The convert operator can be used to convert values from one type to another. Values can be converted to and from the following types: bool
, date
, int
, real
, or string
. If the value to be converted is an array, each element in the list will be converted to the desired type. If the array has only a single value, the property will be set to the single converted value. For example, price: ['24.99']
would become price: 24.99
if the desired conversion is to a real
Convert is most useful when paired with FS.event
for cart and checkout events where the data layer property is a string and the value should ideally be numeric.
Options with an asterisk are required. Note that enumerate
can be used by itself or with properties
Option | Type | Default | Description |
enumerate * |
boolean |
false |
Automatically converts all string values into their numeric equivalent. |
ignore |
string or string[] |
undefined |
Can be paired with enumerate option to ignore one or more properties when performing the enumerate . |
ignoreSuffixed |
boolean |
true |
Can be paired with enumerate option to ignore any properties with known type suffixes when performing the enumerate |
force |
boolean |
false |
If the property is undefined or has value null , forcibly add the property with value 0 , 0.0 ,false or empty string. |
index |
number |
0 |
Position of the object to convert in the operator input list. |
preserveArray |
boolean |
false |
If the conversion value is a list, keep the array type even if the array has a single value. |
properties * |
string or string[] |
undefined |
List of properties to convert. |
type * |
string |
undefined |
The desired type to convert properties to. |
Tip: Set the
option to the string*
to convert all properties in an object to a desired type.
source: 'digitalData.cart.price',
operators: [
{ name: 'convert', properties: 'basePrice,taxRate,shipping,priceWithTax,cartTotal', type: 'real' },
{ name: 'insert', value: 'Product Viewed' },
destination: 'FS.event'
basePrice: '15.55',
voucherCode: '',
voucherDiscount: 0,
currency: 'USD',
taxRate: '0.09',
shipping: '5.0',
shippingMethod: 'UPS-Ground',
priceWithTax: '16.95',
cartTotal: '21.95',
'Product Viewed',
basePrice: 15.55,
voucherCode: '',
voucherDiscount: 0,
currency: 'USD',
taxRate: 0.09,
shipping: 5.0,
shippingMethod: 'UPS-Ground',
priceWithTax: 16.95,
cartTotal: 21.95,
source: 'digitalData.cart.price[(available,basePrice,cartTotal,priceWithTax)]',
operators: [
{ name: 'convert', enumerate: true },
{ name: 'insert', value: 'Product Viewed' },
destination: 'FS.event'
available: 'false',
basePrice: '15.55',
priceWithTax: '16.95',
cartTotal: '21.95',
'Product Viewed',
available: 'false',
basePrice: 15.55,
priceWithTax: 16.95,
cartTotal: 21.95,
source: 'digitalData.cart.price[(userId, available,basePrice,cartTotal,priceWithTax)]',
operators: [
{ name: 'convert', enumerate: true, ignore: 'userId' },
{ name: 'insert', value: 'Product Viewed' },
destination: 'FS.event'
userId: '300456',
available: 'false',
basePrice: '15.55',
priceWithTax: '16.95',
cartTotal: '21.95',
'Product Viewed',
userId: '300456',
available: 'false',
basePrice: 15.55,
priceWithTax: 16.95,
cartTotal: 21.95,
(ignoreSuffixed defaults to true)
source: 'digitalData.cart.price[(userId, available,basePrice,cartTotal,priceWithTax)]',
operators: [
{ name: 'convert', enumerate: true },
{ name: 'rename', properties: { userId: 'userId_str' } },
{ name: 'insert', value: 'Product Viewed' },
destination: 'FS.event'
userId: '300456',
available: 'false',
basePrice: '15.55',
priceWithTax: '16.95',
cartTotal: '21.95',
'Product Viewed',
userId_str: '300456',
available: 'false',
basePrice: 15.55,
priceWithTax: 16.95,
cartTotal: 21.95,
source: 'digitalData.cart.price[(basePrice,cartTotal,priceWithTax,available)]',
operators: [
{ name: 'convert', enumerate: true, properties: 'available', type: 'bool' },
{ name: 'insert', value: 'Product Viewed' },
destination: 'FS.event'
available: 'false',
basePrice: '15.55',
priceWithTax: '16.95',
cartTotal: '21.95',
'Product Viewed',
available: false,
basePrice: 15.55,
priceWithTax: 16.95,
cartTotal: 21.95,