All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Possibility of using updated sources for baseline non-CO2 emissions calculation, controlled by
- Add
script that allows to print data from gdx files or mif files for all coupled runs [#1977, #1990]
- new input data rev7.21 including new MAgPIE data [#1956]
- new input data rev7.24 including IEA update [#1992]
- add CES parameters for SSP3 with imperfect capital markets [#1995]
- scripts for MAgPIE coupled runs, if the coupled config contains a
column, it needs apath_gdx_refpolicycost
column as well. [#1940] core merge cm_GDPscen and cm_POPscen into cm_GDPpopScen [#1973]
- 37_industry removed superseded realization fixed_shares [#1941]
- 37_industry fix and restructure chemical feedstock balancing to account for all negative emissions from stored non-fossil carbon [#1829]
- new input data rev6.84 [#1757]
- new input data rev6.95 in US$2017 [#1812]
- new input data rev7.13 including new MAgPIE emulators [#1886]
- CES parameter and gdx files calibrated with new default diffLin2Lin for NPi [#1747] and [#1757]
- Update of NDC goals with cutoff data August 31, 2024 [#1816]
- Prepare to make input data available for externals. Do not stop on missing validation data. [1828]
- shift base unit from US$2005 to US$2017 [#1812]
- plastic waste by default does not lag plastics production by ten years
anymore; can be re-activated using
- moved to edgeTransport 2.0 version [#1749]
- scripts in readCheckScenarioConfig(), do not automatically remove path_gdx_bau if allegedly 'not needed' [#1809]
- scripts adjust MAgPIE coupling to US$2005 -> 2017 shift [#1851]
- core changed adjustment cost of geohe (central heat pumps), elh2 (electrolysis), MeOH (FT-Synthesis: H2-to-Liquids) and h22ch4 (methanation: H2-to-Gas) to better reflect upscaling dynamics [#1823]
- core increase electrolysis CAPEX and slightly adjust default setting for electrolysis taxation and flexibility benefit, add near-term bounds for electrolysis and synthetic fuel deployment [#1882]
- core update co2 capture rates and cost of biomass liquids and gas and some other X-to-Liq/Gas technologies to be internally consistent [#1881]
- config add ScenarioMIP config [#1894] and [#1920]
- 32_power increase minimum required dispatchable back-up capacity for VRE integration [#1789]
- 33_CDR added ocean alkalinity enhancement to the CDR portfolio (OAE is turned off by default) [#1777]
- 45_carbonprice added realization functionalForm [#1874] and [#1723]
- 45_carbonprice added realizations NPi2025, NPi2025expo and NPiexpo [#1851] and [#1888]
- 50_damages, 51_internalizeDamages add KotzWenz realization based on Kotz & Wenz (2024) [#1601]
- config add ELEVATE2p3 config [#1851]
- scripts define defaults for script selections in output.R [#1739]
- scripts fail transparently on duplicated column names in
files [#1742] - scripts checkProjectSummations now also checks whether global intensive variables (prices) lie between regional min/max [#1773]
- scripts add support for EDGE-Transport standalone results to cs2 [#1780]
- scripts add option to use raw land-use change emissions variable in coupled runs [#1796]
- testthat fail if manipulating main.gms with default cfg drops/changes switches and comments [#1764] and [#1767]
- scripts integrate automated scenario validation via piamValidation as output script [#1790]
- scripts add interactive plotting script 'selectPlots' [#1815]
- scripts in readCheckScenarioConfig() while running tests, check if all scenarios stated in path_gdx* columns exist [#1818]
- scripts fail transparently if cm_startyear is earlier than that of path_gdx_ref [#1851]
- testthat ignore missing historical.mif in tests because it is an optional input file [#1857]
- scripts Add scripts for preparing a release [#1871]
- 30_biomass reset 1st gen. biofuel bound from 2045 to 2030 [#1890]
- 37_industry included CCS from plastic waste incineration in CCS mass flows so it is subject to injection constraints (but did not add CCS costs, see
- MAGICC7 fix climate data for time before cm_startyear on reference run [#1744]
- scripts fix tax convergence reporting in modelSummary [#1728]
- scripts cleanup non-existing realizations from settings_config.csv [#1718]
- scripts REMIND-MAgPIE start scripts now correctly use all non-gms cfg switches [#1768]
- scripts limit slurm runtime of output.R scripts to 2 hours [#1783]
