- build in click functionality on each movie list item
- consider moving these into a separate child component
- router and link to add movie page (or use history)
- add movie page component with form (can be empty for now)
- '/details' component, route and link
- get movie details with genres, store in redux (helllo, sagas) and display to dom.
- dispatch to saga, pass in payload for movie Id
- saga function for movies table details req
- saga function for genre table req
- reducer for selected movie in index
- movieRouter GET description query
- genre router GET genre query
- render to dom
- useHistory with button to home page
- fill out AddMovie selector (MUI?)
- cancel button (useHistory to '/')
- save button (POST to server)
- navigate to add movie from home page
- 2 inputs (title, poster),
- textarea (descrip),
- get genres into dropdown
- saga get genres
- build out genre router with DB query
- map results into select element
- build in functionality onSelect for dropdown
- handle Save function
- implement MUI cards for posters
- mui grids
- many code comments
- update README (include pics, maybe a gifs)
- details stay on page refresh
- Edit component, router, link or button
- input and textarea for accepting title, descrip changes
- cancel and save buttons
- put route (does this need to go into redux for any reason?), redirect to Details on success
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