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Conditional Glow for HI Map Generation

This work was completed as part of the Flatiron Institute 2022 MLxScience Summer School

This repository contains the implementation of a conditional Glow (cGlow) used in order to model neutral hydrogen (HI) maps. The implementation itself relies quite heavily on the code from

The data used to fit the model in this project were maps from the CAMELS simulation project, which simulates galaxy formation through the use of 6 parameters: 2 cosmological and 4 astrophysical. For this work, we were interested in learning a generative model for these HI maps conditional on the two cosmological parameters, called $\Omega_m$ and $\sigma_8$.

While primarily focused on HI maps, the code in this repository can be used for any task where a cGlow model, conditioned on few parameters, is needed.

cGlow Construction

The goal in this work was double: to be able to generate new HI maps and to have the capability of parameter inference, together in the same model. Normalizing flows, such as Glow, are perfect for this task as they allow for generation as well as exact likelihood estimation.

Glow Architecture

The standard Glow architecture can be summarized by the following schematic:

Glow architecture

Where, for all $i$, the prior of the latent variables is defined as $y_i\sim\mathcal{N}\left(0,I\right)$.

Glow is mainly constructed by 3 types of layers:

  • Actnorm: a channel-wise affine transformation
  • Invertible convolutions: the core of Glow is the addition of invertible convolutions with 1x1 spatial resolution kernels. These layers mix the information in the channel dimension, while also allowing some scaling
  • Affine coupling: the affine coupling layer is the main workhorse of the model. In Glow, the affine coupling is a neural network that uses half of the channels in order to define an affine transformation over the remaining channels

These layers are then stacked into a flow step (as seen in the image above, left) and these flow steps are then stacked $K$ times in each flow block. To make training easier, Glow uses a multiscale approach - after each flow block, the output is split in two (through the channel dimension). One half goes to a new flow block, and the other to a level-specific prior.

As defined, the 3 layers are invertible, which allows for training of the model using standard MLE through the use of the change of variable identity. Let $p_y(y)=\mathcal{N}\left(0, I\right)$ and $x=f^{-1}_\theta(y)$ where the function $f_\theta(\cdot)$ is invertible. Then, given a dataset of $x$ s, the MLE is:

$$p_x(x)=p_y\left(f_\theta(x)\right)\cdot |\text{det}\frac{\partial f_\theta(x)}{\partial x}|\longrightarrow \hat{\theta}=\arg \min_\theta \{-\log p_x(x)\}$$

Making Glow Conditional

Given a set of parameters $z$, we can make a normalizing flow model conditional by changing the transformation function $f_\theta(\cdot)$:

$$p_x(x|z)=p_y\left(f_\theta(x,z)\right)\cdot |\text{det}\frac{\partial f_\theta(x,z)}{\partial x}|$$

In practice, the way to do this is by changing the layers inside Glow so that they receive $z$ as an input as well. Our approach was similar to that of SRFlow, with a few modifications. By changing the actnorm layer and the affine coupling layers into conditional versions, we allow for conditional information to enter the normalizing flow, as seen below:


Essentially, a learnable affine transformation is learned with $z$ as it's input instead of actorm, and in affine coupling the learned function receives $z$ as an additional input. Changing the architecture in this way makes it possible to learn a parameterized function of the conditional variables.

HIGlow Model

HIGlow is a conditional Glow model trained on the CAMELS simulation data. Below are examples for generated samples conditional on the cosmological parameters defined in the data:

Conditional samples using HIGlow

As can be seen, HIGlow is able to generate maps that are very similar to the real data from the CAMELS simulation, even when conditioning on specific parameter values.

Model Evaluation

To quantify this more explicitly, we can look at the mean power spectrum and its standard deviation using generated data versus training data:


On the left, images from the marginal $p_x(x)$ were generated and compared to the training images and HIFlow (another method using normalizing flows for the same purpose). HIGlow does a good job of accurately capturing the mean statistics of the original HI maps. On the right, images were generated from the conditional $p_x(x|z)$ and compared to the training images. Here, again, HIGlow follows the statistics of the CAMELS data.

Parameter Inference

When the distribution of the true conditional parameters $z$ is known, it can be used in order to infer the parameters given a new data sample using Bayes' law:

$$p_x(z|x)=\frac{p_x(x|z)p(z)}{\intop p_x(x|z)p(z)dz}\approx\frac{p_x(x|z_i)p(z_i)}{\sum_ip_x(x|z_i)p(z_i)}$$

where $z_i\sim p(z)$ are samples from the distribution of parameters.

For HIGlow, $p(z)$ is a uniform distribution, which further simplifies the inference process:

Parameter inference

Above, the red cross indicates the true parameter value while the contour lines indicate the distribution $p_x(z|x)$ learned by HIGlow. In all cases, the true parameter value are close to the mode of the posterior distribution.


  title={Glow: Generative flow with invertible 1x1 convolutions},
  author={Kingma, Durk P and Dhariwal, Prafulla},
  journal={Advances in neural information processing systems},
  title={Srflow: Learning the super-resolution space with normalizing flow},
  author={Lugmayr, Andreas and Danelljan, Martin and Gool, Luc Van and Timofte, Radu},
  booktitle={European conference on computer vision},
  title={The CAMELS Project: Cosmology and Astrophysics with Machine-learning Simulations},
  author={Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco and Angl{\'e}s-Alc{\'a}zar, Daniel and Genel, Shy and Spergel, David N and Somerville, Rachel S and Dave, Romeel and Pillepich, Annalisa and Hernquist, Lars and Nelson, Dylan and Torrey, Paul and others},
  journal={The Astrophysical Journal},
  publisher={IOP Publishing}
  title={HIFlow: Generating Diverse HI Maps Conditioned on Cosmology using Normalizing Flow},
  author={Hassan, Sultan and Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco and Wandelt, Benjamin and Spergel, David N and Angl{\'e}s-Alc{\'a}zar, Daniel and Genel, Shy and Cranmer, Miles and Bryan, Greg L and Dav{\'e}, Romeel and Somerville, Rachel S and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02983},