Please select these options when asked: Disk layout: ext4 Audio: pulseaudio Profile: minimal Network configuration: Copy ISO configuration
sudo pacman -S bspwm sxhkd lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter picom feh dunst bat exa rofi starship polybar neovim git
The app launcher colors are in the colors.rasi file, located at:
The app launcher settings are in the appmu.rasi file, located at:
These variables are in the picom.conf file, located at:
.config/picom/ There is also a shortcut for opacity change, setup in sxhkd: Super + I or O. You can also add a bunch of parameters if you want, look up the picom doc.
The app launcher settings are in the appmu.rasi file, located at:
The shortcuts are in the sxhkdrc file, located at:
You can modify or setup your own aliases in the .bashrc file, located at:
/home/USERNAME/ You will need to use the -a attribute to make ti show up, as it's a hidden file.
These icons are the work of starship. You will need to modify the starship.toml file, located at:
These parameters are set in the .Xresources file, located at:
/home/USERNAME/ You will need to use the -a attribute to make ti show up, as it's a hidden file.
These parameters are set in the config.ini file, located at:
It's in the borders file, located at: