Return Values

There are only return values if one or more random passwords have been generated.

Variable Description Returned When
user User dict with random password. (dict)
If random is yes and user did not exist or update_password is yes
  randompassword - The generated random password If only one user is handled by the module without using the users parameter.
  name - The user name of the user that got a new random password. (dict)
  randompassword - The generated random password
If several users are handled by the module with the users parameter.


  • Thomas Woerner
  • Rafael Jeffman