- 45_carbonprice removed superseded realizations linear, exponential and diffCurvPhaseIn2Lin [#1858]
- fix output generation [#1715]
- new input data (6.77) including new GDP and population data [#83] [#1684]
- 37_industry remove subsector-specific shares of SE origins in FE carriers for performance reasons [#1659]
- 37_industry make process-based steel production model the default over the ces-based model [#1663]
- 37_industry fixed incineration of plastic and non-plastic waste causing non-zero emissions for biomass and synfuels [#1682]
- core another change of preference parameters and associated computation of interest rates/mark ups [#1663]
- scripts do not check anymore that MAgPIE uses renv [1646]
- scripts adjust function calls after moving functionality from
[#578] topiamPlotComparison
[#1661] - scripts enhance output script
to include additional plot formats [#1671]
- 24_trade add optinal trade scenario for EUR hydrogen and e-liquids imports [#1666]
- 37_industry changed industry to have subsector-specific shares of SE origins in FE carriers [#1620]
- config regex tests for many parameters [#1356]
- 21_tax add SE tax on electricity going into electrolysis for hydrogen production
- 32_power extend and reparameterize flexibility tax implementation for electrolysis for hydrogen production
- 37_industry add feedstocks for chemicals subsector and plastics production
- 37_industry add process-based steel model as alternative to CES-tree branch
- 47_regipol add support for delaying quantity targets and improving regional emission tax convergence
- core add process emissions from chemicals subsector and from plastics incineration
- core change of preference parameters and associated computation of interest rates/mark ups
- scripts add script to check fixing of runs to reference run [#1410]
- scripts add script for cost decomposition of integrated damage runs [#1445]
- scripts add script to automatically check project summations from piamInterfaces [#1587]
- scripts add MAGICCv7.5.3 with AR6 settings as output script, add compareScenarios2 option [#1475], [#1615]
- scripts add 'make test-fix' which runs codeCheck in interactive mode, adjusting not_used.txt files [#1625]
- testthat test and compile all config files [#1356]
- testthat test existence of all required input data [#1577]
- 80_optimization For Nash mode: after infeasibilities continue in debug mode before aborting [#1636]
- 26_agCosts 30_biomass fully fix landuse and MAGICC6 variables in delayed transition runs to reference run [#1565]
- 36_buildings prevent traditional biomass spillover to other sectors than buildings [#1519]
- 37_industry fixed weights of energy carriers in
[#1354] - core switch off MAgPIE emission abatement for 45/NPi realization [#1401]
- scripts let preempted and resumed runs start their subsequent runs [#1414]
- scripts '--test' mode for start.R and start_bundle_coupled.R does not write RData files anymore [#1500]
- reporting correctly report
Tech|*|Capital Costs|w/ Adj Costs
for t < cm_startyear [#1429, #1476]
- 35_transport remove outdated realization: complex [#1543]
- 36_buildings remove outdated realizations: services_putty, services_with_capital [#1509]
- 45_carbonprice remove outdated realizations: NDC2constant, NPi2018, diffPhaseIn2Constant, diffPhaseIn2Lin, diffPhaseInLin2LinFlex, diffPriceSameCost [#1480]
3.2.1 - 2023-07-13 (incomplete)
- documentation MAgPIE coupling, DIETER coupling, input changes
- config NGFS_v4, SHAPE
- scripts re-enable summation checks for IIASA submission
- inputs update of landuse emissions and costs using MAgPIE 4.6.8, mrcommons 1.32.0, input data rev6.543
- scripts MAgPIE coupling interface: replace old MAgPIE cost variable
- scripts MAgPIE coupling interface: remove filtering of negative LU emissions
- scripts
./start.R --gamscompile
now adjust sets and gets input data - core MAgPIE coupling: tolerate negative values for
and deactivate its MAC - 05_initialCap fix overwriting of investment cost changes from cm_inco0Factor switch
- core fix bug that emissions from gas use in transport were not accounted
- 45_carbonprice added realization
(National Policies Implemented) - 47_carbonpriceRegi now supports BECCS quantity targets
- MAgPIE coupling added
mode - MAgPIE coupling added renv support mode
- scripts removed .snapshot.Rprofile and snapshot support, renv now fully supersedes snapshots