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You can use this class for parsing and formatting Guid values.
Let's see an example using Dynamics 365 API:
using System;
string apiRoot = "/api/data/v9.0/";
string entitySetName = "incidents";
var entityId = Guid.NewGuid();
// The example API endpoint:
// /api/data/v9.0/incidents(incidentid)
// Instead of manually enclosing the Guid value in parentheses
// we can specify that format for parsing and formatting methods.
using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Bcl.Constants;
// Instead of
string formattedEntityId = entityId.ToString("P");
// you can write
string formattedEntityId = entityId.ToString(GuidFormats.Parenthesis);
string entityUrlReference = $"{apiRoot}{entitySetName}{formattedEntityId}";
using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Bcl.Constants;
// Instead of
Guid entityId = Guid.ParseExact(formattedEntityId, "P");
// you can write
Guid entityId = Guid.ParseExact(formattedEntityId, GuidFormats.Parenthesis);
using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Bcl.Constants;
// Instead of
if (Guid.TryParseExact(formattedEntityId, "P", out Guid entityId))
// you can write
if (Guid.TryParseExact(formattedEntityId, GuidFormats.Parenthesis, out Guid entityId)
using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Bcl.Constants;
string input = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(GuidFormats.Brace);
// e.g. {72802294-8a43-4ba9-a360-3498df3cb0c7}
string output = ChangeGuidFormat(input, GuidFormats.Brace, GuidFormats.Parenthesis);
// e.g. (72802294-8a43-4ba9-a360-3498df3cb0c7)
string ChangeGuidFormat(string input, string inputFormat, string outputFormat)
Guid.TryParseExact(input, inputFormat, out Guid value)
? value.ToString(outputFormat)
: throw new ArgumentException("Error parsing the Guid value.", nameof(input));