Subscribers can use auto-ack or manual-ack. Auto-ack is the default for most clients and is sent by the library when the message callback returns. Manual ack provides more control. The subscription options provide flags to:
- Set manual acks to true
- Set the ack wait used by the server for messages to this subscription
The ack wait is the time the server will wait before resending a message.
sub, err := sc.Subscribe("foo",
func(m *stan.Msg) {
}, stan.SetManualAckMode(), stan.AckWait(aw))
Subscribers can set max in flight to rate limit incoming messages. The server will send at most “max in flight” messages before receiving an acknowledgement. Setting max in flight to 1 insures every message is processed in order.
sc.Subscribe("foo", func(m *stan.Msg) {...},